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25 High Paying Jobs for 18 Year Olds With No Experience

In this piece, we will take a look at the 25 high paying jobs for 18 years olds with no experience. For more jobs, head on over to 5 High Paying Jobs for 18 Year Olds With No Experience.

The labor market is one of the hottest topics in America right now. Politicians and economists are at odds on whether the recent job growth in America is a good thing. While President Biden is ecstatic that the American economy is roaring and jobs are growing, officials at the Federal Reserve would really like the jobs market to slow down and the economy to cool.

This divergence in opinion is due to the impacts on the economy from first the coronavirus pandemic and then the Russian invasion of Ukraine. To counter the effects of the virus, which came in the form of lockdowns that slowed productivity and created job losses, the Federal Reserve undertook a historic stimulus package and a low interest rate environment. Cumulatively, these injected trillions of dollars into the economy. Estimates suggest that the U.S. government provided more than $5 trillion through stimulus checks to people, and this increased the money flowing into the economy. The more money that people have, the more they spend, which then increases product demand. To keep up with the demand, manufacturers expand their capacity, which in turn leads to higher prices also called inflation.

But how is this related to the labor market? Well, higher demand and low interest rates make businesses expand their operations and hire more people. At the same time, they also increase salaries, which further boosts purchasing power and contributes to price increases. To slow this economic growth, the Federal Reserve has to increase interest rates, and right now, it’s basing its decisions on a couple of factors – out of which one the most important is the labor market. A slowdown in the labor market indicates that businesses find it unfeasible to grow their operations, which then gives the Fed confidence to stop its monetary contraction and wait for the market to stabilize.

The importance of the labor market was evidenced during Fed Chairman Mr. Jerome Powell’s comments after the bank’s latest Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) meeting held earlier this month. After the meeting, Chair Powell while addressing reporters shared:

I don’t think you can deduce exactly what you said about what participants [analysts, economists] think because you don’t know what they were thinking for first quarter GDP at that point. They could have been thinking about a fairly low number. Anyway, in any case, I’ll just say I continue to think that it’s possible that this time is really different. And the reason is there’s just so much excess demand, really, in the labor market. It’s interesting as, you know, we’ve raised rates by 5 percentage points in 14 months, and the unemployment rate is 3 1/2 percent, pretty much where it was, even lower than where it was when we started. So job openings are still very, very high. We see by surveys and much, much evidence that conditions are cooling gradually. But it’s — it really is different. You know, it wasn’t supposed to be possible for job openings to decline by as much of the — as they’ve declined without unemployment going up. Well, that’s what we’ve seen. So we — there are no promises in this. But it just seems that — to me that it’s possible that we can continue to have a cooling in the labor market without having the big increases in unemployment that have gone with many, you know, prior episodes. Now, that would be against history. I fully appreciate that. That would be against the pattern. But I do think that it — that this, that the situation in the labor market with so much excess demand, yet, you know, wages are actually — wages have been moving down.

So, it’s clear that the Federal Reserve believes that the number of job openings can fall in the near future – an essential development for inflation to come down. But, what does the future hold for the jobs market? To gauge long term prospects, a solid proxy for the labor industry is the staffing market. This is made up of firms that help people look for both temporary and permanent jobs, and a research report from Spherical Insights provides more details on the matter. It outlines that the global contract and temporary staffing services market was worth $90 in 2021 and will grow at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.06% between then and 2030 to sit at an estimated $130 billion by the end of the forecast period.

This indicates that despite the near term uncertainty, the long term holds better prospects for the overall labor market. The research firm adds that there are a couple of stimulants that will drive this industry in particular. Among these is the fact that companies find that it is more expensive to both hire temporary workers and replace existing ones, which creates a preference for an industry that is capable of performing these tasks as cost efficiently as possible. Additionally, just as is the case with nearly every other industry, the staffing industry is also being disrupted by technology since a boom in internet usage has made it easier for recruiters to cast a wide net and for job seekers to apply to dozens of vacancies all from the convenience of a computer.

As a concluding note, currently, the staffing industry believes that job hopping that kicked off after the coronavirus will slow down now that the interest rate hikes are starting to take their effects. On this front, the management of contract recruiting services provider Korn Ferry (NYSE:KFY) shared during a recent earnings call:

Clearly, going back to August of last summer, at the end of last summer, with the move by central banks and particularly the Fed to become more hawkish, companies are clearly looking at their cost. And so there was this massive upswing after the pandemic in terms of hiring. And as you would expect, that is moderated and that’s exactly what we’ve seen. So we’ve seen moderation in the perm parts of our recruiting business. Wage growth is — it’s still at elevated levels. It’s probably 6%, 7%.

People that are jumping jobs are not getting what they were getting coming out of the pandemic. It’s more like a 15% uptick in wages. And so that clearly has moderated. And I would expect that, that moderation is going to continue on the perm side, particularly given the comments yesterday or the day before by the Fed. The RPO business is like it always has, I mean, it’s held up incredibly well. And yes, we’ve seen some degradation of the base business, the kind of a nominal amount. Going back to last fall, it was around the technology sector. But we’ve also picked up some just enormous wins, both in the industrial area and health care. And then you look at the consulting and digital business in the quarter, on a constant currency basis, Consulting was up 9%, new business and digital was up 6%.

With these details in mind, let’s take a look at some high paying jobs for 18 year olds with no experience.

Our Methodology

To compile our list of the best and highest paying jobs for 18 year olds we consulted multiple sources to make a collection of 33 high paying jobs. Then, they were ranked according to their hourly rates, and for jobs that were present on more than one source, the average of their rates was taken. After they were ranked, the top 25 high paying jobs for 18 year olds without any experience were selected and they are shared below.

High Paying Jobs for 18 Year Olds With No Experience

25. Data Entry Clerk

Hourly Wage Rate Estimate: $13.75

A data entry clerk is one of the simplest yet highly important roles. It requires taking details from documents and entering it into systems for digitization. The role requires razor sharp attention as incorrect data can travel up the chain and affect business decision making.

24. Customer Support Agent

Hourly Wage Rate Estimate: $13.79

A customer support agent is at the frontline of a firm’s customer facing business segment. It involves dealing with customers to help them with any problems they might face with a product.

23. Bank Teller

Hourly Wage Rate Estimate: $14

A bank teller is responsible for counting cash, accepting deposits, and conducting other functions in a bank. The role requires attention to detail and adherence to regulations.

22. Dog Walker

Hourly Wage Rate Estimate: $14

A dog walker really needs no introduction or experience. What it does need is comfort with animals.

21. Landscape Technician

Hourly Wage Rate Estimate: $14.46

A landscape technician maintains trees, shrubs, and plants on a property.

20. Swimming Instructor

Hourly Wage Rate Estimate: $15

A swimming instructor is a simple role if you know how to swim and are comfortable teaching others.

19. Transcriptionist

Hourly Wage Rate Estimate: $15

A transcriptionist requires attention to detail and fast typing skills. Like a data entry clerk, it is also an important position.

18. Grocery Delivery

Hourly Wage Rate Estimate: $15

Delivering groceries through online platforms such as Instacart requires little training but can pay quite well.

17. Rideshare Driver

Hourly Wage Rate Estimate: $15.5

The only thing you need to be a rideshare driver is a car and a driving license.

16. Administrative Assistant

Hourly Wage Rate Estimate: $15.6

An administrative assistant is responsible for helping executives and offices run their daily tasks.

15. Construction Worker

Hourly Wage Rate Estimate: $15.76

While being a construction worker often requires no experience, it does require physical fitness and endurance.

14. Virtual Assistant

Hourly Wage Rate Estimate: $16

A virtual assistant is in most cases a digital secretary.

13. Apprentice Electrician

Hourly Wage Rate Estimate: $18.55

An apprentice electrician provides on the job training for a decently paying career while also paying you at the same time.

12. Online Tutor

Hourly Wage Rate Estimate: $19

Online tutoring picked up steam during the coronavirus pandemic and hasn’t stopped since.

11. Online English Teacher

Hourly Wage Rate Estimate: $19

While a simple tutor can teach a variety of subjects, if you’re good in English, then this might be the role for you.

10. Babysitting

Hourly Wage Rate Estimate: $19

Babysitting can provide a good income depending on where you live.

9. Postal Worker

Hourly Wage Rate Estimate: $19

A postal worker can be in a variety of roles such as sorting and delivery.

8. Proofreader

Hourly Wage Rate Estimate: $21.5

Love to read books? Well, you can also help editors proofread articles for any mistakes.

7. Tutor

Hourly Wage Rate Estimate: $21.75

To be a good tutor, you need to be good in your studies and have patience.

6. Personal Trainer

Hourly Wage Rate Estimate: $23

Love the gym instead of class? Help others get in shape and make some money.

Click to continue reading and see 5 High Paying Jobs for 18 Year Olds With No Experience.

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Disclosure: None. 20 High Paying Jobs for 18 Year Olds With No Experience is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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