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25 Most Famous Bridges In The World

In this article, we will list the most famous bridges in the world and discuss what makes them so significant. If you want to skip our analysis of these bridges’ importance in trade and commuting, read 8 Most Famous Bridges In The World

The most famous bridges in the world have been crucial in history as they enhanced connectivity and fostered trade. Historic bridges like the Pont du Gard in France and the Charles Bridge in Prague stamp exceptional engineering capability from ancient times. 

The iconic Brooklyn Bridge, completed in 1883, also dramatically facilitated the growth of New York City by connecting Manhattan to Brooklyn and encouraged urban expansion. Likewise, the bridges in the contemporary era, such as the Akashi Kaikyō Bridge in Japan and the Millau Viaduct in France, demonstrate engineering advancements over time. Today, these popular bridges commute millions of modern vehicles and are vital for food, healthcare, tourism, and trade sectors.

Maintaining Bridges And Road Networks

Maintaining and repairing infrastructure like the most famous bridges in the world involves multiple entities, including government agencies, engineering firms, and construction companies. Projects like the Golden Gate Bridge or Brooklyn Bridge are overseen by public entities. The maintenance organization for the Golden Gate Bridge is the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway, and Transportation District, whose latest recorded revenue is $120 million, generated from approximately 30 million vehicles. Likewise, the New York City Department of Transportation is the management authority for the Brooklyn Bridge, which hasn’t declared its annual revenue.

A noteworthy name in infrastructure upkeep is Caterpillar Inc (NYSE:CAT), which provides machinery and equipment for bridge and road maintenance projects. Caterpillar Inc (NYSE:CAT) has a product line of 300 machines used for paving, construction, mining, and other heavy-duty construction tasks. Caterpillar Inc (NYSE:CAT) is also the largest manufacturer of construction equipment based on sales revenue, as the company’s sales revenue was $59.4 billion in 2022. 

Another name involved in expansive road and bridge management projects is MasTec Inc (NYSE:MTZ). The construction and maintenance projects of MasTec Inc (NYSE:MTZ) often involve the installation of complete hardscape packages on major bridges and roads. MasTec Inc (NYSE:MTZ) is involved in the excavation of damaged pavements, asphalt, traffic lights, and signals. The company’s mission is to provide erosion-control services so the environmental impact of construction/excavation efforts is minimal.

Speaking of the profitability of bridges, here is our overview of the 15 Most Profitable Toll Roads In The World; read to know which toll roads are making big bucks. 

Global Construction Industry Overview

As of 2023, the construction industry is valued at approximately $12.74 trillion, representing nearly 13% of the global GDP. The industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.5% between 2023-2028 and is anticipated to reach around $18.59 trillion by 2028, according to market research. 

Regionally, the Asia-Pacific region, led by China and India, is currently the largest construction market which had a total revenue of $6.7 trillion in 2021. The region’s construction sector has grown at a CAGR of 7.2% between 2016-2021. Moving forward, the Asia-Pacific construction industry is forecasted to progress at a CAGR of 7.4% and will reach $9.6 trillion by 2026. Such growth is spurred by rapid urbanization, infrastructural development, and economic growth. 

North America and Europe also hold significant market shares of $2.3 and $2.6 trillion, respectively, though growth in these mature markets is relatively slower. Emerging economies in Africa and Latin America are expected to show substantial growth in their construction industries. As of current, the market is valued at $230 billion in Latin America and $206 billion in Africa. 

Which Is The Tallest Bridge in The World?

The tallest bridge in the world is the Millau Viaduct, a cable-stayed bridge that spans the valley of the River Tarn near Millau in Southern France. Its summit reaches a height of 343 meters (1,125 feet) above the base of the structure and renders it the tallest bridge globally if the structural height is considered, including the bridge’s towers. 

Notably, “tallest” and “highest” can denote different things in the context of bridges. While the Millau Viaduct is the tallest based on its structural height, the bridge with the highest deck (distance from the deck of the bridge where vehicles travel to the ground or water beneath) is the Beipanjiang Bridge Duge in China, whose height is 565 meters.

Which Is The World’s Longest Bridge?

The Danyang–Kunshan Grand Bridge viaduct on the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed railway is the world’s longest bridge. The bridge is 164,800 meters long and was completed in 2010, and its construction cost totaled $8.5 billion. It’s a viaduct-style bridge, which means that a large portion of it is elevated to allow for waterways, roads, and other railways beneath it. Also, the bridge’s design was built to withstand natural disasters like typhoons and earthquakes.

Let’s move to the list of the most famous bridges in the world.

25 Most Famous Bridges In The World

Our Methodology 

We selected the 25 most famous bridges in the world according to their historical significance and cruciality in connecting different regions, i.e., the Bosphorus bridge that connects Europe and Asia. Our thesis is that historical significance implies fame, which is why we have ranked these bridges based on the time they were built and completed. 

Here are some of the most important bridges in the world:

25. Henderson Waves Bridge (Singapore) – 2008

The Henderson Waves Bridge is a distinctive landmark in Singapore and is recognized as the city’s highest pedestrian bridge at 36 meters above ground. Constructed in 2008 as part of the Southern Ridges Walk, the bridge has a wave-like structure inspired by the natural forms of the tropical environment. This architectural marvel has a length of 274 meters and is made of Balau wood, a dense hardwood used in heavy construction, which is then set atop a steel framework. 

24. Millau Viaduct (Millau, France) – 2004

The Millau Viaduct is the world’s tallest cable-stayed bridge and is an engineering marvel. It’s located in southern France and was completed in 2004. The bridge soars 343 meters at its highest point, surpassing even the Eiffel Tower. British architect Norman Foster and French structural engineer Michel Virlogeux collaborated to conceive this infrastructure masterpiece, which was instrumental in resolving traffic congestion on the route from Paris to Spain.

23. Sundial Bridge (Redding, USA) – 2004

The Sundial Bridge at Turtle Bay, located in Redding, California, USA, was completed in 2004. This pedestrian-only bridge was designed by renowned Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, featuring a 217-foot tall pylon that acts as a working sundial. Besides being iconic, the bridge was designed to avoid impacting the delicate salmon-spawning habitat beneath it. The Sundial Bridge connects both sides of the Turtle Bay Exploration Park and promotes environmentally sensitive tourism.

22. Magdeburg Water Bridge (Magdeburg, Germany) – 2003

The Magdeburg Water Bridge, built in the Elbe River in Germany, is the longest navigable aqueduct in the world, stretching an impressive 918 meters. This bridge was opened to the public in 2003 and is integral to the European Canal System as it links the Elbe-Havel Canal to the Mittelland Canal. Eventually, the bridge enables water vessels to bypass the previously dangerous journey through the Elbe’s low water levels. The bridge expedited transportation by averting this logistical impasse and notably enhanced the safety of inland shipping. 

21. Gateshead Millennium Bridge (Gateshead, England) – 2002

The Gateshead Millennium Bridge in England was designed to overcome the problem of accommodating both pedestrian traffic and river navigation. The structure used an innovative tilting mechanism that allows ships to pass underneath and pedestrians to cross when in the horizontal position. Interestingly, the bridge became infamous upon its initial opening in 2000 due to unexpected harmonic oscillation that caused a wobbling effect. It was temporarily closed for structural adjustments, and the redesigned bridge was reopened in 2002 and has since functioned smoothly.

20. Akashi Kaikyō Bridge (Kobe, Japan) – 1998

The Akashi Kaikyō Bridge, located in Japan, has long been celebrated as the world’s longest central-span suspension bridge, with an impressive length of 3,911 meters. However, Turkey has taken this title from Japan by building the 1915 Canakkale Bridge, which was opened in 2022. The Akashi Bridge was completed in 1998; it spans the Akashi Strait, connecting Kobe to Awaji Island. The bridge’s construction provided a reliable transport link that replaced hazardous ferry services, which are usually susceptible to the region’s inclement weather and strong currents. Notably, it was designed with advanced engineering solutions to withstand Japan’s frequent seismic activity and typhoons.

19. Tsing Ma Bridge (Hong Kong, China) – 1997

The Tsing Ma Bridge, in Hong Kong, is renowned as the world’s longest suspension bridge that can carry both road and rail traffic. Since its completion in 1997, the 2,160 meters bridge has eased connectivity between the urban areas and the Hong Kong International Airport on Lantau Island. Its double-deck design accommodates two railway lines and six lanes of roadway. 

18. The Confederation Bridge (Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick, Canada) – 1997

The Confederation Bridge is one of the most famous bridges in the world. It was inaugurated in 1997 and spans the Abegweit Passage of Northumberland Strait, linking Prince Edward Island (PEI) to mainland New Brunswick, Canada. Spanning 12,900 meters, it’s the world’s longest bridge over ice-covered waters. The bridge connects the otherwise isolated PEI to the mainland, thus facilitating faster transportation and promoting regional tourism. 

17. Erasmusbrug Bridge (Rotterdam, Netherlands) – 1996 

The Erasmusbrug Bridge, fondly known as “The Swan,” is a striking feature of Rotterdam’s landscape in the Netherlands. It stretches over 802 meters over the Nieuwe Maas River and is a cable-stayed bridge completed in 1996. The bridge has a 139-meter-tall asymmetrical tower, symbolizing the city’s resilience and forward-looking spirit. It addresses a fundamental urban challenge by connecting the northern and southern parts of Rotterdam.

16. Sunshine Skyway Bridge (Tampa Bay, Florida, USA) – 1987

The Sunshine Skyway Bridge is another cable-stayed bridge in Florida, USA, that spans over 6,663 meters across Tampa Bay. The bridge was opened in 1987 and replaced an earlier bridge destroyed in a shipping accident. It is renowned for its aesthetic appeal, typified by the yellow suspension cables which resemble sun rays, lending it the nickname “flag bridge.” Apart from providing an efficient transportation route, the bridge signifies Tampa Bay’s recovery and advancement since the tragic 1980 incident when a freighter struck a bridge and killed 35 people. 

15. Banpo Bridge Rainbow Fountain (Seoul, South Korea) 1982

The Banpo Bridge Rainbow Fountain in Seoul, South Korea, is the world’s longest bridge fountain according to the Guinness World Records. The bridge spans over 1,140 meters and adds charm to the Han River, with approximately 380 nozzles spraying water directly into the river. 

14. Bosphorus Bridge (Istanbul, Turkey) – 1973

The Bosphorus Bridge is another one of the most famous bridges in the world. It was inaugurated in 1973 to bridge the gap between Asia and Europe across the Bosphorus Strait. Its maximum length is 1,560 meters, and the suspension bridge is an emblem of unity. It has significantly eased intercontinental travel and facilitated economic growth by increasing trade and tourism. However, the high volume of traffic it attracts daily contributes to severe congestion and pollution.

13. Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel (Virginia, USA) – 1964

The Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel (CBBT) opened in 1964 and covers a 28,300 meters area across the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia, USA. The structure connects Virginia’s Eastern Shore with the mainland and solves the longstanding issue of circuitous land-based travel. The CBBT, which includes two tunnels and several bridges, is notable for its dual functionality. It enables maritime navigation and vehicular traffic, signifying a significant step in infrastructural innovation.

12. Golden Gate Bridge (San Francisco, USA) – 1937

The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the most famous bridges in the world. It was unveiled in 1937 and is a beloved symbol of San Francisco, USA. The structure is 2,737 meters long and is admired for its distinctive International Orange color. This bridge solved the problem of ferry dependency to traverse the Golden Gate Strait. Its completion was a triumph of engineering, and it was the longest suspension bridge in the world until 1964. Aside from its functional use, the bridge has immense cultural significance. It is featured in countless movies and artworks.

11. Sydney Harbour Bridge (Sydney, Australia) – 1932

The Sydney Harbour Bridge was completed in 1932 and is a fundamental part of Sydney, Australia’s skyline. The steel arch bridge spans approximately 503 meters and connects Sydney’s CBD to the North Shore. The “Coathanger,” as it’s affectionately known, is symbolic of Australia’s progress during the early 20th century, and its impressive arch is one of the world’s tallest steel arch bridges.

10. George Washington Bridge (New York City, USA) – 1931

The George Washington Bridge was inaugurated in 1931 and is called a symbol of New York City. The architectural jewel stretches 1,451 meters over the Hudson River and is a double-decked suspension bridge. Architect Othmar H. Amman designed it to link Manhattan to Fort Lee, New Jersey, thus addressing a major transportation issue of that time. Its total length, including approaches, spans nearly 3,500 meters and makes it a monumental achievement in civil engineering.

9. Chengyang Bridge (Sanjiang, China) – 1912

The Chengyang Bridge was built in 1912 in the Dong minority region of Sanjiang, China. At 64.4 meters long and 3.4 meters wide, the bridge ingeniously combines a bridge, corridor, veranda, and Chinese pavilion in one structure without using a single nail. Also known as the Wind and Rain Bridge, it offered villagers protection from harsh weather elements, hence solving a significant practical problem while illustrating cultural identity.

Click to continue reading 8 Most Famous Bridges In The World.

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Disclosure: None. 25 Most Famous Bridges In The World is originally published at Insider Monkey.

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