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25 Most Civilized Countries in the World

In this article, we will take a detailed look at the 25 Most Civilized Countries in the World, with insights into factors that make a country civilized, as well as a look into the uncivilized nations in the world. For a quick overview of the top 10 civilized countries, read our article 10 Most Civilized Countries in the World.

Civilized countries can be great places to live, work, and peacefully raise families in. They offer top-notch quality of life, excellent chances for education, and a safe, secure atmosphere to thrive in. Advanced and developed countries play a key role in the economic development of the world. For example, the United States is not only known for its cultural influences but also for various renowned tech giants and information technology (IT) houses. Apple (NASDAQ:APPL), a multinational technology company, is a prominent player in the US tech industry. Apple’s (NASDAQ:APPL) current market cap stands at around $2.7 trillion and the company plans to invest $430 billion in the US economy.

Japan, a cultured global powerhouse, supports flourishing businesses through careful planning, clear rules, and a solid commitment to efficient operations. Exemplifying this prowess, Toyota Motor Corporation (NYSE:TM), with a current market cap of $222.4 billion, leads the list of Japan’s largest companies. Back in 2022, Toyota (NYSE:TM) declared to invest up to 730 billion Yen (approximately USD 5.6 billion) in Japan, aiming to begin battery production between 2024 and 2026. In the same year, Toyota (NYSE:TM) teamed up with 7 other Japanese companies to make next-generation chips. 

Canada is considered another civilized country and is home to many successful businesses, including Brookfield Asset Management (NYSE:BN), one of the world’s leading alternative investment companies. Brookfield (NYSE:BN) has a current market capitalization of $13.01 billion. The company invests in various sectors, including real estate, infrastructure, renewable energy, and private equity. One of Brookfield’s (NYSE:BN) most notable achievements is creating the world’s largest renewable energy platform. In 2022, the company invested $2 billion in wind and solar projects worldwide. This investment has helped to make Canada a leader in the fight against climate change.

The UK, another prominent civilized nation, is home to some of the world’s many successful businesses. Shell (NYSE:SHEL), headquartered in London, is one of the world’s leading oil and gas companies. The company has a current market capitalization of $203.85 billion and operates in over 70 countries. Shell (NYSE:SHEL) employs over 40,000 people in the UK, generating billions of pounds in revenue annually. Building upon its substantial low-carbon energy investments, Shell UK (NYSE:SHEL) also aims to channel up to £25 billion into the country’s energy system.



To rank the 25 most civilized countries in the World, we analyzed their HDI (Human Development Index), Rule of Law, Education & Literacy Rates, and Human Rights and Civil Liberties of some of the top countries in the world.

To understand these crucial metrics, we referred to rankings and reports by UNDPUS News, and Vision of Humanity. We started by scoring countries on each individual index from 1 to 25 (25 being the highest civilized and 1 being the lowest in our study).

We then generated weighted average rankings using the weighted scoring system. Each index was given a specific weight, reflecting its relative importance:

  • HDI: 0.3
  • Rule of Law: 0.3
  • Education and Literacy Rights: 0.2
  • Human Rights and Civil Liberties: 0.2

We then ranked the countries in descending order from 25 to 1 (based on the weighted average results), with 1 representing the highest rank and 25 representing the lowest on our list.

25 Most Civilized Countries in the World

Based on our analysis, here are the 25 most civilized countries in the World.

25. China

China has made remarkable inventions and advancements in several fields of technology and education. 

24. Greece

Because of its multicultural population and generous welfare system, Greece is often cited as an example of a well-developed society. It is especially known for its healthcare, schooling systems, and its historical contribution to literacy and education. 

23. Uruguay

When it comes to democracy, gender equality, and environmental preservation, Uruguay is an exemplary civilized society. Free public schools and universal health care are some of the many social initiatives contributing to the high quality of life in the country. The crime rate in Uruguay has declined by 9.69% from 2002 to 2021. 

22. Spain

Spain’s commitment to maintaining the rule of law for a just society promotes accountability and fairness. The rule of law in the country has improved by 0.4 points from 2019 to 2020. Spain is putting significant focus on accessible and comprehensive schooling and education to make it available for everyone in the country. 

21. South Korea

South Korea is renowned for its commitment to upholding the rule of law, which fosters a fair and just society. The country boasts a robust legal framework that promotes accountability, safeguards individual rights, and maintains social order. 

20. Czechia

Germany is now Europe’s emerging economy because of its dedication to technological innovation and lean production. 

19. Slovenia

Slovenia’s high HDI reflects its commitment to improving the well-being of its citizens. With factors such as life expectancy, education, and income considered, Slovenia consistently ranks among the top countries in overall development. 

18. United States

Because of its multicultural and technologically advanced nation and economically powerful democracy, the United States of America represents a remarkable synthesis of civilizations. The quality of life is high, the healthcare is excellent, and the education system is on par with the finest in the world, notwithstanding some socioeconomic gaps. The United States is also considered a civilized country due to its commitment to freedom, human rights, and equality.

17. Taiwan

Taiwan is frequently held up as an example of a progressive society because of its reputation as one of the world’s most sophisticated nations. The people of Taiwan have built a community that others may learn from by putting human rights, the rule of law, and the betterment of healthcare and education at the top of their agendas. The country’s global financial and commercial leader status indicates its progressive culture and economy.

16. Singapore

Singapore is known as the economic hub globally. The low crime rate, non-corrupted government, and strategic positioning made Singapore a worldwide economic hub. The government is quite concerned about the healthcare system, high standards of education, and low racial discrimination. Law and order are well observed in the country. 

15. Austria

Austria’s high standard of living and top-notch education system are unparalleled. This country is constantly ranked at the top positions in environmental protection and safety surveys. Austria gets over 80% of its power from renewable sources, which contributes to its environmental protection. The cultural traditions are well preserved in Austria.

14. Japan

Japan is famous for its technological innovations. The health care system, education system, and the rule of law in Japan are also of high standards. Japan advocates a healthy environment to provide its citizens with a healthy mind and soul. 

13. United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, three main components of a civilized country are visible, i.e. living standards, culture, and law enforcement. The city’s educational and healthcare facilities are among the best in the world. The United Kingdom’s success as a global financial center and a significant actor in international affairs reflects its importance of peaceful negotiation.

12. Canada

Canada’s diverse population and high standard of living make it an exemplar of a well-functioning civil society. Both the healthcare and schooling systems in this nation are world-class. Canada protects nature well; it has one of the highest forest cover rates, at over 40%. It is considered one of the most civilized nations because of its commitment to respect other cultures and personal freedoms.

11. New Zealand

New Zealand stands apart for several reasons, including its strong democratic traditions, peaceful culture, and its dedication to the rights of indigenous Maori people. The government’s dedication to environmental sustainability, good educational standards, and excellent healthcare system exemplify civilized governance. The sophisticated level of this civilization may be seen in its commitment to fairness and equality.

Click to continue reading and see the 10 Most Civilized Countries in the World.

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Disclosure. None. The 25 Most Civilized Countries in the World is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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