2U, Inc. (NASDAQ:TWOU) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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Matthew Norden: And Ryan, we’re fortunate. We have a group of lenders, it’s concentrated, number one. And number two, it consists of players that we’re very familiar with, and we’ve spoken to a number of times. So, this makes it all more convenient for us to get through this in a shorter timeframe. The one point that I would want to make to all of this, as we go through this now, the first quarter was all about developing that plan, making sure we have the right framework to have these discussions with our lenders. But none of this, absolutely none of this, has anything to do with operations, our focus on our partners and our students, and delivering the quality of education. Those are operational things. That’s what we do every day.

That’s what we do well. It has nothing to do with the balance sheet. We’re trying to separate the two things, and Matt and the team are going to lead, be the tip of the spear as we fix the balance sheet. But operationally, we’re very proud of where we are and the commitment of our employee base to serve students and make them the highest priority for us.

Ryan MacDonald: Excellent. I appreciate the color. Thanks.

End of Q&A:

Operator: [Operator Instructions] That concludes our Q&A session. Thank you for your participation. This concludes today’s conference call. You may now disconnect.

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