25 Easy Pranks Guaranteed to Get Laughs

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1. Simple joke using a hairball on deodorant

This is a clever practical joke that will give the impression that the prank target’s deodorant was used by someone with a particularly hairy armpit and that they left a small item behind. Though it appears quite disgusting, it makes people chuckle. Gather hair from their brush and form it into a ball of hair once your prank target has gone to bed. Place the hairball on the person’s open roll-on or deodorant stick, and replace the cap. The following morning, make sure you get up early enough to hear the commotion when that person tries to apply the deodorant. You might have to leave quickly if you start laughing like a hyena and give yourself away, but you don’t want to miss the response. Try some of these 25 easy pranks guaranteed to get laughs as quickly as you can, and make your pals chuckle!

Our other posts contain a ton more jokes and practical jokes:

30 Hilarious Classic Prank Call Jokes for Friends

25 Funny Prank Call Ideas for your Boyfriend

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