When we say the most obese countries in the world, we refer to the countries with the highest percentage of the population with unwanted or abnormal accumulation of fat, and large weights. But weight alone cannot determine the detrimental effects on the body. For example, a person with a height of 6 feet 2 inches and weighing 80 kg will be healthy compared to an 80 kg person with a 5 feet 6 inches height. So, to standardize the obesity and effect of weight, BMI is introduced. BMI or Body Mass Index is a simple index that takes weight and height into account. It is defined as the person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of the person’s height in meters, giving us a unit of kg/m2.
For adults, the World Health Organization has defined the standard for overweight and obesity. If a person has BMI equal to or greater than 25, he is overweight. On the same lines, having BMI greater or equal to 30 makes one obese. The World Health Organization reports that worldwide obesity has tripled since 1975. In 2016, 1.9 billion people, or 39% of the worldwide population of the age of 18 and older were overweight (BMI is greater than 25). Similarly, 650 million or 13% of the global population were obese. Under the age of 5, 39 million children were obese, while 340 million of the age of 5-19 are obese or overweight in the world.
The number of deaths caused by obesity is more than deaths by underweight in these obese countries. 8% of the total deaths, about 4.72 million, in 2017 were caused by obesity, increasing from 4.5% in 1990. Fiji, Bahrain, and American Samoa are the most affected countries with 29.43%, 25.69%, 23.53% of deaths caused by obesity respectively.
Among the causes of obesity, many are associated with an imbalance between the intake and expenditure of calories. The increase in calorie intake is mainly due to eating habits having energy-rich foods like sugar-sweetened drinks and unnecessary fats and carbohydrates. From one report, the global average calorie intake has increased from 2,200 kcal per day in the 1960s to 2,800 kcal per day in 2013. This recent increase in food consumption has resulted due to brands like The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE: KO), PepsiCo, Inc. (NASDAQ: PEP), Mondelez International, Inc. (NASDAQ: MDLZ), McDonald’s Corporation (NYSE: MCD), and Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE: YUM), having high sugar content in their products, causing the human body to process sugars and store them as fat.
The other main factor is the decrease in physical activities. Our lives have become more sedentary, including sitting all day in front of computer screens. Moreover, the decrease in walking due to better transportation and ride-hailing companies like Uber Technologies Inc.(NYSE: UBER) has also led to increasing obesity rates.
The health conditions like diabetes, stress, hyperthyroidism, among many other diseases, also contribute to the increase in weight.
Obesity can be reduced by calculating calorie intake. The fundamental step is to replace high sugar content with fresh fruits and vegetables. Obesity can also be controlled by doing physical exercises. The World Health Organization recommends that 150 minutes of walking spread through the day is enough for adults while for children, 60 minutes are enough.
On the societal level, obesity can be reduced by introducing policies that curb the usage of sugar. These policies include taxing sugar-based products, lowering the prices of artificial sweeteners, and restricting the marketing of sugar-rich food to children and teenagers. Making healthy food available and affordable to all is also a thing with significant outcomes.

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Our Methodology
For the list of 25 most obese countries globally, we have used data as released by the World Health Organization. The report for the obesity rate has been generated by sampling data of populations from each country and finding the percentage of the population having BMI greater than 30. The obesity rate mentioned here is calculated as an average of the men and women population. standardized for adults of age 18 and above. The average BMI for each country has also been mentioned.
So, without further ado, let’s look at the most obese countries in the world.
25 Most Obese Countries in the World
25. Bahrain
Average BMI: 28.2
Obesity Rate:29.8%
Bahrain is the 25th country on a list of the most obese country in the world, with a 29.8% population suffering from obesity. Bahrain is a developed nation in the Middle East Region. With a population of 1.64 million, the mean BMI for men has increased from 23 in 1975 to 24.89 in 2016. Up t0 65.8% of people are suffering from being overweight by having a BMI of 25 or greater. The consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is 95.4 liters per annum. Brands like The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE: KO), PepsiCo, Inc. (NASDAQ: PEP), Mondelez International, Inc. (NASDAQ: MDLZ), McDonald’s Corporation (NYSE: MCD), and Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE: YUM), having high sugar content in their products, are very popular in Bahrain.
24. Fiji
Average BMI: 27.2
Obesity Rate: 30.2%
Fiji is an island country in the South Pacific Ocean, with 30.2% of the population having a BMI of more than 30. 63.8% of the population of Fiji is overweight. The country ranks 24 on the list of most obese countries. The country has a population of 439,000. Per annum, sugar-sweetened soft drinks are consumed at the rate of 49.4 liters per capita, indicating high sugar consumption being the main reason for obesity.
23. Iraq
Average BMI: 28.0
Obesity Rate: 30.4%
Iraq is an oil-rich country in the Middle East, ranking 23rd on the list of most obese countries. Iraq has a 30.4% population having obesity while 64.6% are overweight with a BMI of more than 25kg/m2. With a population of 39.3 million, the primary sources of obesity are protein and carbohydrate-rich diets, as sugar-sweetened beverages are consumed at the rate of 39.9 liters per annum per capita. The effects are boosted due to a sedentary lifestyle.
22. New Zealand
Average BMI: 27.9
Obesity Rate: 30.8%
New Zealand is a Southwestern Pacific Ocean country consisting of islands. The country has 30.8% of the population having a BMI over 30, while 68% of the population is overweight. The average BMI is present at 28.29 for men and 28.1 for women. Brands like The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE: KO), PepsiCo, Inc. (NASDAQ: PEP), Mondelez International, Inc. (NASDAQ: MDLZ), McDonald’s Corporation (NYSE: MCD), and Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE: YUM), having high sugar content in their products, are very popular in New Zealand. This popularity is indicated by the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages at 81.6 liters per annum per capita, causing high rates of obesity in the population.
21. The Bahamas
Average BMI: 28.8
Obesity Rate: 31.6%
The Bahamas ranks 21 on the list of obese countries, with 31.6% of the population under the trap of obesity. Over 64.4% of the population has a BMI of 25 or greater. The country, known for its exotic tourist attractions, has a total population of 389,000 people. Sugar consumption is the main reason for obesity, with 80 liters per annum consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages by individuals.
20. The United Arab Emirates
Average BMI: 29
Obesity Rate: 31.7%
The United Arab Emirates is famous for popular tourist attractions like Dubai. This middle eastern country has an obesity rate of 31.7%. Over 67.8% of the population is overweight. Being an oil-rich country, a developed economy, and a sedentary lifestyle of a major chunk of the population has led to high obesity percentages. The consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is very high, at 97.9 liters per annum per capita. Brands like The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE: KO), PepsiCo, Inc. (NASDAQ: PEP), Mondelez International, Inc. (NASDAQ: MDLZ), McDonald’s Corporation (NYSE: MCD), and Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE: YUM), having high sugar content in their products, are very popular in the United Arab Emirates.
19. Egypt
Average BMI: 29.2
Obesity Rate: 32%
Egypt, a country in North Africa and known for pyramids, has made the 19th rank in our list of most obese countries around the world. With an obesity rate of 32%, Egypt faces obesity due to an unbalanced diet and lack of awareness about the effects of obesity. Overweight people account for 63.5% of the population. The sugar consumption is relatively less as sugar-sweetened beverages are consumed at 37.4 liters per annum per capita.
18. Lebanon
Average BMI: 27.8
Obesity Rate: 32%
Lebanon is also a Muslim majority country ranking 18th in this list of the most obese countries. This middle eastern country has an obesity rate of 32% and suffers majorly due to a lack of awareness about a balanced diet. Over 67.9% of the population has a BMI of 25 or greater. Sugar-sweetened beverages are consumed at 37.4 liters per annum per capita.
17. Turkey
Average BMI: 27.8
Obesity Rate: 32.1%
Turkey stands at number 17 in the world and ranks number one in Europe, with an obesity rate of 32.1%. Turkish cuisines are rich in fat and protein, making them high in calories and thus causing obesity. Over 66.8% of the population has a BMI of 25 or greater. Sugar-sweetened beverages are consumed at 62.2 liters per annum per capita.
16. Libya
Average BMI: 28.4
Obesity Rate: 32.5%
Libya, a North African country, has an obesity rate of 32.5%. It makes it 16th on the list of most obese countries in the world. Obesity is prevalent across all age groups and both sexes alike. Over 66.8% of the population has a BMI of over 25. However, the main reason for high obesity is an unbalanced diet. The consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is meager at just 1.7 liters per annum per capita.
15. Qatar
Average BMI: 29.2
Obesity Rate: 35.1%
Qatar has a 35.1% obesity rate and makes it the 15th most obese country in the world. The overweight population stands at 71.7%. The main reasons for the prevalent obesity are diabetes, consumption of sugar-sweetened products, and a sedentary lifestyle.
14. Saudi Arabia
Average BMI: 28.5
Obesity Rate: 35.4%
Saudi Arabia has one of the highest obesity rates in the middle east, with 35.4%. It is ranked 14th on the list. The oil-rich country has a mainly sedentary lifestyle and lack of awareness of a balanced diet, making it one of the most obese countries in the world. The consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages stands at 127.5 liters per annum per capita. Brands like The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE: KO), PepsiCo, Inc. (NASDAQ: PEP), Mondelez International, Inc. (NASDAQ: MDLZ), McDonald’s Corporation (NYSE: MCD), and Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE: YUM), having high sugar content in their products, are very popular in Saudi Arabia too.
13. Jordan
Average BMI: 28.9
Obesity Rate: 35.5%
Situated at the crossroads of Asia, Africa, and Europe, the country has a high obesity rate of 35.5%. Talking about overweight people, they account for 69.6% of the population. The main reasons behind this obesity are unbalanced diets and lack of time for a healthy lifestyle due to busy professional and social life.
12. United States of America
Average BMI: 28.5
Obesity Rate: 38.2%
The United States of America has the highest obesity rate of 38.2% among OECD members countries. The prevailing high obesity rates are due to 71.6% of people aged 20 and above suffering from being overweight. Among states, West Virginia has an obesity rate of 71.6% and holds the title of being the most obese state in the US. Among the following countries, the USA has the highest rate of sugar-sweetened beverages at 236.6 liters per annum per capita. Brands like The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE: KO), PepsiCo, Inc. (NASDAQ: PEP), Mondelez International, Inc. (NASDAQ: MDLZ), McDonald’s Corporation (NYSE: MCD), and Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE: YUM), having high sugar content in their products, are very popular in the US too.
11. Kuwait
Average BMI: 30.0
Obesity Rate: 37.9%
Kuwait is the fattest country in the Middle East region, with an obesity rate of 37.9%. The developed state has a fat-rich diet and sedentary lifestyles. The consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is very high, at 98 liters per annum per capita.
10. Micronesia (the Federated States of)
Average BMI: 29.4
Obesity Rate: 45.8%
An island state in Oceania, the Federated States of Micronesia, has a 45.8% obesity rate with a population of 114,00. The country primarily imports its food items that are highly processed from the US, which results in higher obesity rates.
9. Kiribati
Average BMI: 29.6
Obesity Rate: 46%
Kiribati has an obesity rate of 46%, making it at 9th number in the rankings of the most obese countries. The country, situated in the Pacific Ocean and has a population of 118,000 individuals.
8. Samoa
Average BMI: 31.7
Obesity Rate: 47.3%
Samoa has an obesity rate of 47.3%. This makes it 8th on the list of the most obese countries. The country has a small population of 197,000 people, and the main health-related reason for the high obesity rate is the prevalence of type-2 diabetes.
7. Tonga
Average BMI: 31.9
Obesity Rate: 48.2%
Tonga is situated in Pacific Oceana and has an obesity rate of 48.2%, making it the 7th number in the list of the most obese countries in the world. The main reason is attributed to a higher percentage of processed food in the diet as imported from the developed countries. Moreover, cheap meat high in fat imported from New Zealand is eaten across the country causing obesity.
6. Niue
Average BMI: 31.5
Obesity Rate: 50%
Niue has an obesity rate of 50% and makes it the 6th most obese country in the world. A large chunk of the population, up to 70%, is overweight. Situated in the Pacific Ocean, the region is facing obesity due to its high intake of sugar and fats.
5. Tuvalu
Average BMI: 29.3
Obesity Rate: 51.6%
Tuvalu is another Pacific Ocean country with an obesity rate of 51.6%. This makes it to the five most obese countries in the world. The main reasons are the same as any other Pacific Ocean country discussed before, i.e., unhealthy food high in fat as imported from the developed countries including New Zealand and the US.
