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25 Countries That Love American Guys

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This article will look at 25 countries that love American guys

When choosing a partner, human evolutionary instincts are as important as the perceived notion of attractiveness. If seen through the lens of evolution, humans choose partners that give them the best chance of reproduction and survival. When it comes to survival, we evaluate several things, and it becomes quite subjective. We look for certain preferred attributes in our partners that help determine whether they are good for the survival of our offspring. This affinity towards survival is instinctive, and most of the time we do not even think of it. So, whether we are looking for partners to reproduce or not, we look for the things that make them appealing for survival. American men are perceived to be confident and goal-oriented. Both of these attributes make a person better at surviving in the world, and hence many women around the world prefer American men. Sometimes American men also get a bad reputation for being selfish. However, this negative trait also gives them an edge for survival. It is essential to note here, though, that these are all perceptions about an American man. Whether it is statistically correct or not is another debate. Since America is widely perceived as the land of the free, American men are thought of as being free and having the courage to do whatever they want. Another common stereotype for American men is that they love to work, which means that they will be financially stable. In addition, American men are also perceived to be open-minded and fun to be around. 

More recently, women seem to have an appreciation of the metrosexual male. A metrosexual man is seen as a well-groomed, slightly selfish, and consumption-driven man in a capitalist world. As opposed to the popular narrative, a metrosexual male is preferred over the stereotypical gym-buff male. In a study, three male profiles with the following stereotypes were created on a popular dating site: gym buff, rocker, lad, and metrosexual. The metrosexual male profile got the most right swipes, and the gym buff profile got the least right swipes. In today’s world, women prefer a man who looks good with clothes on rather than clothes off. The male is expected to have a good enough physique so he would look good in clothes. This metrosexual male profile typically suits American men as they are at the forefront of consumerism. 

Men in America and around the world have realized that women prefer metrosexual men. The global male grooming products industry is booming. It is expected to grow at a cumulative average growth rate (CAGR) of 4.17% during the forecast period of 2023 and 2028. Currently, it is valued at $59.93 billion and is expected to reach $76.8 billion by the end of the forecast period. The major driver for this growth is the changing grooming habits of men. Men have started to see hair and skin care as a personal investment, and they are spending more and more on it. 

With that background in mind, let’s look at 25 countries that love American guys. 

Dean Drobot/


To curate the list of 25 countries that love American guys, we adopted a consensus approach. We chose five (1,2,3,4,5) trusted sources over the internet and noted down the countries that each source mentioned. For each country we computed the number of times it appeared collectively in our sources, which we named as Insider monkey score. The higher the score, the more that country loves American guys. Finally, as a tie-breaker, we used the ranking of countries in our sources. 

25 – Vietnam 

Insider Monkey Score – 1

It might be surprising to see Vietnam in the list of countries that love American guys, given the history between the two countries. However, modern Vietnamese women have a positive attitude towards foreign countries which also includes the United States. Vietnamese women are friendly and aspire to start a relationship with American men. 

24 – Poland

Insider Monkey Score – 1

Although Polish girls are thought to have more traditional family values compared to Americans, they are attracted to American guys because they have the urge to live in a country with a higher standard of life. Many Polish women use international dating platforms to find the perfect American guy for themselves. 

23 – Portugal

Insider Monkey Score – 1

Portuguese women are known for their beauty. Most people associate them with dreamy eyes and dreamy looks. American men are in luck because women from Portugal favor them. They like cultured men. 

22 – Czech Republic

Insider Monkey Score – 1

The Czech Republic is a country in central Europe. Although it is a developed country, its economy is a far cry from the United States. Most Czech girls on international dating platforms are looking for a long-term commitment. A workaholic American is attractive to Czech girls because he might offer them a better standard of life. 

21 – Venezuela

Insider Monkey Score – 1

Since the economic crisis of 2010, more and more Venezuelan people want to leave the country. This also includes Venezuelan girls who find American guys attractive for several reasons. While an American male is an attractive option because of a better financial situation, they are also attracted to the looks of white American men. 

20 – Sweden

Insider Monkey Score – 1

Unlike some other countries, Swedish girls do not like American men for a better life, as Sweden has better standards of living compared to the United States. Swedish girls are open-minded, hard-working, and intelligent. These girls like American men simply because they are open-minded and like the excitement that comes from dating American guys. 

19 – Romania

Insider Monkey Score – 1

Romanian women are brought up in a conservative society where they are subject to patriarchal norms. Although Romania has some economic problems, its women love American guys for their open-mindedness and willingness to treat them with respect. These girls, unlike most men in their country, have adopted the 21st-century mindset, which fits perfectly with the image of an American man. 

18 – Dominican Republic

Insider Monkey Score – 1

The Dominican Republic is one of those countries whose women love American men, mostly because of their money. While recently the country has made some serious progress and now is a middle-income country, 30% of Dominican people still live in poverty. A hard-working American male in America’s economy is certainly attractive to girls in the country. 

17 – South Korea

Insider Monkey Score – 1

With a female population of over 25 million, which loves American guys, there is a high chance that you might find an attractive South Korean girl to date. Korean girls think that American men are more caring and loving than men in their own country. In addition, Korean society is quite competitive, and the girls spend years building their careers and making money leaving them very little chance of building a happy relationship. So, they believe that American men are capable of giving them the love they could not get from men in their own country. 

16 – Poland

Insider Monkey Score – 1

Like other Slovac countries, international dating platforms are quite popular in Poland. While Polish girls are generally traditional, they like American men because they are more financially stable and serious than most Polish men. 

15 – Hungary

Insider Monkey Score – 1

Hungarian women are open-minded, friendly, and laid back. They love exploring and trying out new things. Although Hungarian people are known for their slow living approach, women in the country also look for financial stability, which an American man might provide. In addition, they are also interested in American culture. 

14 – Israel

Insider Monkey Score – 1

It is not surprising to see Israel in the list of countries that love American guys given the political relationship between the two countries. 

13 – Lebanon

Insider Monkey Score – 1

Although it might come as a surprise, Lebanese people are fond of American culture. Lebanese women adore the handsomeness of American men and are open-minded toward them. 

12 – Denmark

Insider Monkey Score – 1

The stereotypical image of Danish men being shy is what attracts the women in the country towards American guys. Danish women are usually easygoing with American men. 

11 – Italy

Insider Monkey Score – 2

Italy is one of the top countries that love American guys. They like the confidence, decisiveness, and good sense of humor of American men. In addition, Italian ladies are also known to choose stable men, so an American male seems like the perfect candidate to date. 

10 – Russia

Insider Monkey Score – 2

It might be surprising for some to see Russia in the list of top ten countries that love American guys. However, the newer generation does not care about the Cold War or the Vietnam War anymore. Although the Russian government does its best to censor American Influence, Russian girls still love American guys. One of the reasons why Russian girls like American guys is that they can offer them a better lifestyle. 

9 – China

Insider Monkey Score – 2

Like Russia, the Chinese government also tries its best to prevent American or Western influence on its society. However, despite that, China is on the list of countries that love American guys. There are several reasons for this fondness, but economics does play a role. China is a developed country with a good GDP, however, because of its massive population, the GDP per capita is very low. So, Chinese women look for American guys for a more stable lifestyle. Also, a relationship with an American man might bring more freedom to the woman, which she could not experience in her own country. 

8 – Australia

Insider Monkey Score – 2

Australian women are open-minded and often more straightforward than American women. Aussi women like American guys for their gentleness and respectful attitude. They are attracted to the soft side of American guys. 

7 – Colombia

Insider Monkey Score – 3

Colombian women are starting to reject the prevalent “Machismo” culture in their society. These ladies want to be treated equally by the men, which is difficult to achieve in Colombia. The stereotypical image of an American man being caring, respectful, and favoring equality is what attracts Colombian women toward them. 

6 – Mexico

Insider Monkey Score – 3

Mexico’s proximity to the United States is certainly one of the several reasons why its women love American guys. They also interact with American tourists frequently. Mexican women also love American men simply because they seek a better life across the border. 

5 – Japan

Insider Monkey Score – 3

Japan is one of the top 5 countries that love American guys. These educated and intelligent ladies are similar to American women in their approach to a career and education. However, their traditional views on family and children make them the perfect choice for American men looking for a loyal wife. 

4 – Philippines

Insider Monkey Score – 3

The Philippines is one of the most popular countries for international dating, and the women of this country love American guys. One of the reasons why Philipino girls are interested in American men is that they want a good life in a developed country. Since the country is a popular tourist destination, the girls also frequently interact with American guys and love them. 

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