25 Safest Fastest Growing Cities in America with High Paying Jobs

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11. Corvallis, OR

Population growth: 1.3%

GDP growth: 3.3%

Hourly earnings: $28.59

Violent crime rate: 127.7

Property crime rate: 2548.7

Corvallis boasts high safety with violent crime rate as low as 127.7. The area of only 89,000 residents had 3.3% GDP increase, which was driven by finance sector development. Finally, an hourly wage of 28.54$ also makes Corvallis an attractive place for newcomers.

And now, let’s see the top 10 safest fastest growing cities in America with high paying jobs.

 Safest Fastest Growing Cities in America with High Paying Jobs

CHAILUK CHALATHAI/Shutterstock.com

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