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25 Worst States for Human Trafficking in America

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In this article, we will take a look at the 25 worst states for human trafficking in America.

Human trafficking involves the illicit act of relocating individuals from one country to another, typically with the intention of subjecting them to sexual exploitation. This crime is more prevalent than many might realize. Hidden beneath the surface of the prostitution industry and illegal massage parlors is the distressing reality that a significant number of women who appear to be working there are, in fact, being held against their will. Detecting instances of human trafficking can be challenging. Still, there is a growing trend in various industries, such as airlines and hotels, to train their staff to recognize and report such situations to authorities. Increasingly, flight attendants and hotel receptionists are playing a vital role in identifying and rescuing victims of human trafficking.

In 2018, the United States was ranked among the countries with one of the highest incidences of human trafficking globally. It can be noted that the country is one of the most common places of human trafficking in the world. According to a recently released report from the State Department, the top three nations of origin for victims of human trafficking in 2018 were the United States, Mexico, and the Philippines. An unsettling fact is that the United States stands as the world’s primary consumer of paid sex, making it a significant driver of demand for these services within society. The core of America’s human trafficking problem can be distilled to basic economic principles: supply and demand. A U.S. Department of Health and Human Services report indicates that over 300,000 young Americans are deemed vulnerable to sexual exploitation. Furthermore, it is estimated that within the United States, approximately 199,000 such incidents occur annually. While there is an increasing awareness and concern about human trafficking, significant gaps persist, leaving victims and survivors without the necessary support and resources to rebuild their lives after enduring such abuse. Progress has certainly been achieved in addressing this issue, but regrettably, many young individuals find themselves unable to break free from the control of their traffickers.

In Southeast Asia and various other regions, nontraditional security threats possess two distinct characteristics: they are both transnational and intricate in nature. The issue of human trafficking, often referred to as “modern slavery,” impacts approximately 40 million individuals, including men, women, and children, ensnared in a harrowing web of forced labor, sexual exploitation, and coerced marriages. Troubling patterns in human trafficking within East Asia and the Pacific have heightened the urgency of addressing this grave problem. An overwhelming 85% of victims originate from within the region, with China, Japan, Malaysia, and Thailand serving as destinations for individuals from neighboring countries. In Southeast Asia specifically, Thailand is the primary destination for trafficking victims from Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar, while Malaysia has been identified as a destination for victims from Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. Notably, women comprised 51% of victims in East Asia, and children accounted for nearly one-third of those affected by this issue. Women and children, hailing from remote and underprivileged communities, often find themselves victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse, and various other forms of coerced labor. The practice of forced marriages, particularly among young women and girls, is prevalent in the South East Asia. The surge in child trafficking within the region is closely tied to the alarming proliferation of online child pornography, which includes the distressing live streaming of children enduring sexual abuse. This illicit industry is shockingly lucrative, estimated to generate profits ranging from $3 billion to $20 billion annually. You can take a look at our 11 Countries With the Highest Rates of Human Trafficking in the World article, and see how the rankings have changed.


Our Methodology

In this article, we did not intend to identify who are the biggest human traffickers specifically, but we pinpointed the top 25 states with the most cases of human trafficking. To compile our list of the 25 worst states for human trafficking in America, we conducted comprehensive research, utilizing the latest available data on reported human trafficking cases in the United States in 2021. Our ranking was based on these reported cases, allowing us to identify the top 25 states with the highest prevalence of human trafficking.

25 Worst States For Human Trafficking In America

25. Kentucky

Number of Human Trafficking Cases: 115

Kentucky ranks 25th in our list of the worst states for human trafficking in America. In 2022, Kentucky witnessed a notable decrease in serious crime rates. Among the 23 categories classified as serious or violent crimes, the overall number of reported offenses decreased by almost 10% compared to the previous year, as detailed in the report from the Kentucky State Police. Additionally, arrests saw a 6.2% decline during the same period. There were no new criminal human trafficking cases filed in federal courts during 2021 in Kentucky. However, six defendants were successfully convicted. Among the active defendants, the majority, accounting for 91% or 10 individuals, faced charges related to sex trafficking, while the remaining 9% accounting for 1 individual, were charged with offenses related to forced labor.

24. Maryland

Number of Human Trafficking Cases: 118

Human trafficking is a dreadful crime that persists in Maryland, impacting all regions of the state. Maryland’s appeal to traffickers is driven by several factors, including the presence of three major airports, affordable bus transportation, East Coast train services, and significant sporting events. In Maryland, violent crimes make up 19% of the total crime cases, in contrast to the national average of 15%. Although Maryland ranks 25th in terms of its overall crime rate among all states, it stands at the 40th position for its violent crime rate. Specifically, the state’s violent crime rate of 454 incidents per 100,000 people surpasses the national rate of 379 per 100,000.

23. Indiana

Number of Human Trafficking Cases: 123

Indiana ranks 23rd in our list of the worst states for human trafficking in America. Indiana did not see any new criminal human trafficking cases filed in federal courts in 2021. However, there were two defendants who were convicted during the year. All of the active defendants, constituting 100% or 5 individuals, were charged with offenses related to sex trafficking, while none were charged with forced labor. It’s noteworthy that this represents a decrease from 2020 when three out of four convicted human trafficking defendants were ordered to pay restitution.

22. South Carolina

Number of Human Trafficking Cases: 124

South Carolina witnessed the filing of five new criminal human trafficking cases in federal court in the last months of 2021, resulting in the conviction of three defendants. Among the new defendants, the majority, comprising 81% or 13 individuals, faced charges related to sex trafficking, while the remaining 19% or 3 individuals were charged with offenses related to forced labor.

21. Louisiana

Number of Human Trafficking Cases: 126

Throughout 2020 and 2021, the reported trafficking prosecution figures for Louisiana appeared relatively low. However, as indicated by the Human Trafficking Institute, it’s important to recognize that the low numbers shouldn’t be misconstrued as an absence of trafficking activities. In Louisiana, the year 2021 saw the initiation of two new criminal human trafficking cases in federal courts, but there were no convictions. All of the new defendants, constituting 100%, were charged with offenses related to sex trafficking, with none facing charges related to forced labor.

20. Virginia

Number of Human Trafficking Cases: 140

Virginia ranks 20th in our list of the worst states for human trafficking in America. Human trafficking in Virginia encompasses the illicit trade of individuals for purposes such as reproductive slavery, commercial sexual exploitation, or forced labor. This disturbing phenomenon is widely acknowledged as a contemporary manifestation of slavery within the state. Authorities from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and various law enforcement agencies have identified a mounting issue of human trafficking in Virginia, with a particular focus on its association with Latino gangs.

19. Colorado

Number of Human Trafficking Cases: 150

The unsettling reality is that human trafficking is occurring at this very moment in Colorado. In 2021, Colorado witnessed 150 cases of human trafficking reported, as per data from the National Human Trafficking Hotline.

18. New Jersey

Number of Human Trafficking Cases: 151

New Jersey’s susceptibility to the expansion of human trafficking is accentuated by its densely populated urban areas and strategic location. Since its establishment, the Human Trafficking Hotline has documented a total of 1,799 cases of human trafficking within the state. These cases have identified a staggering 3,882 victims affected by this issue.

17. Tennessee

Number of Human Trafficking Cases: 152

According to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, human sex trafficking cases have been reported in 75 counties within the past 24 months as of writing. Among these counties, eight have recorded more than 100 cases during this period. Four Tennessee counties have reported over 100 cases of minor human sex trafficking in the last two years.

16. Oregon

Number of Human Trafficking Cases: 160

Ranking 16th on our list of the worst states for human trafficking in America is Oregon. Based on statistics from the Oregon National Trafficking Hotline, it has received a total of 4,103 cases in Oregon since its establishment. In the year 2021 alone, Oregon accounted for 485 of these cases, with 177 of them originating from victims or survivors of human trafficking. Notably, the majority of individuals involved in human trafficking cases were females.

15. Pennsylvania

Number of Human Trafficking Cases: 192

Pennsylvania has a serious human trafficking problem. The state is ranked 10th in our list of the 15 Top States for Human Trafficking in 2019. Hotline data indicates that in the year 2020, Pennsylvania received reports of 221 human trafficking cases and received 254 calls from victims and survivors.

14. Nevada

Number of Human Trafficking Cases: 201 

Nevada secured the 14th spot in our list of the worst states for human trafficking in America. According to data from the National Human Trafficking Hotline, Nevada documented 201 cases in 2021 based on 571 tips provided by concerned individuals, victims, and survivors. The state also ranks 6th in our list of the 15 Worst States For Human Trafficking In America.

13. Arizona

Number of Human Trafficking Cases: 217

Ranking 13th on our list of the worst states for human trafficking in America is Arizona. According to information collected by the U.S. State Department, Arizona serves as a significant hub for both sex and labor trafficking in the United States, functioning as both a transit point and a destination. Furthermore, the Department of Justice has recognized Phoenix, Arizona as one of the top jurisdictions for human trafficking within the nation.

12. North Carolina

Number of Human Trafficking Cases: 223

According to the report published by the National Human Trafficking Hotline in 2021 alone, it has received a total of 922 reports, with 318 of them originating from victims or survivors of human trafficking within the state.

11. Washington

Number of Human Trafficking Cases: 233

In 2021, the National Human Trafficking Hotline reported 233 cases of human trafficking in Washington. In the preceding year, 2020, the state documented 239 cases, and in 2019, there were 265 reported cases. Remarkably, over 80% of these cases, primarily related to sex trafficking, were associated with illicit massage businesses, the pornography industry, and prostitution based in hotels.

10. Mississippi

Number of Human Trafficking Cases: 233

Ranking 10th in our list of the worst states for human trafficking in America is Mississippi. Human trafficking is a rapidly expanding crime occurring in cities and towns all across Mississippi. In Mississippi, the predominant trend in reported cases reveals a high occurrence among young women under the age of 18. Specifically, the focus appears to be on homeless individuals who have recently transitioned out of the foster care system or the juvenile justice system.

9. Missouri

Number of Human Trafficking Cases: 240

Missouri ranks 9th in our list of the worst states for human trafficking in America. In 2021, the National Human Trafficking Hotline Database logged a total of 1,103 human trafficking tips in Missouri, with 355 of them originating from survivors and victims of trafficking. Since 2007, the state has documented a cumulative total of 1,524 cases, the majority of which were reported by 3,160 victims and survivors.

8. Illinois

Number of Human Trafficking Cases: 243

In 2021, the National Human Trafficking Hotline identified 243 cases within the state, encompassing 355 reported victims. If found guilty of sex trafficking in Illinois, you may be sentenced to up to 15 years in prison.

7. Georgia

Number of Human Trafficking Cases: 281

In Georgia, approximately four out of every 100,000 people fall victim to human trafficking. Data from the National Human Trafficking Hotline highlights a significant surge in reported cases over recent years, escalating from around 98 cases in 2012 to 417 in 2019. Furthermore, in 2012, the National Human Trafficking Resource Center fielded 446 calls from Georgia, with 103 of them classified as high-risk cases.

6. Ohio

Number of Human Trafficking Cases: 291

Ohio grabs the 6th spot on our list of the worst states for human trafficking in America. In the first week of October 2023, Ohio authorities conducted a weeklong operation to combat human trafficking across the state, resulting in the apprehension of 160 individuals suspected of patronizing sex workers. Of these arrests, a significant majority, comprising 149 out of the total, involved men believed to be “johns” who were subsequently charged with involvement in prostitution.

5. Michigan

Number of Human Trafficking Cases: 295

Michigan was able to land on the 5th spot on our list of the worst states for human trafficking in America. Michigan’s appeal to human traffickers can be attributed to several factors. According to 2014 statistics from the National Center on Family Homelessness, approximately 25% of children in Michigan experience homelessness annually. This grim reality of homelessness and poverty serves as a gateway for vulnerable children to become ensnared in human trafficking. In certain instances, these minors resort to a phenomenon known as “survival sex” to secure basic necessities like food and shelter. Additionally, Michigan ranks 11th in our list of the 11 Worst States For Human Trafficking In America.

Rommel Canlas/

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