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25 Sunniest States in the US

In this article, we will take a look at the top 25 sunniest states in the US. If you would like to skip our discussion on the benefits of sunlight and solar energy technology, you can go to the 5 Sunniest States in the US.

It’s widely acknowledged that exposure to sunlight is essential for our well-being. Sunlight improves our mood, boosts immunity, and facilitates the production of vitamin D in our bodies. Furthermore, it also triggers the release of serotonin, a chemical contributing to energy, positivity, and focus. Conversely, insufficient exposure to sunlight can lead to conditions like seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and depression, which are often treated with natural or artificial light therapy. Beyond its health benefits, sunlight is also a valuable resource for generating clean and sustainable energy. When sunlight penetrates the Earth’s atmosphere, its energy intensity averages 1,360 watts per square meter, surpassing the power output of common appliances like microwaves.

Solar energy technology uses this abundant resource, converting sunlight into thermal or electrical energy. It’s increasingly favored for its cleanliness, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability. For instance, a 5-kilowatt residential solar system can yield significant savings, producing over 7,500 kilowatt-hours per year under optimal conditions. These savings translate into financial benefits, with potential annual savings of over $1,500 at a typical electricity price. Solar energy is also environmentally friendly, as solar panels are primarily composed of recyclable materials like aluminum, copper, and glass. Up to 97% of solar panels can be recycled, contributing to a more sustainable energy cycle.

In the United States, solar power adoption is rapidly growing, with the national solar capacity exceeding 135,700 megawatts as of late 2022. This capacity is sufficient to power millions of homes across the country. The top ten sunniest states in the US are at the forefront of the solar energy movement, driving growth in solar-related employment opportunities. Over the past decade, solar energy jobs have risen by 167%, marking a job growth rate five times faster than the overall US job growth rate. Solar energy is expected to dominate the expansion of renewable energy sources, projected to account for 67% of this growth.

Companies Driving Renewable Energy Industry Expansion

In the renewable energy sector, key companies such as NextEra Energy, Inc. (NYSE:NEE), First Solar, Inc. (NASDAQ:FSLR), and SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:SEDG) are driving industry expansion. Earlier this year, executives at NextEra Energy, Inc. (NYSE:NEE) disclosed their intention to increase their renewable energy portfolio twofold. The company aims to potentially undertake the development of up to 42 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy and storage projects for clients not affiliated with utility services by 2026.

Similarly, First Solar (NASDAQ:FSLR) announced in August last year that it had chosen Louisiana as the location for its fifth US factory in response to a significant increase in demand for domestically produced solar panels. With an investment of $1.1 billion, First Solar (NASDAQ:FSLR) intends to establish the facility at Acadiana Regional Airport in Iberia Parish by mid-2026.

SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:SEDG) also recently launched its Commercial Storage System tailored for photovoltaic applications in Italy. Specifically designed for small to medium-sized commercial solar installations, the SolarEdge CSS is suitable for both indoor and outdoor deployment. It includes a 102.4 kWh-rated battery cabinet and a 50 kW battery inverter, with the flexibility to expand up to 1 MWh per site. The expected addition of 200 gigawatts of power in solar energy is fueled, in part, by the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which offers incentives for solar installations. Experts foresee a 40% increase in solar installations over the next five years as a result of this legislation.

Our Methodology

We’ve compiled a list of the 25 sunniest states in the US using the latest average annual sunlight exposure data measured in kilojoules per square meter (kJ/m2). This ranking is based on data obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Environmental Public Health Tracking Network, which compiled information on solar irradiance for all 52 states. The states have been ranked in ascending order of the average annual sunlight exposure.

You can also check out the 15 Sunniest Cities in Europe.

By the way, Insider Monkey is an investing website that tracks the movements of corporate insiders and hedge funds. By using a consensus approach, we identify the best stock picks of more than 900 hedge funds investing in US stocks. The top 10 consensus stock picks of hedge funds outperformed the S&P 500 Index by more than 140 percentage points over the last 10 years (see the details here). Whether you are a beginner investor or a professional one looking for the best stocks to buy, you can benefit from the wisdom of hedge funds and corporate insiders. 

25 Sunniest States in the US

25. Maryland

Average Annual Sunlight (kJ/m2): 3,572

Maryland experiences two distinct climates across its regions. In the western highland areas, temperatures can vary widely, ranging from −40 °F to over 100 °F. Summers typically see average temperatures around 65 °F, while winters drop to around 28 °F. Meanwhile, the eastern part of the state observes a humid subtropical climate due to its closeness to the Chesapeake Bay, where frequent hurricanes pass. The state is home to numerous federal facilities and hosts major defense contractor Lockheed Martin among its key contributors to the economy.

24. West Virginia

Average Annual Sunlight (kJ/m2): 3,599

West Virginia has a GDP of $96 billion, with its economy heavily dependent on coal mining and the extraction of other mineral resources. The state’s rugged and mountainous terrain makes it a popular destination for outdoor activities such as hiking and mountain biking. Its climate is mild, with moderate winters and warm, humid, and rainy summers.

23. Illinois

Average Annual Sunlight (kJ/m2): 3,636

Illinois typically experiences a mild climate, featuring cold winters and warm summers. The state is known for its rapid fluctuations in humidity, temperature, wind direction, and cloud cover. With a GDP of $1,033 billion as of 2022, Illinois has a diverse economy supported by its major city, Chicago. Chicago is home to prominent businesses such as Boeing, Kraft Heinz, and Walgreens. Additionally, the state has made progress in renewable energy, with wind farm installations and an increased capacity for ethanol fuel production.

 22. South Carolina

Average Annual Sunlight (kJ/m2): 3,651

South Carolina has a GDP of $296 billion as of 2022 and is well-loved as a tourist spot, especially for its East Coast vacation towns like Charleston and Myrtle Beach. The state’s hot, humid summers and mild winters make it a favorite destination, along with its beautiful beaches and warm weather.

21. Mississippi

Average Annual Sunlight (kJ/m2): 3,676

Mississippi experiences mild winters and long, hot summers, with rainfall occurring almost year-round. The state’s major industries revolve around agriculture and forestry, with farmed catfish and pulpwood being significant products.

20. Alabama

Average Annual Sunlight (kJ/m2): 3,677

Alabama has an annual GDP of $278 billion, with key sectors including manufacturing, real estate, healthcare, rental, and leasing. In terms of climate, Alabama generally experiences mild conditions, with average winters and comparatively hotter summers. Rainfall is prevalent throughout the year, contributing to the state’s overall moderate climate.

 19. Missouri

Average Annual Sunlight (kJ/m2): 3,691

Missouri’s popular industries include agriculture, steel, automotive, and electronics, with agriculture being the major sector. The state’s GDP stands at $390 billion as of 2022. In terms of climate, Missouri experiences strongly seasonal weather patterns. Winters are characterized by cold air from the Canadian border, bringing a chill factor, while summers tend to be long and hot.

18. Georgia

Average Annual Sunlight (kJ/m2): 3,717

Georgia has a subtropical climate with long, hot, humid summers and short and mild winters. The state’s economy is primarily driven by the service industry, although agriculture, manufacturing, and defense spending also play significant roles.

 17. Louisiana

Average Annual Sunlight (kJ/m2): 3,799

Louisiana’s GDP stands at $281 billion, with a population of 4.59 million. The state’s economic backbone is largely formed by chemicals, petroleum, and coal products, which constitute the majority of its GDP. Manufacturing contributes to approximately one-sixth of the GDP.

16. Tennessee

Average Annual Sunlight (kJ/m2): 3,872

Tennessee is a hub for manufacturing various items, including computers, electronic equipment, foods, beverages, tobacco products, and chemicals. Automobile manufacturing is one of the state’s fastest-growing segments. Tennessee is among the top 20 sunniest states in the US.

 15. Kentucky

Average Annual Sunlight (kJ/m2): 3,895

Kentucky experiences summers ranging from warm to hot and humid, while winters are generally cool with occasional waves of chilly Arctic air. The state has a GDP of $260 billion and is recognized as a top producer of agricultural products such as corn, soybeans, hay, and wheat.

14. Kansas

Average Annual Sunlight (kJ/m2): 3,929

Kansas relies heavily on agriculture, with farms and ranches spread across the state. Wheat and beef are among its principal products. In terms of climate, Kansas enjoys a mild climate characterized by fairly warm summers and mild winters.

 13. Texas

Average Annual Sunlight (kJ/m2): 3,980

Texas has a humid climate with cool winters and hot summers. The state’s major industries revolve around hardware and software technology. Among its largest sectors are retail trade, professional services, leisure and hospitality, and healthcare. Texas is at the thirteenth position on our list of the 25 sunniest states in the US.

12. Florida

Average Annual Sunlight (kJ/m2): 4,005

Florida is known for its climate, featuring long, hot, and humid summers, along with mild and wet winters. This climatic pattern creates an ideal environment for cultivating various crops, including oranges, greenhouse and nursery products, and sugar cane.

11. Utah

Average Annual Sunlight (kJ/m2): 4,015

Utah’s primary industries revolve around coal mining, cattle ranching, and salt production. With a GDP of $248 billion, the state is also known for its skiing opportunities in the mountains near Salt Lake City. In terms of climate, Utah has a dry, desert climate marked by scorching summers and bitter winters.

 10. Virginia

Average Annual Sunlight (kJ/m2): 4,046

With an annual sunlight exposure of 4,046 kilojoules per square meter, Virginia ranks among the top 10 sunniest states in the US. The state has a temperate climate with hot summers and mild winters. Virginia has a GDP of $649 billion, with agriculture serving as a major economic activity. Additionally, the state is home to industries such as shipbuilding, tobacco processing, and technology.

9. Nevada

Average Annual Sunlight (kJ/m2): 4,078

Nevada is one of the driest states in the US. The state experiences hot summers and cold winters. Nevada’s economy is heavily influenced by the tourism, gaming, and entertainment industries, largely driven by the cities of Las Vegas and Reno. With a GDP of $216 billion, Nevada’s economic landscape reflects its reliance on these sectors.

8. Oklahoma

Average Annual Sunlight (kJ/m2): 4,112

Oklahoma has a GDP of $241 billion, with its major sectors centered around the oil and natural gas industry. In recent years, energy has emerged as a key sector, including engineering, manufacturing, production, and distribution of oil, gas, and wind energy resources. In terms of weather, Oklahoma experiences hot summers, with high temperatures prevailing during the summer months.

7. North Carolina

Average Annual Sunlight (kJ/m2): 4,122

North Carolina observes a warm and humid climate characterized by hot summers and mildly cold winters.

6. Arkansas

Average Annual Sunlight (kJ/m2): 4,129

Arkansas has a GDP of $165 billion, with major industries including food products, chemicals, wood and paper products, motors, airplane parts, and other machinery. In terms of climate, the state experiences a subtropical climate with warm, humid summers and short, cool winters.

Click to continue reading and see the 5 Sunniest States in the US.

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Disclosure: None. 25 Sunniest States in the US is published on Insider Monkey.

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