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25 Most Liked Tiktok Videos in the World

In this article, we will be exploring the 25 most liked Tiktok videos in the world. You can skip our detailed analysis on the Tiktok app, and go directly to the 5 Most Liked Tiktok Videos in the World.

Tiktok is a social media application which was launched in Beijing, China by ByteDance in 2016. Over the years it has accumulated over 2 billion users, with an unsurprising increase in numbers this year. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced people to spend a lot more time at home and Tiktok has rescued many from infinite boredom.

Tiktok users or Tiktokers showcase their talent by creating short videos under a myriad of genres. The platform is free and has allowed its users to develop relationships with each other and connect through challenges and duets much like social media applications for companies like Meta Platforms Inc. (NASDAQ:META), Twitter Inc. (NASDAQ: TWTR), and YouTube of Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOGL).

Millions of content creators publish videos every day. From a popular dance challenge to a celebrity making a big announcement, Tiktok videos become viral on the internet and remain the main topic of discussion until there is a new challenge that becomes the rage.

Aside from entertainment and dancing, this platform has also become a means through which people spread positivity and awareness about prevalent issues like mental wellness and the environment. This in turn encourages individuals to be more aware of the society they live in.

Tiktok was not specifically built to be monetized. However, as other social media companies Tiktok accounts with over 1000 followers can begin live streaming their videos and monetize them.

Tiktoks that become viral go on to gain greater viewership and following on other social media applications as well. Sometimes, the videos also get picked up by entertainment and music companies like Netflix Inc. (NASDAQ: NFLX) and Walt Disney Co (NYSE: DIS) which allows people to gain greater recognition.

Photo by Aaron Weiss on Unsplash

Our Methodology

To compile a list of the 25 most liked Tiktoks in the world, we have intensively searched through forums to identify the most viewed and popular Tiktoks on the internet. These Tiktoks have been shortlisted according to the number of likes received on them, ranking them from lowest to highest.

With this context in mind, we will now dive into our list of the 25 most liked videos on Tiktok in the world.

25 Most Liked Tiktok Videos in the World

25. Slipping with Milk

Tiktok Account Owner: Kison Kee
Likes: 26.4 million
Views: 298. 4 million

Kison Kee, with 3.6 million followers on Tiktok, gained popularity after he posted the video, Slipping with Milk, where he holds a bottle of milk while balancing on two plastic cups. This leads to him falling on the floor and breaking open the bottle of milk and none left to put in his cereal. This video gained around 26.4 million likes and has been viewed 298.4 million times.

24. Satisfying Puzzle Pieces

Tiktok Account Owner: SirWrender
Likes: 26.6 million
Views: 155 million

Wren Weichman, commonly known and SirWrender gained over 1.4 million followers after posting a hypnotic video titled Satisfying Puzzle Pieces, where glowing puzzle pieces fit perfectly together. Most of his Tiktoks are compilations of satisfying animations which are very relaxing to watch. This particular share received 26.6 million likes and was viewed 155 million times.

23. Giving Food to A Homeless Man

Tiktok Account Owner: Nasty Naz
Likes: 26. 7 million
Views: 249.9 million

Nasty Naz has acquired a following of 24.7 million people, along with a total of 185.9 million views on their Tiktok page making it the 23rd on our list. In this video, Giving Food to a Homeless Man, Nasty Naz gives food to a homeless person from his own convenience store. This act of kindness was highly appreciated by viewers and resulted in 26.7 million likes and 249.9 million views on this video.

22. Eating

Tiktok Account Owner: Chipmunks of Tiktok
Likes: 26.7 million

The page, Chipmunks of Tiktok has acquired over 10.6 million fans. Most of the videos on this page star chipmunks who are regularly fed different kinds of nuts. Seeing them stuff peanuts into their tiny mouths was the best part of the video. Chipmunks Eating gained 26.7 million likes making it our 22nd most liked Tiktok.

21. Dora the Explorer Impression

Tiktok Account Owner: Rebekka Vallejo
Likes: 26.8 million
Views: 127 million

Rebekka Vallejo is known for doing a great Dora the Explorer impersonation. Dora the Explorer is a popular cartoon aired on Nickelodeon.  In the video Dora the Explorer Impression, Vallejo asks her mother to make her a sandwich in the  way Dora speaks. Not only is her impression spot on, the mother proceeds to get irritated and throws the sandwich at her forehead. This makes the ending of the Tiktok hilarious. It gained 26.8 million likes, while her account has gained over 1.4 million followers. Most of the videos featured on the account are funny shorts.

20. Roleplaying as a Mermaid

Tiktok Account Owner: Kelsey Koonce
Likes: 26.8 million

Kelsey Koonce is a 21-year-old professional mermaid. She has over 1.9 million fans on her page. One of the most liked videos on her page is of her underwater wearing her mermaid costume waving hello to little girls. One of the little girls watching her, hugs her through the glass. This moment was endearing and touched many. The video Roleplaying as a Mermaid received around 26.8 million likes. Her page shows similar videos related to her job as a professional mermaid.

Koonce’s Tiktoks is not exclusive and can be viewed on other social media platforms, owned by companies like Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ: FB), Twitter Inc. (NASDAQ: TWTR), and YouTube (Alphabet Inc. NASDAQ: GOOGL).

19. Catching a Wave

Tiktok Account Owner: Jordy Wilson
Likes:  27.9 million
Views: 254 million

Jordy Wilson, commonly known as Outdoor Kinda Guy on Tiktok posts several videos of surfing and ocean-related activities. He has over 7.7 million followers on his page. One his videos, Catching a Wave, showed a wave colliding into his camera, revealing the inside of the ocean, which was clear and bright blue. This video received 27.9 million likes and 254 million views.

18. Dancing

Tiktok Account Owner: Cachita7gri
Likes: 28.3 million

Cachita Griselda is Spanish with over 2.6 million fans on Tiktok. Her most liked video is one of her dancing in front of drying clothes. She proceeds to hang them from a line which breaks and leads to her fall, she then gets up and walks off frame. Her energy and exuberant personality makes Dancing a popular video with 28.3 million likes.

17. Face Covered in Flour

Tiktok Account Owner: Khabane Lame
Likes:  28.4 million

Khabane Lame has become quite the personality on Tiktok. Most of his videos involve finding easier solutions to problems which have been made complicated. The video, Face Covered in Flour, is one where an individual is playing with white glitter, which seems to be falling onto the camera. The second cut of this video shows Lame spluttering and coughing out white flour that covers his face, implying that the glitter fell on him. This video has over 28.4 million likes, while Lame has crossed 100 million followers and gained a great deal of popularity. His net worth is believed to be around $2 million.

16. Tearing Toilet Paper

Tiktok Account Owner: Khabane Lame
Likes: 29.7 million

It is not surprising that Khabane Lame will appear numerous times on our list. The video, Tearing Toilet Paper, features the incorrect or rather unnecessary way someone is tearing off a piece of toilet paper. The video then cuts to Lame showing the viewers a better way toilet paper can be torn off. This video has received 29.7 million likes.

15. Lioness Hugging Owner

Tiktok Account Owner: Fxxkmin17
Likes: 30.3 million

This next video Lioness Hugging Owner is very simply that of a lioness hugging its owner. The lioness seems to be overjoyed to see him and topples him to the ground. This video has received over 30.3 million likes, while the account has gained over 6.3 million followers and a total of 61.3 million accumulated likes on the page.

14. Removing Shirt Stuck in Car Door

Tiktok Account Owner: Khabane Lame
Likes: 30.8 million

This video Removing Shirt Stuck in Car Door features another tutorial on how a shirt should be removed from a car door. The fist clip shows someone reaching out into the car to grab a scissor, after which he cuts off a part of his shirt that is stuck in the car door. The video then cuts to Lame opening the car door to let his shirt free. His exasperated face over simple tasks made needlessly complicated is what gained him 30.8 million likes on this video  and has increased his following exponentially.

13. Kitten Running

Tiktok Account Owner: Nina Christine
Likes: 32.0 million

After posting an adorable video of a small grey and white kitten titled Kitten Running @ninachristine15 on Tiktok gained 2.9 million fans. The video which became popular shows a kitten running from a bedroom across the hallway towards the camera. Its small jumps while running are the sweetest part of the video. This video received around 32.0 million likes.

12. Drinking a Glass of Water

Tiktok Account Owner: Khabane Lame
Likes: 32.1 million

The 35-second video titled; Drinking a Glass of Water, features an absurd way of drinking water. An individual uses zip ties to make a handle for his glass. The video then cuts to Lame pouring water into the glass and using his hand to hold it up while drinking it. This video received over 32.1 million likes and left viewers baffled at how some people come up with terrible solutions for their problems.

11. Pick-up Line

Tiktok Account Owner: Jalapeno
Likes: 34.3 million

Jalepeno or @cikiee on Tiktok has around 3 million fans, along with 63.4 million accumulated likes on his page. One of his videos, Pick Up Line, caught the eye of the public. In this video, a chef can be seen using alcohol to light the stove. The customer then asks him if he is okay, and if he needs anything. The chef then proceeds to say ‘your number’. Genuine concern for the chef’s hand turned into a pick-up line. This video gained over 34.3 million likes.

10. Removing a Mask from a Cup Handle

Tiktok Account Owner: Khabane Lame
Likes: 34.6 million

This next video, Removing a Mask from a Cup Handle, shows an individual who is trying to take his mask out of a cup handle. The only solution he can think of is using a hammer to break off the handle. The video then cuts to Lame simply sliding the mask out of the handle, with an exasperated look on his face. This video has over 34.6 million likes.

9. Closing a Car Door

Tiktok Account Owner: Khabane Lame
Likes: 34.8 million
Views: 57 million

The video, Closing a Car Door, shows how a person is unable to close their car door.  There appears to be a pillar in the way of the door, preventing it from closing. The video then cuts to Lame moving the car forward, so that the pillar is no longer in the way and pushes the door close. This video has a total of 34.8 million likes.

8. Opening a Door

Tiktok Account Owner: Khabane Lame
Likes: 35.1 million

The next video is also a simple tutorial by the very best, Khabane Lame. The first part of the video shows two people chasing each other. The woman is unable to open the door, as her foot is in the way. The video, Opening a Door then shows Lame standing in front of the door to show everyone how to remove their foot from the way and simply pull the door open. This video has acquired around 35.1 million likes.

7. Cat Pawing the Camera

Tiktok Account Owner: British Promise Cats
Likes:  35.6 million
Views: 275 million

The Tiktok page by the British Promise Cats has 3.1 million fans and a total of 45 million accumulated likes on their page. The page features content related to cats doing cute things. The video Cat Pawing the Camera particularly gained recognition, showing a ginger cat peeking into a cardboard cut-out and reaching for the phone placed underneath. This video has 35.6 million likes and is our 7th most liked video on Tiktok.

6. How to Peel a Banana

Tiktok Account Owner: Khabane Lame
Likes: 37.8 million
Views: 251 million

This video starts off with someone using a knife to cut off the peel of a banana, wasting most of it. The video then shows Lame with a banana, which he picks up and simply peels with his hands. The video Tiktok, How to Peel a Banana has 37.8 million likes.

Click to continue reading and see the 5 Most Liked Tiktok Videos in the World.

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Disclosure: None. 25 Most Liked Tiktok Videos in the World is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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