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25 Most Congested Cities in the US

In this article, we’ll take a detailed look at the 25 Most Congested Cities in the US, with insights into overall traffic congestion and its impact on various sectors. For a quick overview of the top 10, head over to the 10 Most Congested Cities in the US.

Traffic congestion has grown hand-in-hand with urban development. As cities expand and populations increase, so too do the number of vehicles that navigate urban streets and highways. In the US, with its vast urban landscapes and ever-growing population centers, congestion is not just an inconvenience, but it also impacts the economy, environment, and people’s lives.

According to the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT), congestion leads to billions of dollars lost annually in terms of wasted fuel and lost productivity. When vehicles idle in traffic or move at slower speeds, more fuel is consumed, driving up the costs for businesses and consumers alike.

The toll is equally concerning from an environmental perspective. Congested roads lead to vehicles spending more time idling, which in turn, results in higher greenhouse gas emissions. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has noted that transportation, particularly road traffic, is a significant contributor to the US’s carbon footprint.

Population density and the demand on the transportation infrastructure also play a significant role in causing congestion. For instance, New York City, with over 8 million residents squeezed into just over 300 square miles, is a classic example of how high urban densities can damage road networks. But it’s not only about population.

Outdated infrastructure, inadequate public transport systems, and urban areas designed without the anticipation of current vehicle demand further compound the issue.

The Texas A&M Transportation Institute’s Urban Mobility Report reveals that over the years, there has been a constant rise in the average hours Americans spend stuck in traffic.

The American’s deep-rooted preference for personal vehicles is a notable factor contributing to this congestion. Data from the US Census Bureau illustrates that a major segment of the American workforce chooses to commute by car, and many do so without carpooling. This, combined with certain cities having underdeveloped public transport networks, places a heavier dependence on roadways, further intensifying congestion.

Which City has the Worst Traffic in the World

Traffic congestion is a global challenge, with many urban centers struggling with the snarl of bumper-to-bumper vehicles, particularly during rush hours. The crown for the world’s worst traffic, however, is highly contested and can change annually due to various factors ranging from infrastructure development to population surges.

According to the TomTom 2022 Traffic Index, London takes the top spot when it comes to average travel time, followed by Bangaluru, Dublin, Sapporo, and Milan. Astonishingly, traversing just 10 kilometers in London takes an average of 36 minutes and 20 seconds, making it one of the worst traffic cities. This is roughly the time it might take to watch an entire episode of a TV sitcom, all while covering a distance that’s less than a quarter of the length of the English Channel!

INRIX echoes this sentiment. Their 2022 Global Traffic Scorecard rankings highlight London as the city enduring the highest delays by time, followed by Chicago, Paris, and Boston. Londoners face a staggering 156 hours of delay annually due to traffic congestion.

While the title of the city with the world’s worst traffic may be in flux, one thing remains constant: the urgent need for urban centers to innovate, adapt, and find sustainable solutions to their traffic challenges.

Solutions to Reduce Traffic Congestion

Traffic congestion in the major urban hubs is not just a testament to growing populations and urban sprawl; it’s a call to action for infrastructure development.

Companies like Bechtel, Fluor Corp (NYSE:FLR), and AECOM (NYSE:ACM) have a history of executing large-scale projects. With their expertise in constructing highways, bridges, and transit systems, these firms could play an important role in reshaping the transportation landscape of congested cities.

For instance, Fluor Corp (NYSE:FLR) has been around for over 100 years, working on mega-projects ranging from intricate transportation networks to modern energy plants. Flour Corp (NYSE:FLR)’s expertise in integrating design, procurement, and construction services has been influential in reshaping skylines and transit systems around the world.

Likewise, AECOM (NYSE:ACM) is recognized for its novel approach to designing and building resilient cities. With services that involve planning, consulting, and management, AECOM (NYSE:ACM) has had a significant role in creating some of the world’s most iconic landmarks and infrastructure projects.

There is also a need to expand and modernize public transport systems. Infrastructure companies specializing in train and bus manufacturing, such as GreenPower Motor Company and Trinity Industries (NYSE:TRN), might be vital in the evolution of transit solutions, from advanced bus fleets to state-of-the-art subway and light rail systems.

For example, Trinity Industries (NYSE:TRN) can prove to be a useful resource in delivering a diverse range of products, including railcars, barges, and highway products. Trinity Industries (NYSE:TRN) is well-known for facilitating movement, trade, and connectivity, which could help transform public transportation.

In this digital age, smart city solutions with technology-driven infrastructure can’t be ignored. Firms like Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:CSCO), which have made strides in smart city solutions, can be key partners for cities aiming to integrate advanced traffic management systems, smart lighting, and other tech-driven infrastructure elements. Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:CSCO), with its strong background in networking and using the Internet of Things (IoT), helps cities connect better and work more efficiently. Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:CSCO) has made smart systems that can manage traffic to avoid jams and reduce pollution.



To effectively identify and rank the 25 most congested cities in the US, we looked at four crucial metrics: average travel time per 10km, annual hours lost in congestion per vehicle/driver, cumulative annual hours of delay, and congested hours.

The data supporting these metrics was sourced from highly reputable traffic and mobility reports, namely the TomTom Traffic Index, INRIX 2022 Global Traffic Scorecard, Urban Mobility 2021 Report, and the Urban Congestion Report by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

With this data in hand, each city was ranked on a scale of 1 to 25 for every individual metric. Here, a rank of 1 symbolized the highest level of congestion for that specific metric, while a rank of 25 signified the least among the top 25 congested cities.

Once individual rankings for each metric were established, a composite score was derived for every city by calculating the average of the four rankings. Then the cities were ranked in descending order from 25 (least congested on our list) to 1 (most congested on our list) based on their average score.

Here’s the list of the 25 most congested cities in the US.

25 Most Congested Cities in the US

25. Indianapolis, Indiana

Indianapolis, a city known for its motorsports heritage, grapples with traffic challenges. The city’s travel time averages around 13 minutes and 50 seconds for every 10 km, and during peak hours, speeds can drop to about 32 km/h.

24. Las Vegas, Nevada

Known for its bustling Strip, Las Vegas experiences considerable tourist-driven traffic, particularly during major events and weekends. INRIX 2022 data reveals that people in Las Vegas spend around 41 hours stuck in traffic each year.

23. Phoenix, Arizona

As one of the fastest-growing metropolitan areas, Phoenix has seen an increase in vehicular traffic, especially during the hot summer months. 2019 data shows that an average driver in Phoenix grapples with congested roads for around 2 hours and 24 minutes daily.

22. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh is among the top cities with the worst traffic, particularly facing challenges during rush hours. It ranks ninth on the TomTom Traffic index, with travelers taking an average of 14 minutes and 30 seconds to cover just 10 kilometers.

21. Providence, Rhode Island

As a key New England hub, Providence experiences congestion, especially along I-95, which cuts through the city. An average diver in Providence faces an annual delay of approximately 42 hours due to such congestion, making it one of the most congested cities in the US.

20. Minneapolis, Minnesota

The city’s growth and reliance on vehicular transport mean major roads and highways often see heavy traffic, especially around the Twin Cities area. Annually, drivers face delays amounting to around 26 hours, with daily congestion averaging 4 hours and 12 minutes.

19. Sacramento, California

Being the state capital, Sacramento experiences regular weekday congestion, especially during legislative sessions. The city records an average of 4 hours and 1 minute of congestion daily.

18. San Diego, California

Proximity to the international border and popular tourist attractions means San Diego’s main arteries often get congested. The city sees an annual delay of 54 hours per driver and averages 3 hours and 29 minutes of congestion daily.

17. Austin, Texas

Rapid growth in tech and other industries has led to an increase in traffic, particularly on I-35. Drivers navigate through an additional 13 minutes and 20 seconds for every 10km they travel in the city, adding up to a hefty 53 hours of delay annually.

16. Dallas, Texas

As a major commercial hub, Dallas sees extensive traffic, especially on its ring roads and connectors. With speeds dropping to 40km/h during peak times and an average driver experiencing 56 hours of delays annually, it ranks among the cities with the worst traffic in the US.

15. New Orleans, Louisiana

With its unique layout and frequent festivals, traffic can spike, particularly in the French Quarter. During rush hours, speeds often drop to 38km/h, with an average driver facing 77 hours in delays annually.

14. Atlanta, Georgia

With an average travel time of 12 minutes and 40 seconds per 10 km and congested hours tallying at 4:22, Atlanta is often criticized for its heavy traffic, especially along the I-285 perimeter.

13. Portland, Oregon

According to the INRIX Global Traffic Scorecard, Portland is the 12th most congested city, tallying an annual traffic delay of 72 hours. The Urban Congestion Report places it forth for congested hours, with 6 hours and 36 minutes of peak congestion.

12. Denver, Colorado

Denver’s growth, combined with its status as a gateway to the Rockies, means significant traffic, especially during ski season. The city clocks an average travel time of 14 minutes 10 seconds per 10km, with peak congestion stretching to 6 hours and 26 minutes daily.

11. Houston, Texas

With an average congestion time of 4 hours and 34 minutes and 169,765 cumulative annual hours of delay, Houston makes it to the list of the top 20 worst cities in traffic in the US.

Click to continue reading and see the 10 Most Congested Cities in the US.

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Disclosure. None. The 25 Most Congested Cities in the US is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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