If your kids have been wallowing at home for months, with schools closed and no sign of them reopening in the near future, then the 25 easiest trivia questions for kids are the perfect solution to your woes. Most schools in the US have been closed since March, and now that a second coronavirus wave is expected, with many states recording their highest ever daily infections, the opening of schools seem some time away.
While online classes have replaced actual classes, it can be argued that they are not as stimulating as actually being present in class. It also allows the students to slack off and not be noticed for not paying attention, something they might not be able to get away with school. Thus, not going to school for six months (or more) can impact the intellectual development of a child.
This is where trivia questions come in. Most kids generally have an insatiable curiosity, which leads to them asking a lot of questions, and hence, a thirst for knowledge. I remember back when I was 6 or 7 years old, I had a book called 1,000 Fantastic Facts, and I absolutely loved that book. I would spend hours reading and rereading different facts, which may have been of limited practical use, but helped sharpen my mind as well.
The same is true for trivia questions, as learning trivia and answering questions helps in the development of a child significantly, including enhancing memory, cognitive ability, mental development and even helps improve brain performance under pressure. The same is true for debates as well, which is why you should also take a look at 15 good debate topics for kids.
The trivia questions we have selected are for beginners, and are quite easy to answer, but also imperative in developing the cognitive ability of a child, so they can then move to an advanced level. To select these questions, we have scoured various lists including Yahoo! Answers and Quora to figure out the easiest trivia questions for kids. So let’s take a look, starting with number 25:
25. How many milligrams make a gram?
Answer: 1,000 milligrams.
This is a simple starting off questions which helps enable the child to learn units of measurement and the metric system as well.
24. Where does the President of the United States live?
Answer: The White House
This is perhaps the easiest political question that most kids will either be aware of, or should be aware of.
23. What type of fish is Nemo?
Answer: A clownfish
While most kids have seen Finding Nemo, this is a good chance to use the movie to increase your kid’s knowledge regarding marine life.
22. On which holiday do you go trick or treating?
Answer: Halloween
This is a question most kids will know the answer to, due to their active participation and is a good confidence booster, making for a good start to trivia questions.
21. Where is the Great Pyramid of Giza?
Answer: Egypt
Children are incredibly fascinated with mummies and pyramids, if my childhood is anything to go by, and this will be a good addition to their knowledge.
20. Who is the world’s largest land animal?
Answer: Elephant
Another easy question to boost your kid’s knowledge of the animal kingdom.
19. What picture allows you to seen bones?
Answer: X-rays
A little basic medical knowledge goes a long way, even if you’re a child, and this is as good a start as any.
18. Which indoor sport is the most popular in the US?
Answer: Basketball
Most kids are interested in sports, though they’re generally more interested in playing than reading about it. However, the two things can be merged to help your child grow both mentally and physically.
17. Who is the world’s fastest land animal?
Answer: Cheetah
Another interesting animal question, one which I remember from 1,000 Fantastic Facts as well.
16. What is a Tyrannosaurus Rex?
Answer: A dinsoaur
A question bound to immediately pique the interest of a child as I’ve seen few children who are not interested in dinosaurs at all.
15. How many legs does a lobster have?
Answer: 10
This is a somewhat tricky question as many often forget that a lobster’s claws are actually technically its legs, but an interesting one nonetheless.
14. What is the capital of America?
Answer: Washington, D.C.
It is always important to know facts about your own country, and its capital is perhaps the easiest question you could ask a kid.
13. Which country has the largest population in the world?
Answer: China
This is something most people no doubt read about in their social studies classes, and hence, an easy question for most children to answer.
12. Are worker bees male or female?
Answer: Female
Workers are generally associated with males, so this is a good question to teach about the merits of equality.
11. What is the largest planet in the solar system?
Answer: Jupiter
Knowing about things beyond the Earth is important, and this is one of the easiest questions to get started.
10. How many Earths can fit inside the sun?
Answer: 1.3 million
As a child (and even as an adult), the Earth seems endless so this answer is bound to grab the attention of a child.
9. How many noses does a slug have?
Answer: 4
A unique question, which can lead the kid to wonder more about peculiarities specific to different species of animals.
8. How many sides does a triangle have?
Answer: Three
Basic math questions are integral for the development of a child, and this is as good a start as any.
7. Which planet in our solar system has a ring?
Answer: Saturn
Most children know that Saturn has a ring, and being able to answer a question with ease will definitely improve their confidence.
6. Why do things fall when you drop them?
Answer: Gravity
Just like math, science is important as well and perhaps gravity is the most important topic for children.
5. Who was the first American president?
Answer: George Washington
Every child is taught about George Washington in their history class, and this is a great question to get a child to take interest in the history behind the country.
4. Who invented the light bulb?
Answer: Thomas Edison
This question is as old as the invention of the light bulb, and so most children will be able to answer it.
3. How many colors are in a rainbow?
Answer: 7
While some kids may be unable to name all the colors in a rainbow, most will at least know the number of colors.
2. How many rings are there in the Olympic rings?
Every kid knows about the Olympics, and its symbol is perhaps one of the most famous in history, making this an easy question for kids.
1. What does the world revolve around?
Answer: Sun
This is perhaps the most basic question you could ask a child, and hence, tops the list of 25 easiest trivia questions for kids.