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25 Most Popular Dog Breeds in the World

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There has been a marked increase in the demand for pets globally. A national pet owners survey conducted by the American Pet Products Association revealed that around 70% of the US households own a pet today. Out of these households, 69 million own a dog. The sense of insecurity and loneliness that came with the Covid-19 pandemic reportedly encouraged 33% of Americans to adopt a pet. 

The popularity of pets results in a great amount of revenue being generated for economies worldwide. For instance, as per the Pet Industry Distributors Association, Americans spent US$103.6 billion on pets in 2020 and were projected to spend $109.6 billion in 2021. Dog owners were reported to have allocated a significant amount of money to the well-being of their pets. Common annual expenses for dogs included routine vet visits, surgical vet visits, food treats, kennel boarding, and other supplements. 

The popularity of any dog breed depends upon several factors, including temperament of the breed, physical appearance, and price. The dog breed with an economical price, remarkable temperament and an appealing physical appearance is usually popular among dog enthusiasts. The cameo appearances of certain dog breeds on the international screen, especially in popular movies, could also play a crucial role in elevating the demand and popularity of a breed. 

According to APPA, 32% of Millennials are pet owners, which allude to the role of popular culture and social media in today’s world. Social media influencers and celebrities play a significant role in commercializing a certain breed. So, apart from the movie cameos, Instagram and Twitter appearances also play a pivotal role in the stardom of a certain dog breed. 

The American Kennel Club ranks the most popular dog breeds every year as per the registration statistics of each breed.  Some breeds are also well known among dog enthusiasts because of their inherent traits and usability factor; for example, a bulldog tends to be an excellent guard dog, making him a breed of choice for many housekeepers. Other breeds like German shepherds have inherent characteristics that align with the job descriptions of a police dog. Hence, apart from the physical appearance, price, and temperament, the usability factor is also considered when buying the desired breed. 

Our Methodology

We will consider data from the American Kennel Club (AKC) for our list of the 25 most popular dog breeds in the world. Each year, AKC evaluates and compares the number of total registered breeds, putting together a list of the most popular dog breeds. We will consider these registration statistics to rank the most popular dog breeds in the world. American Kennel Club is a non-profit organization with 197 dog breeds registered. It is the largest purebred dog registry in the world. It is known for its role to ensure canine rights and legitimate statistical readings.

With this context in mind, let’s now begin our list of the 25 most popular dog breeds in the world.

25 Most Popular Dog Breeds in the World

25. Cane Corso

The 25th spot is secured by Cane Corso. Cane Corso are an even-tempered and a reserved breed of dog that can prove to be a fierce protector for their family if trained well. Its life span ranges from 10 to 12 years, and it weighs 88 to 110 pounds. They are a working breed, so they are known to get bored easily. Diseases like hip dysplasia, eye entropion or ectropion, demodectic mange, and bloating are common in Cane Corso. 

24. Havanese

Havanese is a very playful and outgoing dog breed with long locks. They have a height between 8.5 to 11 inches. The dogs are easy to train and have moderate levels of energy which means they do not require as much physical activity as other breeds. Their playful nature makes them one of the most popular dog breeds in the world.

23. Pomeranian

Pomeranians originated from Germany and Poland. Pomeranian is known as a toy dog breed due to its size and a double-thick soft undercoat. Pomeranians are an active dog breed, but they prefer playing indoors rather than outdoors. However, they don’t handle isolation well. 

22. Bernese Mountain Dog

Bernese Mountain Dog secures the 22nd rank in our list of the 25 most popular dog breeds in the world. It is a devoted, sensitive, and codependent breed of dog that weighs approximately 70-125 pounds and has an average life span extending from 6 to 8 years. 

21. Boston Terrier

On the 21st rank, we have Boston Terrier in our list of 25 most popular dog breeds in the world. Boston terriers are intrinsically alert, friendly, and comedic. Their lifespan ranges from 11 to 13 years. Terriers make excellent family pets due to their sociability and friendliness. They can weigh anywhere between 6 to 25 pounds with a height between 9 to 15 inches. 

20. Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu is a breed of dog that originated from China and Tibet, as the name suggests. They weigh 9 to 16 pounds with an average height of 8 to 11 inches. Their average life span ranges from 10 to 16 years. They are generally friendly and make a great family pet. However, they can get stubborn and difficult to train. 

19. Miniature Schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzer ranks 19th in our list of the 25 most popular dog breeds in the world. They originated from Germany with a wiry and curly coat. The dog breed is known to be smart and weighs approximately 10-18 pounds, with an average height of 13-14 inches. Miniature Schnauzer’s average life span ranges from 12-14 years. They tend to be very friendly and are an excellent choice for new pet owners.

18. Doberman Pinscher

Doberman Pinschers also have a German heritage. They weigh approximately 60-80 pounds with an average height of 24-28 inches. Pinschers are ideal for families that are physically active with larger living spaces. They are intrinsically territorial, loyal, loving, and intelligent. Moreover, they are very easy to train because of their sharp learning abilities. 

17. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

On the 17th spot in our list of the 25 most popular dog breeds in the world is Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Charles Spaniels are very patient and social by nature. They are excellent family dogs as they are very affectionate and people-oriented. They generally weigh 13-18 pounds with an average height of 12-13 inches. This dog breed is known to be highly affable to strangers and other dogs, even the bigger ones. However, their pure breed costs a fortune. 

16. Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky ranks 16 on our list of the 25 most popular dog breeds in the world. They originated from East Siberia and were bred by the natives. Huskies are desirable because of their athletic prowess and attractive appearances. They are highly active and need to be trained properly or might end up being aggressive. Huskies are one of the most intelligent dog breeds with double coat types, making them ideal for colder regions. They can weigh anywhere between 35 to 60 pounds with a height between 20 to 23.5 inches. Siberian huskies have a lifespan that ranges from 12 to 15 years.

15. Great Dane

Great Dane is a breed of dog that may appear intimidating initially but it has a gentle and friendly disposition. They are one of the tallest breeds of dogs. While Great Danes are very affectionate with family members, they display some levels of awkwardness and shyness around strangers. The female breeds have an average height between 28-32 inches, while the height of male breeds ranges from 30-40 inches.

14. Boxer

Boxer is a well-known breed due to its distinct appearance. Boxers are very active and affectionate. Their average lifespan usually ranges from 9 to 13 years. Boxers might display dominance and aggression with other dogs of same-sex; hence proper training is necessary to avoid any conflict or aggressiveness. They can weigh anywhere between 50 to 70 pounds with a height from 21 to 25 inches. 

13. Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier originated from Northern England. It weighs 4 to 6 pounds with an average height that ranges between 8-9 inches. They have fine, silky, and long hair. Terriers are friendly with familiar faces but might be on guard with strangers. They enjoy the training process and are very intelligent; hence effective training can make them perform complex tricks and listen to the commands of their owner keenly. 

12. Australian Shepherd

At number 12, we have Australian Shepherd. It is one of the smartest and most focused dog breeds, weighing anywhere between 35 to 70 pounds. They are friendly, loyal, and affectionate. Australian Shepherds are remarkable family pets with intrinsic territorial traits, making them possessive of their space.

11. Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a breed of dog that originated from Wales. Weighing approximately 24 to 30 pounds, Pembroke Welsh Corgis are extremely intelligent and friendly but can be stubborn at times. These dogs like to be involved in activities and to be around people due to their upbeat nature.

10. Dachshund

Dachshunds are spirited, smart, and charming breeds of dogs that can get stubborn and willful sometimes. They are highly sensitive, so might need calm and patient owners. If trained well, they can be loyal family pets weighing anywhere between 16 to 32 pounds with a height between 8 to 9 inches. Dachshunds have a lifespan that ranges from 12 to 16 years

9. German Shorthaired Pointer

The 9th spot is bagged by German shorthaired pointer. They belong to an endearing breed of canines that are intelligent, adventurous, and loyal. German shorthaired pointers have a remarkable sense of judgment and are ideal dogs for families with everyday outdoor activities and exposure. They have an intrinsic need to please their owners; hence they are excellent with commands. They can weigh anywhere between 20 to 60 pounds with a height between 21 to 25 inches. German shorthaired pointers have an average  lifespan of 12 to 14 years.

8. Rottweiler

Rottweilers are working dogs that originated from Germany. They are generally reserved, and loyal. While the dogs might bond well with the owner, they can get aggressive with strangers which doesn’t make them an ideal family pet. Rottweiler is not a playful dog breed and can weigh anywhere between 75 to 110 pounds with a height from 22 to 27 inches. They have a lifespan that ranges from 8 to 10 years.

7. Beagle

Beagle is an intelligent breed of dogs but they are often considered single-minded and stubborn, making them hard to train. The Beagle has consistently been considered one of the top 10 popular dog breeds since it was registered with the American Kennel Club in 1885. Beagles are excellent at socializing. They can weigh anywhere between 20 to 35 pounds and have a height from 10 to 13 inches. Beagles have a lifespan that ranges from 13 to 16 years.

6. Standard Poodle

Standard Poodle is at the 6th position in our list of the 25 most popular dog breeds in the world. Poodles are known to be smart and pick up on both good and bad habits quite quickly. Standard Poodles are aesthetically pleasing which is an important factor in increasing their popularity. Poodles don’t enjoy isolation and might get aggressive if left alone. They are excellent family dogs and are easy to train. Standard Poodles weigh anywhere between 40 to 55 pounds and have an average height greater than 15 inches.

5. Bulldog

Bulldog is a well-known breed of dog, known for its muscular body and wrinkled face. Bulldogs are wilful, docile, and friendly in nature. They are excellent family pets with occasional outbursts of aggression towards unfamiliar dogs. Bulldogs can weigh up to 50 pounds with a height between 14 to 15 inches. The average lifespan of a bulldog ranges from 8 to 10 years. For the past 5 years, Bulldogs have maintained a position in the top 5 popular dog breeds in the American Kennel Club’s list. 

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