Even though there are 28 countries that recognize the Armenian genocide, there are still some countries that don’t recognize the death of millions of Armenians as a genocide. However, over the past few decades, many countries started recognizing the genocide such as the ones in our list of 28 countries that recognize the Armenian genocide.
Growing up in Brazil, a country that only recently recognized the Armenian genocide, most of my friends in High School were Armenia’s descendants from a very close-knit community with very strong social, religious and cultural ties. Their grandparents had immigrated to Brazil during the Armenian genocide, and they always talked about their suffering and the injustice committed against the Armenians. Sometimes I still see their posts on Facebook especially around April 24, when Armenians around the world commemorate the anniversary victims of the Armenian Genocide.

According to 1915 Genocide, the Armenian genocide is also known as the Armenian Holocaust and it was the Ottoman government’s systematic annihilation and extermination of 1.5 million Armenians, most of them, citizens of the Ottoman Empire and its inheritor, the Republic of Turkey.
The genocide began on April 24, 1915, when the Turkish government arrested and deported many Armenian intellectuals, who later lost their lives. In early 1915, 200,000 Armenian soldiers were disarmed, abused and later killed. Later women, old people, and children were gathered in town churches when they were burned alive.
The ordinary Armenians were also turned out of their homes and send to death march through the Syrian desert. They were naked, hungry and thirsty forced to march on the fiery sun until they die, and those who stop for rest were shot.
Recently, while watching the destruction of Aleppo by the Syrian government on TV, it reminded me of the Armenians who died in the beginning of the 20th century. “The city of Aleppo constituted a major hub for deportation routes during the Armenian Genocide. Convoys that survived the treacherous journey began to reach the area in May 1915″, and in 1923 the genocide finally ended.
It can be said that religion also played a huge role in this terrible genocide, but we can’t say it was the main reason. They wanted to make “Turkey for Turks” and even though the reason was ultra-nationalistic, they used religion as an excuse for it and to justify their actions. But Armenian was not the only race to suffer from genocide and here is a list of 11 Biggest Genocides in History.
Today, there a lot of famous celebrities from Armenia and the reality show stars, the Kardashians are among them. A while ago, a story popped up on the internet saying that their ancestors escaped from Armenia to America because a prophet warned them. A hundred years later, the Kardashians became one of the most influential families in America, and in 2015, they decided to visit Armenia for the first time for the hundredth anniversary of the Armenian genocide.
There are still a lot of countries that need to recognize this horrible mass killing of innocent people, but there also already 28 countries that recognize the Armenian genocide. So, using facts from Armenian-Genocide, we created this list sorted it out by the year a specific country recognized the Armenian genocide. There is a total of 28 countries which have recognized the mass killing of 1.5 million people more than 100 years ago.