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25 Countries with Highest Percentage of Females

In this article, we will take a look at the 25 countries with the highest percentage of females. If you want to skip our detailed analysis you can go directly to 5 Countries with Highest Percentage of Females.

According to a report by the US Census Bureau, male births outnumber female births by 0-7%. The sex ratio of males to females has been noticeably higher among childhood ages 0-15, followed by significant diversity between ages 15-64. However, for the ages 65 to 79, the sex ratio falls below 1 to almost 0.98. According to the report, there are a range of reasons that contribute to the sex ratio imbalance, including biological factors, sex selection, sex-selective abortion, socioeconomic conditions, and health disparities. Above the age of 40 or 50, sex ratios tend to skew toward being more feminine. High mortality rates among men often contribute to such a phenomenon. 

In traditional societies, men are most likely to be responsible for family finances, ultimately suggesting that widowed women are pushed into the feminization of poverty. The skewed sex ratio at an early age results in policies and resource allocation to favor men, especially in education and jobs. Such may contribute to women being highly dependent on their male counterparts for financial support, pushing them into the poverty circle once their husband dies. Adequate financial planning and investment in women’s financial empowerment, however, may limit the chances of such.

Efforts to Enhance Women’s Position in the Labor Market: At a Glance

Governments are increasingly investing to minimize the gender gap. On June 21, Reuters reported that Japan is setting up stringent plans to enhance women’s participation in politics and society. The policies were implemented after Japan received its gender gap report, which suggests a skewness towards men in positions of authority. Investors across the globe have been pressurizing businesses in Japan to diversify their boards. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida suggested that he aims for women to occupy at least 30% of executive positions in top companies by the end of the decade, up from 2.2% in July 2022. You can also check out top women-owned companies in the US.

Along with governments, companies are also making moves to enhance the position of women in the workforce. On September 18, France’s Societe Generale announced that it would invest EUR 100 million to boost the remuneration of female employees in the company. The bank suggested that there was no reason to have a gender pay gap, and allocating EUR 100 million would help close the gap. Moreover, the company also announced that it will aim to have women in at least 35% of the senior leadership positions by 2026.

Prominent Companies Led By Women

Women have been increasingly taking up executive positions in companies across the globe. Some of the leading companies with women CEOs include General Motors Company (NYSE:GM), Accenture plc (NYSE:ACN), and General Dynamics Corporation (NYSE:GD). You can also check out some of the top self-made female billionaires under 50.

General Motors Company (NYSE:GM) is a leading automotive manufacturing company based in Michigan, United States. Mary Barra was appointed the company’s CEO on January 15, 2014. On October 27, General Motors Company (NYSE:GM) reported earnings for the fiscal third quarter of 2023. General Motors Company (NYSE:GM) reported earnings per share of $2.28, beating estimates by $0.44. The company also reported revenue of $44.13 billion, ahead of market consensus by $879.92 million, with a year-on-year revenue growth of 5.35%.

Accenture plc (NYSE:ACN) is a professional services company headquartered in Ireland. The company offers services in information technology and consulting. Julie Sweet was appointed the company’s CEO on September 1, 2019. On November 16, Accenture plc (NYSE:ACN) announced its agreement to acquire Solnet, an information technology services provider. Solnet is based in New Zealand, which will allow the company to penetrate the market. A team of more than 100 technologists from Solnet will join Accenture plc (NYSE:ACN) to enhance the company’s local cloud and engineering services offerings.

Accenture plc’s (NYSE:ACN) commitment to diversify its market explains the company’s strong financial results. On September 28, Accenture plc (NYSE:ACN) reported earnings for the fiscal fourth quarter of 2023. Accenture plc (NYSE:ACN) reported earnings per share of $2.71, beating estimates by $0.08. The company reported revenue worth $15.99 billion during the quarter, with a revenue growth rate of 3.64% year-on-year.

General Dynamics Corporation (NYSE:GD) is an aerospace and defense company based in Virginia, United States. Phebe Novakovic was appointed as the CEO of General Dynamics Corporation (NYSE:GD) on January 1, 2013. On November 13, General Dynamics Corporation (NYSE:GD) announced that General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT), a business unit of General Dynamics Corporation (NYSE:GD), was awarded $2.5 billion for an Indefinite Quantity (ISIQ) contract by the Indian Health Services. The contract spreads to 10 years with a five-year base period and five option years. The contract will enable GDIT to replace the existing health record and patient system the agency uses with a cloud-based EHR system from Oracle Health.

On October 25, General Dynamics Corporation (NYSE:GD) reported earnings for the fiscal third quarter of 2023. General Dynamics Corporation (NYSE:GD) reported earnings per share of $3.04, beating estimates by $0.10. The company also reported revenue worth $10.57 billion, ahead of market consensus by $480.14 million. General Dynamics Corporation (NYSE:GD) also posted a year-on-year revenue growth rate of 5.97%.

Let’s now take a look at the 25 countries with the highest percentage of females.

25 Countries with Highest Percentage of Females

Our Methodology

For our title, 25 countries with the highest percentage of females, we sourced our data from the World Bank. The World Bank enlists all the countries, inclusive of territories and islands, with their respective percentage of female population, as of 2022. The list of the 25 countries with the highest percentage of females is in ascending order of the aforementioned metric.

25 Countries with Highest Percentage of Females

25. Hungary

Percentage of Females (2022): 52%

Hungary is among the countries with the highest percentage of females. The labor force participation rate among females in Hungary was 52.7% in 2022.

24. Barbados

Percentage of Females (2022): 52%

Barbados is an eastern Caribbean Island and an independent British Commonwealth nation. The labor force participation rate among females in Barbados was 58.03% in 2022.

23. Nepal

Percentage of Females (2022): 52.1%

52.1% of the population in Nepal consists of females. The labor force participation rate among females in Nepal was 28.6% in 2022.

22. Curacao

Percentage of Females (2022): 52.1%

Curacao is a Dutch Caribbean Island in the Kingdom of Netherlands. 52.1% of the population in Curacao consists of females.

21. Serbia

Percentage of Females (2022): 52.1%

The Republic of Serbia is a country in Southeast and Central Europe. 52.1% of the population in Serbia consists of females. The labor force participation rate among females in Serbia was 48.5% in 2022.

20. Bahamas

Percentage of Females (2022): 52.2%

The Commonwealth of Bahamas is an Island country in the Lucayan Archipelago of the West Indies in the North Atlantic. 52.2% of the population in the Bahamas consists of females.

19. Antigua and Barbuda

Percentage of Females (2022): 52.2%

Antigua and Barbuda is an independent commonwealth country comprising of Islands in the Caribbean. 52.2% of the population in Antigua and Barbuda consists of females.

18. Moldova

Percentage of Females (2022): 52.4%

Moldova is a country in Eastern Europe and is among the countries with the highest percentage of females. The labor force participation rate among females in Moldova was 37.9% in 2022.

17. El Salvador

Percentage of Females (2022): 52.4%

The Republic of El Salvador is a country in Central America. 52.4% of the population in El Salvador consists of females. The labor force participation rate among females in El Salvador was 45.5% in 2022.

16. Saint Martin

Percentage of Females (2022): 52.5%

Saint Martin is among the countries with the highest percentage of females. Saint Martin is an island in the Northeast Caribbean.

15. Estonia

Percentage of Females (2022): 52.5%

Estonia is a country in Nothern Europe. 52.5% of the population in Nothern Europe consists of females. The labor force participation rate among females was 60.2% in 2022.

14. Zimbabwe

Percentage of Females (2022): 52.8%

The Republic of Zimbabwe is a country in Southern Africa. The Republic of Zimbabwe is among the countries with the highest female population. The labor force participation rate among females in Zimbabwe was 61.2% in 2022.

13. Portugal

Percentage of Females (2022): 52.8%

Portugal is a country in Southern Europe and ranks among the countries with the highest percentage of females. The labor participation rate among females in Portugal was 54.7% in 2022.

12. Puerto Rico

Percentage of Females (2022): 52.8%

Puerto Rico ranks among the countries with the highest percentage of females. The labor participation rate among females was 31.9% in 2022.

11. Aruba

Percentage of Females (2022): 52.9%

Aruba is a constituent country within the Kingdom of Netherlands. 52.9% of the population in Aruba consists of females.

10. Georgia

Percentage of Females (2022): 53%

53% of the population in Georgia comprises females. Georgia is located at the intersection of Europe and Asia and has a labor participation rate among females of 55.7% in 2022.

9. Lithuania

Percentage of Females (2022): 53%

The Republic of Lithuania is a country in the Baltic region of Europe. 53% of the population in Lithuania in 2022 consisted of females. The labor force participation rate among females in Lithuania was 58.5% in 2022.

8. Macao

Percentage of Females (2022): 53.1%

Macao, an autonomous region on the South Coast of China, is among the countries with the highest percentage of females. The labor force participation rate among females in Macao was 64.2% in 2022.

7. Virgin Islands

Percentage of Females (2022): 53.4%

53.4% of the population in the Virgin Islands consists of females. The labor force participation rate among females in the Virgin Islands was 43.8% in 2022.

6. Russian Federation

Percentage of Females (2022): 53.6%

According to our methodology, Russia ranks as one of the countries with the highest percentage of females. The labor participation rate among females in Russia was 55.3% in 2021.

Click here to continue reading and check out 5 Countries with Highest Percentage of Females.

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Disclosure: None. 25 Countries with Highest Percentage of Females is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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