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25 Most Needed Jobs in America in 2023

In this article, we will talk about the 25 most needed jobs in America in 2023. We will also analyze the current job market scenario along with the most in-demand skills in 2023. If you want to skip our detailed analysis, head straight to 10 Most Needed Jobs in America in 2023.

The Roaring Job Market in the US in 2023

In the latest report, U.S. weekly jobless claims have decreased unexpectedly, falling by 9,000 to 228,000 for the week that ended on July 15th, 2023. This is the lowest level in two months, defying efforts by the Federal Reserve to slow demand. Economists had forecasted 242,000 claims for the week; however, the decline indicates that the labor market remains resilient, with businesses not yet laying off workers rapidly even in the tight labor market.

Moreover, the labor market witnessed the addition of 339,000 jobs in May. This figure was way above than what was forecasted to be around 190,000 jobs. In addition, job growth for March and April was revised even higher, underscoring a total increase of 93,000 jobs.

During the pandemic, concerns arose over many people leaving the workforce. However, the situation has been gradually changing in recent months. While the overall share of adults in the workforce remained unchanged in June’s report, there was an increase in people from the prime working age group (25-54 years old) rejoining the workforce.

The share of this age group in the labor force reached 83.4%, the highest since 2007, and the share of women in this age range participating in the workforce rose to 77.6%, the highest level since 1948 when government records began.

What Are the Most In-Demand Skills in 2023?

According to Linkedin’s yearly report on the most in-demand skills for 2023, the top five skills in demand are management, communication, customer service, leadership, and sales. On the other hand, the top five hard skills in 2023 include software development, SQL, finance, Python, and Java. Speaking of Python and Java, you should also check out our latest article on highest paying programming languages.

According to World Economic Forum, companies prioritize AI and big data 12 places higher in their skills strategies compared to their core skills evaluations of employees. They plan to invest about 9% of reskilling efforts in AI and big data, which is more than other highly-ranked skills like creative thinking.

Leadership and social influence are highly valued and rank five places higher than their current importance. Business also emphasizes skills such as design and user experience, environmental stewardship, marketing and media, and networks and cybersecurity, ranking them higher in importance for their strategies. These findings emphasize the importance of AI and big data in company reskilling efforts in today’s day and age.

Companies Making Waves in AI in 2023

As companies increasingly prioritize AI and big data in their reskilling efforts, one notable player making waves in this space is Adobe Inc (NASDAQ:ADBE). Adobe Inc (NASDAQ:ADBE) introduced Firefly, a new family of generative AI models to create images and text effects.

Unlike other AI platforms, Firefly is trained exclusively on Adobe Inc (NASDAQ:ADBE) Stock images, openly licensed content, and public domain materials with expired copyrights, ensuring that it doesn’t steal images. This AI focuses on generating content safe for commercial use, to prioritize customer-centric and ethical approaches.

Adobe Inc (NASDAQ:ADBE) plans to allow users to train Firefly with their own collateral and tailor generated content to their style or brand language. Additionally, Firefly will be accessible via APIs on various platforms to promote integration into custom workflows and automation.

On the other hand, Amazon Web Services (AWS), the cloud division of, Inc (NASDAQ:AMZN), is investing $100 million to create a program to support generative artificial intelligence (AI) startups. the program is designed to connect AWS-affiliated data scientists, strategists, engineers, and solutions architects with customers and partners.

Even though, Inc (NASDAQ:AMZN) has already introduced AI through its virtual assistant Alexa, this new investment was dwarfed by the large contributions made by other tech giants like Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT), which invested $10 billion in OpenAI, and Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG), which invested $300 million in Anthropic., Inc (NASDAQ:AMZN) is also using generative AI to crack down on fake reviews on their products.


Our Methodology

To list the 25 most needed jobs in America in 2023, we analyzed various sources online along with various subreddits on jobs and Linkedin to collect these highly demanded jobs in the US. We have ranked them based on the scores of consensus, i.e, the ones we found to be the most frequently appearing on these sources. The higher the Insider Monkey score, the higher the consensus, and hence, the higher the demand for the job.

Here is a list of 25 Most Needed Jobs in America in 2023

25. Fintech Analyst

Insider Monkey Score: 7.0

Fintech business analysts are responsible for data reporting, quality assurance, and financial trend forecasting in the banking, investing, and telecommunications industries. Typically, these analysts pursue a bachelor’s degree in business, IT, or a related field, followed by a master’s degree in data analytics to excel in their roles.

24. Digital Transformation Specialist

Insider Monkey Score: 7.1

The job of a digital transformation specialist is high in demand in the US due to the increasing need for businesses to adapt and leverage technology effectively to stay competitive while enhancing efficiency and meet evolving customer expectations in the digital age. It is one of the most needed jobs in America in 2023.

23. Human Resource Manager

Insider Monkey Score: 7.4

A human resource manager in the US oversees personnel matters, including recruitment, employee relations, benefits administration, and performance management. They ensure compliance with labor laws and play a crucial role in fostering a productive and positive work environment. It is also one of the highest paying jobs for the future.

22. Business Development Professionals

Insider Monkey Score: 7.5

Business development professionals are highly demanded in the US owing to their expertise in identifying growth opportunities, expanding market reach, and cultivating strategic partnerships. Their role is essential in driving revenue and achieving long-term success for companies in a competitive business environment.

21. Digital Marketing Manager

Insider Monkey Score: 7.7

A digital marketing manager develops and implements online marketing strategies to promote products or services. They oversee digital campaigns, analyze performance metrics, manage social media presence, optimize website content, and utilize various digital channels to drive brand awareness, engagement, and sales. It is one of the most needed jobs in America in 2023.

20. Information Security Analyst

Insider Monkey Score: 7.8

With an average salary of $100,362 annually in the US, Information security analysts monitor organizational networks for security breaches, investigate incidents, and maintain protective software like firewalls and data encryption programs. According to BLS, the growth rate of this occupation is 35% between 2021 and 2031, making it one of the most in-demand jobs of the future.

19. Web Developer

Insider Monkey Score: 7.9

A web developer creates and maintains websites. The professional also designs the layout and writes code, ensuring that site’s functionality, appearance, and user experience meet the required standards and goals. It is also one of the best work-from-home jobs in 2023.

18. Business Analyst

Insider Monkey Score: 8.0

A business analyst analyzes and interprets an organization’s data, processes, and systems to identify problems, recommend solutions, and improves overall efficiency and productivity, bridging the gap between business needs and technology implementation. It is one of the highly demanded jobs in 2023.

17. Renewable Energy Specialists

Insider Monkey Score: 8.1

Sustainable energy specialists are in high demand due to the recent global focus on environmental conservation and climate change. With a growing urgency to transition to renewable energy sources, these experts play a crucial role in developing, implementing, and optimizing sustainable energy solutions. They drive positive environmental impact and try to meet emission reduction goals, making it one of the most meaningful jobs.

16. Risk Management Specialists

Insider Monkey Score: 8.1

Risk management specialists identify and evaluate potential risks in various industries and aim to mitigate negative impacts. They use statistical analysis and collaborate with actuaries to assess financial risks and develop strategies to safeguard businesses, ensuring they can navigate uncertainties effectively and maintain stability. It is one of the most needed jobs in America in 2023.

15. Agricultural Equipment Operators

Insider Monkey Score: 8.2

Agricultural equipment operators operate and maintain farming machinery to plant, cultivate, and harvest crops. The rising demand of the profession can be attributed to the need to produce food to meet the growing population’s demands efficiently.

14. Dentist

Insider Monkey Score: 8.3

Dentists diagnose and treat oral health issues and perform dental procedures. Their high demand in the US stems from the importance of dental health and the aging population’s increased dental needs. It is one of the highest-paying jobs in America.

13. Physical Therapist

Insider Monkey Score: 8.5

These professionals assist patients in recovering from injuries and improving mobility through therapy. The demand is high due to an aging population and increased focus on healthcare and rehabilitation services in the US.

12. Solar Energy Installation and System Engineers

Insider Monkey Score: 8.7

These engineers design, install, and maintain solar energy systems, addressing the demand for renewable energy solutions and sustainability efforts to combat climate change. According to BLS, it is one of the fastest-growing occupations in the US.

11. Chefs and Cooks

Insider Monkey Score: 8.8

The demand for restaurant cooks and chefs is fueled by the thriving food industry, including restaurants, hotels, and catering services, as well as the cultural significance of culinary experiences in the US. Owing to the dynamic nature of work for chefs, it is of the most fun jobs that pay well.

Click here to see the 10 Most Needed Jobs in America in 2023.

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Disclosure: None. 25 Most Needed Jobs in America in 2023 is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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A New Dawn is Coming to U.S. Stocks

I work for one of the largest independent financial publishers in the world – representing over 1 million people in 148 countries.

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Here to answer that for us… and give away his No. 1 free AI recommendation… is 50-year Wall Street titan, Marc Chaikin.

Marc’s been a trader, stockbroker, and analyst. He was the head of the options department at a major brokerage firm and is a sought-after expert for CNBC, Fox Business, Barron’s, and Yahoo! Finance…

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