25 Countries with the Highest Life Expectancy

In this article we take a look at the 25 countries with the highest life expectancy. Click to skip ahead and jump to the 10 countries with the highest life expectancy.

Our world has changed beyond imagination in the last century. Even that may be an unnecessarily long stretch as even in the past 3 decades, the world has changed exponentially and advancements which weren’t thought possible some time ago have now been realized. After all, we are in an age where a private company has launched Nasa astronauts to space. We have self driving cars on our roads now, though you need to be careful that you don’t watch TV while your car is in autopilot as you could be arrested for negligent homicide. Clearly, some kinks still need to be worked out but we are still living in extremely exciting times.

Because of these advancements, our life expectancy is increasing as well. In the last two centuries, our life expectancy hasn’t just grown steadily, it has actually more than doubled. From less than 30 years, the average person can now expect to live up to 72 years old. This doesn’t mean that if you were born in the 1800s or even the 1900s you could look at early death. Of course, there was a higher chance, but the truth is that so many people died during childhood and even soon after birth, that it reduced the average life expectancy significantly. If you were able to reach adulthood, you could reach old age as well, though of course, even that was not as common.


In the 1800s, nearly everyone lived in extreme poverty, and there weren’t many solutions to medical issues. Common illnesses such as the flu could cause a lot of deaths, and pandemics were much more common, while epidemics occurred at a startling pace. We’ve had seven pandemics of just cholera in the last 200 years, and in the 19th century, medical practitioners weren’t licensed, nor were the necessary medical advancements made, causing a lot of deaths. The Spanish flu alone caused up to 50 million deaths! That is 50 times the death toll that we have right now for the coronavirus pandemic. Again, if social distancing and medical procedures used in the current pandemic were available then, perhaps a lot more lives could have been saved. After all, you only have to take a look at Philadelphia, where, even though social distancing measures were being called for, threw a massive parade for the soldiers returning from World War I. The effect was swift and brutal. Within 2 days, an epidemic had been declared, and within 3 days, every single hospital bed was filled. Within a week, 4,500 people in Philadelphia had died. An interesting fact about the Spanish flu, is that it didn’t actually originate in Spain. It mostly emerged in the United States but the media did not report on it because of World War I and not wanting to hurt the morale of soldiers. However, Spain’s media was free, and they reported on the pandemic, which is why it became known as the Spanish Flu and people actually thought it originated in Spain.

This brings us to the current Covid 19 pandemic, which has so far seen nearly 32 million people infected and over 975,000 deaths. It may slightly affect the life expectancy in the coming years, since it has been particularly lethal and fatal for people over the age of 65. The concerning thing is, that you can’t even be sure that this is at an end, since many places, including Europe are now facing a second wave which has seen even higher infections than the first wave. While deaths are decreasing slightly, logic dictates that with the cases increasing at this number, the deaths will soon follow.

Each country has a different life expectancy of course, because of different cultures, traditions and even susceptibility to disease. In some cultures, healthy eating and exercise is a very important part of tradition, which is why they live long lives. On the other hand, poorer countries may not have the same level of access to medication as the more advanced countries which is why they have lower life expectancy. This is why the vast majority of such countries are unfortunately located in Africa, as can be seen in 10 countries with shortest life expectancy. The gap between the country with the highest life expectancy and the country with the lowest life expectancy in 2020 is an astounding 30 years. For our rankings we have considered both the CIA Factbook as well as the World Health Organization. We gave slightly higher precedence to the CIA Factbook since the data was for 2017, while the data for WHO was from 2016, which is why the weightage was split 60:40 respectively. So without further ado let’s take a look at the countries where your post retirement bliss won’t be just a few years, starting with number 25:

25. Portugal

Life expectancy average score: 80.24

Expect to see a lot of European countries here, starting with Portugal, which has a life expectancy of over 80 years. In just the last decade, this number has increased by 2, signifying the advancements made in such a short period of time.

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24. Germany

Life expectancy average score: 80.24

The Germans are famous for their efficiency and work ethic. Because of this, it is easy to see how they would indulge in healthy activities and refrain from more dangerous ones, thereby having a significantly higher life expectancy than most other countries.

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23. Greece

Life expectancy average score: 80.9

While it may have been in an economical conundrum for a while now, Greece still has a high life expectancy, and if you visit the country, you can see many people of old age relaxing and enjoying life in the country.

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22. Malta

Life expectancy average score: 80.9

Not only do the Maltese have a high life expectancy, they also spend around 90% of their total life in good health, the highest such rate in the entire European Union.

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21. United Kingdom

Life expectancy average score: 81.04

We told you European countries will dominate our list of countries with the highest life expectancy and the UK is no exception, with a strong economy and a high quality National Health Service department ensuring a high life expectancy.

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19. Belgium

Life expectancy average score: 81.14

The life expectancy has been increasing in Belgium for several decades now. The only exceptions to this statement are 2012 and 2015, when slightly lower numbers were noted. Currently standing at 81, the average life expectancy across the board is quite high, but mainly due to women who have a life expectancy of 83 years, while the men only get 79 years on average.

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19. Ireland

Life expectancy average score: 81.14

The Irish have been able to fight off major diseases and lower death rates from diseases such as cancer have contributed to an ever increasing life expectancy rate, at 81.5. Ireland has also reduced deaths from another major course in suicides, which have reduced by around 40% in the last decade, which is a truly commendable achievement.

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18. Finland

Life expectancy average score: 81.16

Scandinavian countries are famous for their high quality of life and high standards of living, which of course automatically translates to a higher life expectancy as well, which is why Finland has a life expectancy of around 81.5.

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17. Netherlands

Life expectancy average score: 81.48

The Netherlands are another European country with a really high standard of living and socialized healthcare, which means that even though taxes in the country are high, healthcare is free allowing people to obtain treatments for any illnesses and diseases, and ensuring their life expectancy rate remains at the higher end.

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16. New Zealand

Life expectancy average score: 81.66

Not only has New Zealand successfully combated the Covid 10 pandemic with minimal losses, it also has excellent healthcare facilities which are the secret to a high life expectancy.

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15. Austria

Life expectancy average score: 81.72

In just the last decade, this number has increased by 3 years in Austria, thereby enabling it to earn a place on our list.

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14. Norway

Life expectancy average score: 82.14

One of the most beautiful countries in the world, even the smallest villages in Norway have all the necessary facilities ensuring a high life expectancy across the country.

Least Racist Countries in Europe in 2017 with th

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13. Sweden

Life expectancy average score: 82.22

A lack of pollutants and a strong sense of cleanliness are just a few of the reasons why country has such a high life expectancy. In a poll. 96% of the people were satisfied with the quality of water in the country. In the last hundred years, the life expectancy has increased by around 25 years.

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12. Canada

Life expectancy average score: 82.26

Canada has managed to surpass its neighbors significantly in terms of life expectancy where in some cases, Canadians are actually outliving Americans by even a decade, due to their much superior healthcare.

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11. France

Life expectancy average score: 82.3

If you’re an advanced country you can easily manage a high life expectancy and France is no stranger to this rule, though somewhat strangely, they believe that a couple of glasses of wine a day is one of the secrets behind this success.

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Click to continue reading and see the 10 countries with the highest life expectancy.

Disclosure: 25 countries with the highest life expectancy is originally published at Insider Monkey.