These 25 easy pranks guaranteed to get laughs and numerous such practical jokes have long been examined by psychologists. In general, humor is beneficial to us. Studies in neuropsychology have demonstrated that laughter enhances mental health. Every single one of us is a little trickster and likes funny pranks. And prank ideas are here to let that practical joker go big time! Prior to embarking on your prankster lifestyle, educate yourself on the positive impacts that pranks can have. Laughter and humor release endorphins and oxytocin, two neurochemicals linked to social bonding and happiness. However, why are pranks and practical jokes funny in the first place?
A good practical joke plays on people’s insecurities or worries and is a common element of many global initiation ceremonies and coming-of-age customs. For instance, the Daribi people of New Guinea teach their kids to build a little box and bury it in the ground, promising them that a treasure will eventually emerge within and that they are not allowed to peek. Whenever the kids give in to their curiosity, they always discover a box filled with animal excrement.

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For the practical joker, pulling easy pranks guaranteed to get laughs can help with mental health. Your stress threshold will decrease if the technique is enjoyable for you. If you enjoy pulling practical jokes, you should learn the 15 most annoying email newsletters to sign horrible people up to. Additionally, you’ll appear happy because well-thought-out practical jokes will make you smile. Should the practical joke backfire, you will gain experience handling unpleasant circumstances.
Innocent practical joke ideas will give those in the vicinity an opportunity to giggle. Don’t overdo it with easy pranks guaranteed to get laughs, though. Laughing is a personal experience. On a typical day, even the best April Fools’ jokes can cause a stir. Learn about the audience you will be working with before pulling anything. Keep office pranks out of your house. Joking around is a subdued way of “play-fighting.” Jokes suggest intimacy or insider group sentiments in the partnership. In other words, you usually play practical jokes on those you think are close to you or can handle them.
The easy pranks guaranteed to get laughs ease our inhibitions and give us a brief reprieve from acting “properly.” Psychoanalysis has explained the drive to play practical jokes on one’s own relatives or friends as a subliminal manifestation of the desire to harm the very individuals one professes to care about. Some of the extreme prank ideas might be one of the ways that commonplace sadism materializes (that is, the possibility of finding amusement in sarcasm, practical jokes, and offensive humor).
Recognizing the advantages, don’t overdo the easy pranks guaranteed to get laughs. We’ve gathered the most entertaining and harmless practical jokes below and ordered them according to how well-liked and frequently they appear on blogs and portals. But read through to the conclusion to find out more about the pranks themselves and who you can play them off against. Embrace your inner clown to the fullest and try some of our easy pranks guaranteed to get laughs!
25. Speak with a silly voice or invented tongue
Can you communicate in Pig Latin? Have any ludicrously poor accents? Then you should try one of the easy pranks guaranteed to get laughs. Funny pranks like this can even be gibberish. As soon as everyone gets up, start speaking in a different tone of voice or “language,” and don’t stop until you or they become tired of it.
24. Put on reverse clothing
This is one of the best easy pranks guaranteed to get laughs at home. Put everything on backwards and get on with your day’s Zoom calls and/or online lessons as if nothing unusual had happened (you know, like we’re all trying to do anyway). You could even work with a partner on this and wager on when someone will notice first.

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23. Rearrange the décor and furniture in the house
It is one of the craziest easy pranks guaranteed to get laughs from your family or even roommates. Naturally, take care not to endanger anyone’s safety while doing so, but you can cause some amusing confusion. Who knows, you might even decide to stick with the new look for a while because you like it.
22. Make your older children a meal reminiscent of the past
This is one of the easy pranks at home for parents who still have some plastic plates and sippy cups lying around the house, even though kids are now teenagers. Arrange their lunches using the cutlery that they used to love. Eye rolls and groans are almost a given!
21. Give away “spoilers” for the TV series you both love
Begin by “impressing” everyone with the latest fan theory you’ve learned about the Netflix series you’re both binge-watching. When they find out you have no idea what goes on, they will be overjoyed. It is why this is one of the most popular easy pranks guaranteed to get laughs from friends.
You’ve already heard some of the easy pranks guaranteed to get laughs on the internet, yet we’re only in the first third of the list. To read more, continue reading! Try one of our prank ideas on friends the next time you want to pull a practical joke on them. Just be aware that although you will laugh out loud right away, the person you are pulling a prank on may need a few moments to grasp how funny your joke was before they join in on your laughter. It’s likely that you will become the victim of one of their funny pranks before you realize it.
20. Tell your loved ones that you’ve taken the Instagram world by storm
Post pictures of yourself on Instagram “promoting” your best home goods—maybe your most cherished scrunchie, your least soiled sweatpants, or that comforter you’ve been lugging around from room to room since this whole thing started.
19. Contained within
Even though it’s a basic prank, it will undoubtedly cause a stir. Await your friend’s bedtime and take their phone. Use their face ID to set an alarm for them if they don’t already have one. Next, take an empty plastic bottle and use a knife to make a hole in the side of it that is large enough to fit the phone. After inserting the device into the bottle, make sure the hole faces away from your companion. When the alarm goes off, they won’t know how to get their phone back when they wake up. But take caution—this might be the beginning of a full-fledged prank war!

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18. Adhere cash to the ground
This is one of the easy pranks in 5 minutes that everybody can try. When you give your kids money or they find pennies on the street, do they ever adore it? Ask them to go for a walk after you get some super glue and attach some coins or even a $1 note outside your door. They will notice that right away, so be prepared for their confusion when they are unable to distinguish it.
17. ‘Cut off’ your finger by accident
This is the ideal gory practical joke for children! Start by purchasing an artificially severed finger online, and then pretend to scream like you just cut off your finger the next morning while slicing up your child’s fruit. Place the artificial finger in front of the half-bent finger. Although the kids might feel afraid, you will find their response amusing.
16. Dress them in fictitious bugs
This is among the simplest and funniest practical jokes you can play. Invest in some faux scary crawlers, such as beetles, spiders, and other small insects. Disperse them throughout the house to frighten the children. Point it out to a sibling or your partner as you pass by one of your children, or perhaps drop it on their head or shoulder.
15. Use bubble wrap to frighten them
A surprise is the most effective approach to getting your child to wake up. Place bubble wrap on both sides of their bed on April Fool’s Day, so when they wake up, they’ll be startled awake by the loud pop of the bubble wrap!

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14. Lick the polish from your nails
Dad can play this joke on mom by doing it with the kids. Get her to agree to a mini-spa day and give her some delicious-tasting new nail paint. You will need a new empty nail polish bottle, a tiny funnel, a spoon, a little amount of honey, corn syrup, white icing, metallic or other hues of food coloring, and edible shimmer dust to get started. Once all the components have been combined, transfer the mixture into the bottle. After painting their nails with mom, the kids might play a practical joke on her by licking the varnish. Originality is what really makes people laugh. The prank will be funnier if it is more inventive. You may need to be creative in this situation.
13. Smash the remote control
Which family watches more TV—the dad or the kids? Put a piece of tape over the remote control’s sensor so that it won’t switch on when your spouse or children try to watch TV. Watch them struggle when you ask, “Why don’t you change the batteries?” because even new batteries won’t make a difference.
12. Surprise prank with kitchen sink
This is one of the easy pranks guaranteed to get laughs that will give your family a startling burst of water. To make your kitchen sink spray automatically when the faucet is turned on, wrap a rubber band around the sprayer nozzle and handle. To make it less noticeable, it’s ideal if the band and sprayer are the same color. To ensure that the person you wish to prank will spray in your direction, aim the sprayer toward yourself while standing at the sink. Wait for someone to turn on the faucet as you loiter in the kitchen and take in the humor. After wiping off the water, you two can wait for the next person to turn on the faucet.
11. Put their preferred cereal in the freezer
Play a practical joke on your children by giving them their favorite cereal or frozen cheerios to make them giggle. Transfer the Cheerios and milk into a bowl and stir with a spoon the night before. Before your children come into the kitchen in the morning, freeze them all together and remove the bowls. Watch their faces light up when they discover the Cheerios are frozen and that they can lift the frozen bowl with the spoon.
10. No chips for you
Children may play one of the most popular easy pranks guaranteed to get laughs very easily. Take the cover off one of those snack-chip tubular canisters. Reattach the lid to the chips by gluing the inner edge of the lid. Let it air dry for a while. Present the chip container to your victim, then watch helplessly as they attempt to pry the lid off. Try to contain your laughter long enough to inform them that they have been duped.
9. Make a water catastrophe happen
The youngsters can play this ideal prank on their parents. Your parent’s keys, a cup, water, a thin piece of cardboard, a notecard, and a marker are required. Take the keys, write something kind but ominous on the note, and then throw the key into the glass. After adding water to the glass, cover it with the cardboard piece and rapidly turn it over onto the counter. You will then have the ideal water trap if you quickly tug on the cardboard piece to prevent any water from escaping.

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8. Cover the baby’s diaper with chocolate
This is the ideal practical joke to pull on your partner if you have a baby at home. Grab a diaper and cover it with chocolate or Nutella. While you lick the chocolate from the diaper, call your spouse in. Watch as they give you a disgusted look. It is advantageous if you accomplish it while changing the infant.
7. Their favorite toys, rubber banded
One of the best easy pranks guaranteed to get laughs is one you can use on your kids, too. The night before, take your child’s favorite toy or gaming console, or even your spouse’s phone, and wrap as many rubber bands around them as you can. Watch them try to pull their favorite items out of this rubber band trap until the morning.
6. Funny prank using mustard-filled donuts
You’ll need one cream- or fruit-filled donut for this amusing practical joke, but you could just as easily use any cream-filled cupcake or dessert cake that you happen to have lying around. You can conceal your prank filling by using the original filling. Scrape off the portion of original filling visible on the side of the donut with a butter knife and set it aside. Pour some mustard inside by inserting the mustard squirt bottle’s tip into the filling hole. Reposition the original filling to conceal the mustard, give the donut to the target audience, and watch as they bite into the mustard.
When it comes to someone you prank on, you must be selective. Priority one on your list should go to close relatives. Your sibling will be on edge if you come up with some clever prank call ideas. Play some of these easy pranks guaranteed to get laughs on your significant other to add some romance to your life. Continue for more reading!
5. Take pictures of famous people with their families
Are there any lovely family portraits hanging in your dining room? If so, you should try one of the easy pranks guaranteed to get laughs. When you substitute the faces of your family with paper cutouts of celebrities, see if your spouse or children notice. Watch how long it takes them to realize, and when the youngsters start inquiring as to if they are related to JoJo Siwa or Millie Bobby Brown, get some laughs.
4. Snackle up a “moldy” sandwich
This is one of the extreme pranks’ ideas, but it is very interesting. The youngsters might play this simple yet wonderful prank on their parents or friends to scare them. Start with bread, your favorite sandwich toppings, and food coloring in green and yellow. After assembling your sandwich, lightly dab the bread on both sides with green and yellow food coloring. You can also use a black food coloring marker to add more detail. Bite into the sandwich at lunchtime and watch your parents go crazy.

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3. Replace their munchies
Use their favorite snack packs to play a practical joke on them, and replace the contents with a snack they detest. Do you have kale chips, quinoa chips, or green beans? They will empty the contents of their favorite snack bag and replace it with their least favorite food by opening the bottom. Then, glue the bag’s seams together and prepare for a great deal of confusion.