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25 Countries With The Most TikTok Users 2023

In this article, we will be taking a look at the 25 countries with the most TikTok users 2023. If you are not interested in reading the details, head straight to the top 5 Countries With The Most TikTok Users 2023.

In 2023, the global social media landscape continues to be reshaped by the dynamic and captivating platform TikTok. With its short-form video content and ever-growing user base, the app has garnered immense popularity, transcending borders and cultures. Among the diverse nations participating in this digital phenomenon, certain countries like the USA, Indonesia, and Brazil have emerged as frontrunners regarding TikTok user engagement and adoption.

These nations have harnessed the app’s creative potential to foster unique trends, viral challenges, and a sense of virtual interconnectedness. As we delve into the countries boasting the highest TikTok user counts in 2023, it becomes evident that this platform has not only redefined online expression but has also forged a global community united by creativity and shared experiences. 

TikTok’s Meteoric Rise: A Brief Overview 

TikTok, the renowned short-form video platform, has captivated global audiences with its engaging content, music, and challenges, rapidly becoming a social media powerhouse. Originating as Douyin in China, it underwent rebranding to TikTok for international users. Since its inception in September 2016, TikTok’s journey has been remarkable, ending up being parallel to Instagram by Meta Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ:META), Snap Inc. (NYSE:SNAP)’s Snapchat, and Facebook by Meta Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ:META) in App Store downloads and achieving over 2 billion global installations in record time. 

Central to TikTok’s meteoric rise is its AI-driven algorithm. This innovative technology tailors content to users’ preferences by analyzing interaction patterns, from video likes to viewing durations. This personalized approach drives addictive user engagement, with individuals spending extensive periods immersed in entertaining short clips. 

Furthermore, TikTok has catalyzed the emergence of a new breed of influencers and creators, a testament to its impact. By crafting viral videos and participating in trending challenges, many users have attracted substantial follower bases, leveraging their TikTok fame to forge successful careers beyond the app’s confines. 

Notably, TikTok’s triumphs extend into financial achievements. The app’s parent company, ByteDance, secured a valuation of $180 billion in December 2020, solidifying its position as the world’s most valuable startup. 

Challenges and Opportunities for TikTok’s Global Expansion 

As TikTok continues to expand globally, it faces both challenges and opportunities. Since its 2018 launch in the UK, TikTok has rapidly evolved into a hub for small businesses to tap into fresh audiences, from innovative beauty brands and vintage retailers to eateries and culinary enterprises. Remarkably, small companies on TikTok contributed a staggering £1.63 billion ($2.18 billion) to the UK GDP in 2022, with regions beyond London reaping the most significant benefits. 

In India, the social media platform faced a temporary ban due to concerns over inappropriate content, while in the United States, it faced scrutiny over data privacy and potential ties to the Chinese government. Despite these challenges, TikTok boasts over 1 billion active users, making it an attractive platform for advertising and partnerships. It also has the potential to become a platform for creators worldwide to share their content and reach a global audience.

To succeed in its international expansion efforts, TikTok must navigate different cultural norms and regulations by working with local partners and regulators, which will require a deep understanding of each culture and compliance with local laws and regulations. Financially, TikTok’s revenue was over $11 billion in 2022, with projections for continued growth in the coming years. 

Predictions for TikTok’s Future Growth and Competition. 

TikTok has been one of the fastest-growing social media platforms in recent years. Its popularity has skyrocketed, especially among Gen-Z. The app’s unique algorithm, which suggests videos based on users’ interests, has been a game-changer in social media. Many experts predict that TikTok’s growth will continue in the coming years. The platform is expected to expand its user base as more people worldwide gain access to smartphones and the internet.

TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, has also invested heavily in developing the app’s capabilities, including adding features like live streaming and e-commerce. However, TikTok also faces stiff competition from other social media platforms, especially as they start rolling out similar features. Instagram, for example, has already launched Reels, a feature that allows users to create short-form videos, similar to TikTok. Facebook by Meta Platfroms, Inc. (NASDAQ:META) and Snap Inc. (NYSE:SNAP)’s Snapchat have also introduced similar features.

Despite this competition, TikTok remains a favourite among many users, and its unique algorithm could help it stay ahead of the game. As long as TikTok continues to innovate and adapt to changing user preferences, it will likely remain a significant player in social media for years to come. 

Our Methodology 

For our methodology, we have ranked the countries with the most TikTok users in 2023 in ascending order. For the accuracy of the data, we have relied on Data Reportal.  

Here is our list of the 25 countries with the most TikTok users 2023. 

25. South Africa 

Total TikTok Users: 11.8 million  

TikTok’s booming popularity in South Africa has cultivated a vibrant entertainment and marketing community driven by its user-friendly content creation, high-quality video production, and seamless sharing features. With an 11.8 million-strong user base in 2023, TikTok’s advertising potential covers nearly 20% of the population over 18, and around 30% of adults have been reached by TikTok advertisements. Amid this thriving environment, content creators can earn up to $10,000 per engagement. 

24. Ukraine  

Total TikTok Users: 13 million  

TikTok’s presence in Ukraine is striking, boasting a significant user base of about 13 million active users among the country’s 43 million population making Ukraine stand among the countries with the most TikTok users 2023 worldwide

TikTok has also been instrumental in the Ukrainian resistance against Russia, allowing Ukrainian troops to gather information and evidence on Russian equipment and brutality, through videos uploaded by Russian troops.

23. Argentina  

Total TikTok Users: 16.2 million  

TikTok is fast growing in Argentina. Noteworthy Argentine influencers have disclosed their practice of charging around 5.50 Argentine pesos ($0.06) per 1,000 ad-supported TikTok video views. Meeting specific criteria is vital to unlocking earnings on TikTok in Argentina, including reaching legal adulthood, amassing over 10,000 followers, achieving more than 100,000 video views within the last 30 days, and maintaining compliance with the platform’s community standards. 

22. Pakistan  

Total TikTok Users: 16.5 million  

TikTok’s popularity in Pakistan has surged, boasting about 16.5 million active users, spawning a flourishing market for influencers and content creators, enabling them to earn through sponsored content. TikTok has also generated jobs in video editing, content creation, and social media management. 

21. Spain  

Total TikTok users: 16.6 million  

Spain stands among the countries with the most TikTok users 2023. Within Spain’s social media sphere, TikTok claims the fourth position as a favourite among 7.6% of users, while its chief rival, Instagram, holds sway over approximately 23 per cent of the same demographic. 

20. Peru  

Total TikTok Users: 16.9 million 

TikTok has garnered significant popularity in Peru, particularly among the youth, who utilize the platform to share creative short videos. This rise can be attributed to its user-friendly interface and algorithm, facilitating content creation and discovery.

19. Italy  

Total TikTok Users: 17.1 million  

The expanding Italian TikTok market fuels brand strategies for the youth audience. Additionally, TikTok is re-verifying user ages in Italy, blocking under-13 access.

18. Malaysia 

Total TikTok Users: 19.3 million  

TikTok boasts 19.3 uses in Malaysia. As TikTok’s popularity continues to surge in Malaysia, its significance escalates for individuals and businesses. As of  June 2023, TikTok’s demographic in Malaysia predominantly comprises Gen Z (ages 19-25) at 35.61%, closely followed by Millennials (ages 26-32), constituting around 29% of the user base. 

17. United Kingdom  

Total TikTok Users: 19.7 million  

TikTok’s impact on the UK economy is significant, with the platform generating an estimated £1.2 billion in revenue in 2022. With about 19.7 million active users in the UK, TikTok has become a key player in the social media landscape and a valuable resource for businesses and content creators alike. 

16. Colombia  

Total TikTok Users: 20.1 million  

TikTok is among the most popular social media apps in Colombia. TikTok ads reached 36.0% of adults aged 18 and above by early 2022, showcasing the platform’s mounting influence. The growth is emphasized by a daily influx of 1.2 million new users, marked since its 2018 inception. Notably, TikTok now ranks Colombia’s fourth most favoured social media platform, resonating with diverse demographic spanning adults to teenagers, with a focus on 8 to 29 years old. 

15. Germany  

Total TikTok Users: 20.6 million  

Germany stands out as a nation avidly utilizing TikTok, drawn to its distinct features and user-friendly interface. The platform’s popularity stems from its capacity to craft and share short videos, connecting people nationwide. Impressively, TikTok boasts usage by 44% of Germany’s social media users.

14. Japan  

Total TikTok Users: 20.7 million  

Japan has embraced TikTok with about 20.7 million active users, making it a popular social media platform. Its appeal stems from unique short-form video content and algorithm-driven recommendations. 

13. France  

Total TikTok Users: 20.9 million  

France leads in TikTok usage with 20.9 million users across diverse demographics. In 2020, the core audience comprised 13 to 24-year-old females (51.34%), while 4.04% of influencers boast over 100K followers, offering collaboration and advertising prospects. 

12. Egypt 

Total TikTok Users: 23.7 million  

Egypt has embraced TikTok extensively, drawn by its unique features that resonate with the younger generation. With an estimated user count of 23.7 million, TikTok has become a cornerstone of Egyptian social media. Brands leverage the competitive TikTok market in Egypt to reach their target audience, with notable influencers like Sherif Khalid, Gehad Hassan, and Abdullah Eltourky amassing millions of followers. 

11. Iraq  

Total TikTok Users: 23.9 million  

TikTok’s rapid rise in Iraq, with about 23.9 million users, has propelled creative expression and economic growth. Notably, influencers and content creators monetize their accounts, spurring the emergence of TikTok-related businesses like marketing agencies. 

10. Saudi Arabia  

Total TikTok Users: 26.4 million 

TikTok attracts over 26 million active users in Saudi Arabia, making Saudi Arabia one of the countries with most TikTok users in the world. The platform’s engaging content, and user-friendly interface have contributed to its widespread adoption.  

9. Turkey  

Total TikTok Users: 29.9 million  

TikTok’s popularity in Turkey is undeniable, with nearly 30 million users using the app to express creativity and showcase talents. 

8. Thailand 

Total TikTok Users: 40.3 million 

Thai brands and international companies are capitalizing on TikTok for effective marketing campaigns. For instance, Lay’s Thailand’s #LetsDanceWithLays challenge showcased the platform’s potential, collaborating with a renowned Thai singer for an interactive dance competition. 

7. Philippines  

Total TikTok Users: 43.4 million 

The Philippines is a leading TikTok user, driven by the platform’s short-form video format and creative expression.  Businesses also leverage TikTok as a marketing tool. 

6. Vietnam  

Total TikTok Users: 49.9 million  

Vietnam stands sixth among the countries with the most TikTok users 2023, with about 49.9 million users engrossed by the platform’s engaging short videos. Notably, a 2023 survey highlights that 77% of Vietnamese Gen Z respondents are TikTok users, compared to 50% of Gen X users. 

Click to see and continue reading the top 5 Countries With The Most TikTok Users 2023.

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Disclosure. None: The 25 Countries With The Most TikTok Users 2023 is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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