Have you made a list of the friendliest countries to Americans at the back of your mind? It would be practical to know if a certain country is open for tourists or expatriates. Whether you’re going out of the US for travel purpose or you want to move to Europe, a little knowledge of its people wouldn’t hurt you when you get there. Have you been to a foreign country before where everybody can’t get enough of bright smiles? If we’re traveling alone to a new land different from the USA, we’d want to be around approachable and easy-going squad. It’s very appealing for a country to serve you at their very hospitable manner. And that my friend is what we are going to be talking about today. Which countries smile the most at the sight of you? Which countries can you pick a new home and get new bubbly neighbors? Let’s find out!

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When navigating to a new city, region, province, or country you never been to before, one is ambitious enough to gain the local’s trust and easily get your relationship with them to the next level. That’s possible, I’d say, at least when you’re traveling to a country with an ease culture. Anyhow, we should always respect the locals and citizens of all races.
Our ranking of the kindliest countries to Americans came from the International Openness 2015 report of the World Economic Forum. Let’s look for the amiable nationalities in the world that would care enough to take you in, shall we? But just before we go down on our list, here’s the 10 friendliest countries in the world for you to keep. If you’re an avid world explorer, having to read this would come in hand. Mind you, there are some familiar country names in this post that you’d also view from our previous one.
Here are the 25 friendliest countries to Americans!
25. Greece
Greeks are naturally laid-back and hospitable. You may be greeted with light kisses on both your cheeks by female and even male locals. Hugging close friends on the little-paved streets isn’t as awkward as it seems. Don’t be intimidated by them displaying affectionate gestures in public. You’ll get used to it, anyway. Anyhow, the Greeks love Americans! And, in general, they are known to be a good ‘friend to foreigners’, ‘Filoxenia’ in their local language.