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25 US Cities With Largest Homeless Populations

In this article, we will take a look at the 25 US cities with largest homeless populations. If you would like to skip our discussion on the trends and statistics in homelessness, you can go to the 5 US Cities With Largest Homeless Populations.

According to the Housing and Urban Development Office (HUD)’s most recent Annual Homelessness Assessment Report (AHAR), over 650,000 people in America do not have permanent shelter as of 2023. This is the highest number of homeless people observed since the first report in 2007, and it represents a 12% rise over the previous year. There are various reasons for this growth, such as increasing housing expenses, heightened immigration rates, and the conclusion of numerous COVID-19 relief measures. Sadly, the number of Americans facing homelessness has consistently increased in each recorded year since 2016, following an annual decline from 2012 to 2015. The proportion of homeless people residing in shelters in 2023 remained nearly the same as the previous year. Six out of ten homeless people, equivalent to 396,494 people, were given temporary refuge through emergency facilities, local safe havens, or transitional housing programs. The remaining 40%, or 256,610 persons, resorted to sleeping in areas declared inappropriate for human habitation, such as sidewalks, bus terminals, empty buildings, or abandoned vehicles. Unsheltered homelessness has risen for the seventh consecutive year in 2023.

The rise in the number of homeless families, which increased for the second year in a row, is especially concerning. In 2023, 57,563 family households were homeless nationwide. These family units housed 186,084 people, accounting for nearly one-third or 29% of the total homeless population. This figure represents a 16% increase from 2022. Around 91% of homeless families were provided with shelter, in contrast to only 49% of single homeless adults. Homelessness in the US isn’t limited to big city streets or remote areas; it affects towns of all sizes and spans from one coast to the other. California, New York, Florida, Washington, and Texas have the highest homeless populations by state, with California and New York accounting for 44% of all Americans suffering homelessness.

Impact of Housing Affordability on Homelessness

One of the causes of increased homelessness is the unavailability of affordable housing. Homebay’s study shows the link between expensive housing and the occurrence of homelessness in the United States. The study found that cities with higher property prices than the national average have a greater percentage of homelessness. Cities with house values below the national average, on the other hand, have much fewer homeless people, approximately 2.5 times fewer. As a result, a scarcity of affordable housing directly contributes to the increasing rate of homelessness in the United States. So, it is quite likely that you will find home prices to be quite high in cities with the highest homeless rate per capita.

The residential real estate market in the United States is predicted to reach $2.80 trillion by 2028, increasing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.04% between 2023 and 2028. The top 50 companies in the industry collectively hold around 30-40% of the market share. Large firms in the sector are capitalizing on financial advantages, whereas small businesses are competing effectively by building expertise in local markets. Equity Residential (NYSE:EQR), Essex Property Trust (NYSE:ESS), and Simon Property Group (NYSE:SPG) are among the larger players in this market. Both Essex Property Trust (NYSE:ESS) and Simon Property Group (NYSE:SPG) outperformed the analysts’ funds from operations (FFO) estimates for Q4 2023 by $0.02 and $0.35, respectively. Meanwhile, Equity Residential (NYSE:EQR) met the analysts’ estimate of $1.00.

Here’s what Baron Funds said about Equity Residential (NYSE:EQR) in its Q4 2023 investor letter:

“In the most recent quarter, we re-acquired shares in Equity Residential (NYSE:EQR), the largest U.S. multi-family REIT. The company has assembled an excellent portfolio of Class A apartment buildings located in high barrier-to-entry coastal markets with favorable long-term demographic trends and muted overall supply growth. We believe the company is also well positioned to benefit from the affordability advantages of renting versus home ownership, annual leases that provide the potential for partial inflation protection, and its low levered balance sheet, which positions the company to take advantage of acquisition opportunities.

In our opinion, Equity Residential’s shares are attractively valued relative to private market values and the company owns and operates excellent and relevant real estate that should perform well, long term.”

Our Methodology

To compile a list of the 25 US cities with largest homeless populations, we referred to the 2023 Annual Homelessness Assessment Report published by the Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R). The report presents the point-in-time nationwide, state-level, and Continuums of Care (CoC)-level estimates of homelessness. Estimations may include neighboring or adjacent areas as well. The cities have been sorted in ascending order of their homeless populations as of 2023.

You can also check out the 25 US Cities with the Highest Homeless Population Per Capita.

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25 US Cities With Largest Homeless Populations

25. Atlanta, Georgia

Homeless Population: 2,679

Andre Dickens, the mayor of Atlanta, has taken initiatives to combat homelessness in the city. He just issued an executive order earmarking $4.6 million to increase shelter services, warming centers, and new shelter locations. Several organizations, including Partners for HOME and Atlanta Mission, are striving to address this issue in the city.

24. Fort Worth, Texas

Homeless Population: 2,776

Fort Worth’s homeless population has increased in recent years. Since the beginning of 2018, Fort Worth’s homeless population has increased by 1,646 persons. This increase can be attributed to different things, such as the end of eviction moratoriums and a scarcity of affordable housing options. Fort Worth has implemented a variety of initiatives to reduce homelessness in the city. These include outreach programs that assist homeless people in transitioning into more permanent homes, as well as the Rapid Exit Program, which provides one-time support to employed residents who need to be housed rapidly.

23. San Antonio, Texas

Homeless Population: 3,155

Homelessness in San Antonio has steadily increased in recent years. According to the South Alamo Regional Alliance for the Homeless (SARAH), the overall number of people suffering homelessness has increased by 5.3% over the last year in the city. Around 2,281 homeless people were sheltered, while 874 remained unsheltered. The city is focusing on providing low-barrier shelters and housing choices for people experiencing long-term homelessness.

22. Houston, Texas

Homeless Population: 3,270

Although homelessness is a huge issue in Houston, the city has made significant progress in combating it. Houston has reduced its homeless population by 64% over the last 12 years, including a 17% reduction the prior year, thanks to a collaborative effort involving the local government, organizations, and numerous agencies. Houston’s success in fighting homelessness is partly due to “The Way Home,” a collaborative effort led by the Coalition for the Homeless.

21. Minneapolis, Minnesota

Homeless Population: 3,312

According to the most recent HUD count, Hennepin County’s total homelessness rate jumped by 24% in 2023, following a decade of consistent reductions. Homelessness among families in the Minneapolis metro area increased significantly by about 80%. The City of Minneapolis has recognized unsheltered homelessness as a public health emergency, highlighting the city’s seriousness to address the issue holistically.

20. Long Beach, California

Homeless Population: 3,447

According to the last homeless count, Long Beach’s homeless population has grown by 4.6% since 2022. Job loss, a lack of affordable housing, mental and physical effects, institutional imbalances, and the effects of racism all contribute to homelessness. Long Beach has implemented a number of different programs to help homeless people. Some of these programs include the Long Beach Homeless Court Project and the Long Beach Community Development Department’s efforts to promote housing access and affordability.

19. Miami, Florida

Homeless Population: 3,657

Homelessness is a significant issue in Miami, as the city has one of the largest homeless populations in the US. Several groups and volunteers are actively involved in Miami’s homeless outreach operations. They provide food, blankets, toiletries, and other necessities to people living on the street. These outreach programs seek to provide assistance and connect people with resources.

18. Dallas, Texas

Homeless Population: 4,244

Dallas’ Office of Homeless Solutions is committed to ending homelessness in the city. Although Dallas has made progress in housing homeless people, there are still issues that need to be addressed. The Dallas Office of Homeless Solutions has sought an additional $6 million to finish a housing project on Fort Worth Avenue. The city hopes to accommodate 6,000 homeless persons by 2025, but rising property prices and displacement could increase the number of homeless people.

17. Fresno, California

Homeless Population: 4,493

Fresno has been noted as having one of the highest homeless rates in the US. The city also deals with the serious issue of childhood homelessness. Fresno has been working to combat this challenge through a variety of strategies. The city has converted run-down motels into homeless shelters, but the demand for accommodation has exceeded the available resources.

16. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Homeless Population: 4,725

In 2023, Philadelphia saw a dramatic increase in homelessness, with a record-high number of people without stable housing. Moreover, 17% of Philadelphia’s homeless were minors under the age of 18, and more than 8% were young people aged 18 to 24. Meanwhile, seniors made up 16% of the homeless population, making them the fastest-growing group of unhoused people in Philadelphia and the country. Moreover, out of the total number of homeless people in the city, 700 were unsheltered.

15. Washington, D.C.

Homeless Population: 4,922

Homelessness in Washington, D.C., is a major issue that affects a wide range of people, including families, seniors, veterans, and the mentally ill. The city faces challenges in reducing the growing number of homeless encampments while also providing enough care and resources for people experiencing homelessness. Washington is among the top 15 US cities with largest homeless populations.

14. Boston, Massachusetts

Homeless Population: 5,202

In 2023, Boston saw an overall increase in homelessness as well as a considerable increase in the number of people without stable housing. Within the city, the number of lone persons suffering homelessness increased by 17%. Similarly, the number of families residing in shelters and transitional accommodation has increased. However, the most notable increase occurred among unsheltered adults in the city, with over 170 people discovered living on the streets.

13. Chicago, Illinois

Homeless Population: 6,139

Chicago’s estimated homeless population in 2023 was 6,139. As the number of homeless people in Chicago rises and changes, public safety concerns have arisen. Encampments have been spotted in a variety of locations, including the West Loop, where neighbors have reported an upsurge in crime and drug-related activity. Numerous agencies are working to give support and shelter to those living in these encampments.

12. Portland, Oregon

Homeless Population: 6,297

Overall, homelessness in Portland increased by 65% between 2015 and 2023, with the number of homeless people jumping from 1,887 to 6,297. The rise in homelessness is a complex issue driven by variables such as high housing costs, untreated mental illness, and substance misuse. People of color are homeless at a substantially higher rate than their white counterparts. The City of Portland has launched several programs to address homelessness, including the construction of temporary alternative shelter sites, safe rest villages, and the street services coordination center.

11. Las Vegas, Nevada

Homeless Population: 6,566

Las Vegas ranks 11th on our list of the US cities with largest homeless populations. Single adults, families with children, unaccompanied minors, veterans, and chronically homeless people make up most of the homeless population of the city. The city administration has developed a variety of services and programs aimed at lowering homelessness.

10. San Francisco, California

Homeless Population: 7,582

San Francisco’s housing scarcity, combined with tight restrictions on new housing development, has resulted in high rents. The city’s economic growth has generated hundreds of thousands of new jobs, but a lack of affordable housing has worsened the homelessness situation. Despite persistent problems, there were positive statistics about people transitioning out of homelessness and obtaining accommodation last year. In 2023, around 2,800 people left San Francisco shelters to seek temporary or permanent housing.

9. Sacramento, California

Homeless Population: 9,281

In 2023, Sacramento faced significant challenges in addressing homelessness, with high spending and a growing homeless population. According to a City Hall audit, Sacramento spent $57 million on homeless response during last year, as opposed to $10 million in 2015. Sacramento County has the third-largest chronic individual homeless population in the United States as of 2023.

8. Phoenix, Arizona

Homeless Population: 9,642

Between 2019 and 2023, unsheltered homelessness in Maricopa County, which includes Phoenix, grew by 54%. Unsheltered homelessness increased at a faster pace in Phoenix’s Central sub-region, reaching 64%. Phoenix is at the eighth position on our list of the US cities with largest homeless populations.

7. Oakland, California

Homeless Population: 9,759

Oakland is among the top 10 US cities with the highest homeless populations. A significant portion of Oakland’s homeless population remains unsheltered. In 2022, two-thirds of Oakland’s homeless population were unsheltered, with a majority living in vehicles. As pandemic shelters closed and eviction bans expired, there were concerns about a potential increase in homelessness.

6. San Jose, California

Homeless Population: 9,903

San Jose faces significant challenges related to homelessness. However, the city recorded a yearly decrease of 4.7% in its total homeless population in 2023. Additionally, the data indicated a 7.8% rise in the number of people in shelters as a result of the authorities’ recent expansion of choices for temporary and transitional accommodation. The city implemented an emergency interim housing program in addition to looking into authorized encampments as temporary solutions.

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