25 Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives

Given the fact people are not exactly honest when talking about adultery, finding the cities with most unfaithful wives sounds almost impossible. Still, we managed to make a selection of cities, where women are, presumably, most likely to cheat. But first, let’s focus on what types of marriages (and relationships) exist, in order to understand what adultery is considered for in different parts of the world and whether it all comes down to the same – a partner’s lost trust.

So, nowadays, we have monogamous societies, where a state of being married to one person at a time is practiced, and polygamous societies, where having more than one partner is a norm. Moreover, even within polygamy, we can make a difference between polygyny, which implies a marriage between a man and several women, whereas, in the case of polyandry, it’s the opposite. Also, there are group marriages, where multiple wives and multiple husbands which are, in fact, the family unit.

And, while polygamy is banned in a number of developed countries, it seems like serial polygamy, “is generally accepted practice” as we witness it on a daily basis, having people divorced and then marring with someone else all the time. Unfortunately, in the US only, 67% of the second marriages and even 73% of the third, end in divorce. So, the conclusion would be that polygamy exists in every society but in different forms. Furthermore, these statistics don’t surprise if we take into account how common is cheating in this country. The percent of Americans who admitted they’ve been cheating ranged between 20% to 25% for men compared to 10% and 15% for women in the period between 1991 and 2008 (that’s more than a decade ago, and those are just the ones being honest about it). In addition, according to Ashley Madison, “the global leader for affairs,” Seattle, Denver and Dallas are the cities with most unfaithful husbands in the country, while San Antonio cheaters are not far behind. When ranking cheaters by state, it seems like Texas cheaters lead the way, since out of 20 top cities with the most unfaithful men, five are in Texas. So, those hubbies cheating in Dallas are just the top of an iceberg. However, those Boston’s cheating spouses should know that adultery is still considered as a criminal offense in Massachusetts, more precisely, a crime against chastity.

Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives

Dean Drobot/Shutterstock.com

The opinions on whether monogamy is “natural” or not for human species are rather interesting. In a book called “The Myth of Monogamy,” Professor David Barash, a zoologist and professor of Psychology Emeritus at the University of Washington, and (intriguingly) his wife, Judith Eve Lipton, M.D., also a psychiatrist, (who are married for more than 35 years) argued that we are carrying the “biological imprint of polygamy,” while discussing monogamy within the animal kingdom. Even though they didn’t justify infidelity among people, aiming to bust the myth of monogamy, they suggested “cheating is the rule,” for both sexes, for almost every species. So, when it comes to mammals, there are only a very few species living in, what might be called “monogamous arrangements,” or less than 5% of around 5,000 species. So, besides otters, some bats, foxes and occasionally wolves, we, humans, engage in monogamous relationships as well. The question is, why we defy biology by practicing monogamy?

To answer this question, let’s turn to a timeline of major events in the history of human society and the evolution of sexual behavior. Starting from the dawn of man, it’s almost impossible to give an answer to questions like “were cavemen monogamous?“. However, a number of ethnographic descriptions of hunter-gatherer societies as well as work of anthropologists during the last two centuries like Lewis H. Morgan and  Friedrich Engels as well as geographer Jared Diamond, propose that prehistoric societies were built on the foundations of equality and polyamory, where anyone of any gender can have more than one partner. After all, in societies where a community was a vital factor of one’s survival, sharing was of utmost importance.

Fast forward some 15 000 years in the future, we are living in a world where both polygamy and monogamy are practiced. The agricultural revolution which had happened a few millennia ago brought with itself a shift from matrilocal to patrilocal residency. In plain English, this shift implies that a man is to remain living in his father’s house after reaching maturity and bringing his wife(s) to live there as well. Moreover, there are some suggestions that partner availability, or to be more precise partner scarcity may have played an important role in the evolution of monogamy. In addition, STDs also might have played a role in establishing this mating behavior, since larger societies were more prone to suffer from STD epidemics. In the end, we can’t diminish the influence of religion on sexual behavior. Christianity and monogamy go hand in hand, the same as Islam and polygyny. Even in countries which are embodiments of Western civilization,  like Canada, polygamy is still happening in some Muslim communities, while a Muslim polygamy matchmaking apps are a real thing. So, to wrap up – the human being and its behavior, including sexual, can’t be observed from the biological aspect only. Therefore, it’s heavily influenced by the culture it belongs, while race doesn’t directly have that important role. The famous anthropologist Edvard Taylor once wrote that culture is that “complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.” That way when thinking about cheating and unfaithfulness, it’s important to determine what countries, societies, and cultures are we are taking into consideration. Therefore determining the most unfaithful race it’s not exactly something traceable.

So, what counts as “cheating”? And more importantly for our today’s list, why women cheat?

The term is definitely vague, and it goes from being sexual to being even (or “only”) emotionally unfaithful to your partner, and once again it depends on where the one comes from. The reason(s) why someone cheats, is(are), on the other hand, heavily impacted by the person’s sex. And while there are some overlaps, the reasons men cheat are more of a “physical” nature, comparing to women, where psychology beats biology. Their disloyalty is often triggered by a lack of intimacy, loneliness, high expectations, and by a feeling of neglectance and underappreciation.

That way, nowadays, headed out to find some attention, women (and man) often end up on social media, making the Facebook one of the top “places” where do most affairs happen or at least began. Once they hit the road, the places cheaters go are usually coffee shops, restaurants, bars, etc.

So, for our research on the world’s cities with most unfaithful wives, the idea was to restrict to those women cheating in marriage, and as a consequence break the marriage contract by getting a divorce. Since data for each city can’t be traceable, first, we focused on countries. So, we breezed through some divorce rate statistics worldwide, using extensive OECD’s report, and a few other articles, such as Futurity’s article on divorce in African countries and a report on Australia’s divorce rates, only to single out those with the highest divorce rates. Speaking of Australia, according to our research on countries with most faithful husbands, Aussies are the world’s most loyal hubbies. For today’s list, we’ve also consulted our articles on countries with most unfaithful wives and countries that cheat the most in the world. Once we got a grip on countries where wife’s adultery is most possible we also checked for the level of happiness in these countries as well as how sexually active are its citizens. After all, those unhappiest countries with high sexual activity are probably those where people cheat more, right? So, after narrowing it down to 25 countries where the women (and man) are likely to cheat more, we put in use Quora and Reddit, in order to find out which are the cities with most unfaithful wives in those countries. So, let’s find out which are the best places to cheat on your spouse.

25. Dublin (Ireland)

Total score: 15

According to a survey, Irish wives play away from home only 3.6 years after tieing the knot. Also, extramarital affair websites are quite popular among unhappy spouses in this country, with Illicit Encounters being among the most favored.

Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives

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23. Bergen, Norway

Total score: 18

It seems Norwegians blame alcohol for cheating, while more than 40% of married people in this country admitted adultery.

Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives

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23. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)

Total score: 18

Adulterers in this country (and city) should beware because those pleaded guilty of adultery are faced to even three years of jail, and “six strokes of the cane.”

Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives

ESB Professional/Shutterstock.com

22. Bangkok (Thailand)

Total score: 20

The internet is full of guides to Bangkok’s best places to get sex, so it’s no wonder this city found its way to this list of cities with most unfaithful wives. Also, Thailand is among the top most adulterous countries in the world for years.

Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives

lOvE lOvE/Shutterstock.com

21. Helsinki (Finland)

Total score: 21

When it comes to Finland, societal approval of adultery is pretty high, since there’s even a term for affairs called “parallel relationships“. And guys, if you’re thinking about traveling to Helsinki, you should know there is high demand for foreign men among Finish women.

Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives

Veronika Galkina/Shutterstock.com

18. Stockholm (Sweden)

Total score: 23

Swedish women are waiting a bit more than four years to start cheating on their spouses, while the average age they endeavor in affairs in the late thirties.

Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives

Oleksiy Mark/Shutterstock.com

18. Brussels (Belgium)

Total score: 23

It seems that in this country and its capital cheating isn’t a taboo anymore, and extramarital dating sites like Gleeden with more than 1.1 million members are apparently there to stay. So, if you were wondering where do cheaters meet, there’s one answer. Also, Brussels is rich with options for those who are into some sex-cruising action.

Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives

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18. San Jose (Costa Rica)

Total score: 23

According to a report by La Nacion, during the past two decades, the divorce rats in this country have tripled, while around 40% of marriages don’t last more than ten years. In most cases the reason is adultery.

Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives


17. Copenhagen (Denmark)

Total score: 24

We are continuing our list of most adulterous cities in the world, and up next is Copenhagen, probably one of the kinkiest cities out there. Since almost 50% of Danes admitted they have/had an affair, Denmark is probably the country with most unfaithful husbands as well.

15. London (The United Kingdom)

Total score: 25

Those women cheating in London are apparently coming from its richest boroughs with LeafyIslington topping the list. Moreover, more 20% of British women admitted they cheated on their current partner.

Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives

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15. Rome (Italy)

Total score: 25

It’s no wonder Rome ended up on our list of cities with most unfaithful wives since Italy is among the top three countries in the world that cheat the most. Apparently, Italian women are living up to the Latin lover image as well as their male counterparts.

Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives

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14. Paris (France)

Total score: 26

French women like to stray and they are apparently embracing it freely, since more than 30% said they have committed adultery, while 46% of those younger than 35 “virtually” cheated on their partner, being more into technology.

Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives

Ioan Panaite/Shutterstock.com

13. Berlin (Germany)

Total score: 27

Another nationality no our list of cities with most unfaithful wives, which is among the top ten adulterous in the world. Germany’s capital has the best places to hook up in the whole country, and it seems ladies know them well.

Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives


12. Madrid (Spain)

Total score: 28

According to Ashley Madison, an affair website, Madrid is one of Europe’s cities with a pretty high number of spouses who cheat, so it’s also one of the cities with the most unfaithful men, not just women.

Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives

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11. Athens (Greece)

Total score: 29

According to a study conducted by Andrological Institute of Athens, an astonishing 78% of surveyed women committed adultery. Cheating is apparently making their marriages better, at least according to 80% of women.

Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives

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10. Portland, Maine (The United States)

Total score: 30

Even though we’ve already mentioned Dallas, Denver and San Antonio cheating wives, when it comes to the US, the cheating city number one in Portland, where women are definitely naughty.

Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives

Josemaria Toscano/Shutterstock.com

9. Beijing (China)

Total score: 32

According to the latest surveys, more than 30% of Chinese woman are prone to be disloyal to their husbands. Moreover, in Beijing, adultery is the main reason for increasing divorce rates in recent years.

Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives

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8. Nicosia (Cyprus)

Total score: 34

Even though Cypriots aren’t particularly open to talking about adultery, the above-mentioned indicators suggest people, both man and women on this island are prone to cheating their partners. Therefore, Nicosia, as Cyprus’ largest city and capital ended up on our list.

Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives

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7. Seoul (South Korea)

Total score: 37

In 2015, after South Korea’s top court ruled a law that made adultery punishable outdated, the country was confronted with an increasing rate of infidelity among spouses, where 10.8% of women said they’ve been unfaithful to their husbands. And while this percentage is substantially lower than in other entries on our list of cities with most unfaithful wives, the fact that rate for women went up by 4.3 % comparing to a similar survey in 2014 is alarming, suggesting it will rise much more in years to come.

Most Racist Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives

Sean Pavone/Shutterstock.com

6. Lisbon (Portugal)

Total score: 38

Having an exceptionally high divorce rate due to a high number of adulterers, this country where almost 70% of marriages ends in divorce, and its capital Lisbon deserved a place on our list of cities with most unfaithful wives. In addition, according to a recent study, 88% of Portuguese women said they are satisfied with their sex lives.

Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives

Arseniy Krasnevsky/Shutterstock.com

4. Moscow (Russia)

Total score: 40

Up next on our list we have Moscow, the capital of Russia. Even though those condemning extramarital affair still outnumber fans of adultery, cheating on your partner seems to be acceptable in this country with a quarter of population “supporting” it. After all, one of the world’s famous adulterers is Anna Karenina, right?

Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives

Alexander Smorodinov/Shutterstock.com

4. Riga (Latvia)

Total score: 40

Latvia is yet another country on our list of cities with most unfaithful wives with very high divorce rates. The main reason is probably infidelity among partners, whereas more than 40% of Latvian women are unfaithful to their partners.

Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives

Alexander Tihonov/Shutterstock.com

3. Vilnius (Lithuania)

Total score: 42

Despite being quite introverted, the female citizens of Lithuania’s capital ended up on our list. Apparently, the level of happiness among married woman in this country is low.

Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives

krivinis / Shutterstock.com

2. Tallinn (Estonia)

Total score: 44

Being among the top ten countries where spouses are deciding to divorce, is what placed Estonia’s capital on the list of cities with most unfaithful wives. Combined with the stats regarding the sexual activity of its citizens, it’s no wonder its capital came second.

Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives

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1. Lagos (Nigeria)

Total score: 45

The married people in Lagos, the number one on our list of cities with most unfaithful wives are apparently pretty bold when it comes to cheating. Among the reasons most women in this city cheat on their husbands, is the lack of intimacy with their husbands who lost interest in sex due to working late and often overtime.

Cities with the Most Unfaithful Wives

Bill Kret/Shutterstock.com