Lists 25 Military Sayings, Quotes and Phrases Only Used by Military Families Published on June 27, 2017 at 7:07 am by Aleksandar Jevtic in Lists Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 4 of 26Next >>See All 23. ETOC – Estimated Time of CompletionRequesting ETOC on homework, so the dinner can be served is pretty common in military families.Copyright: djedzura / 123RF Stock Photo Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 4 of 26Next >>See All List XFinanceMilitary phrase ETOCMilitary phrase AWOLMilitary phrase FUBARMilitary phrase MandofunMilitary phrase Go No goMilitary phrase Pop smokeMilitary phrase Shit-showMilitary phrase Copy thatMilitary phrase Oscar MikeMilitary phrase Roger thatMilitary phrase Volun-toldMilitary phrase Field stripMilitary phrase Make a holeMilitary phrase Police thatMilitary phrase Detail stripMilitary phrase Squared awayMilitary phrase Embrace the suckMilitary phrase Hurry up and waitMilitary phrase Smoking and jokingMilitary phrase Area beautificationMilitary phrase Do you have a visualMilitary phrase Move out and draw fireMilitary phrase Good initiative bad judgementMilitary phrase 15 minutes prior to 15 minutes prior25 Military Sayings Quotes and Phrases Only Used by Military FamiliesShow more...Show less Related Insider Monkey Articles10 Easiest and Highest Paying Fields of Law10 Best Selling Pet Products in America6 Easiest Ways to Get Exotic Weapons in Destiny10 Best Gifts for Autistic Children10 Math Problem Solving Activities for Middle School10 Countries that Have Won the Most Nobel Prizes