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25 Biggest Countries with Elections in 2024

In this piece, we will take a look at the 25 Biggest Countries with Elections in 2024. If you want to skip to our overview of the election campaigning industry, then you can take a look at our 10 Biggest Countries with Elections in 2024.

The year 2024 is on its way to setting the record for the largest global elections held in a single year. This report by Weforum shows that 2024 is a historic election year, with elections in 50 countries. More than 2 billion voters- which is around a quarter of the world’s population- will head to the polls in countries including the United States, India, Mexico, and South Africa. Another article by The Guardian indicates that over 80 nations, including those of the richest and most powerful, the most populated, the most autocratic, and the most vulnerable, will be voting this year.

Currently, India occupies the first position according to the population sample. Among the 1.4 billion people living in India, around 900 million are registered voters, while the current prime minister, Narendra Modi, is running for a third five-year term in office. In the Weforum report, Chatham House explains that India is the biggest democracy in the world and a “growingly significant geopolitical actor” on a global scale.

Meanwhile, in the global north, data from the US Government’s Census suggests that out of 341 million Americans, 160 million are registered to vote.  They will select the 60th President of the United States, who will assume office in January 2025. They will hold office for four years. Although former President Donald Trump is aiming for a second, non-consecutive term in office, incumbent President Joe Biden is seeking to achieve a second term.

The relection of either Trump or Biden could have significant impact on stock portfolios.

Portfolio Wealth Advisors president Lee Munson is of the view that either of the two candidates, if elected, could be pose trouble for chipmakers like Nvidia (NASDAQ:NVDA). However, they said that Trump could pose bigger trouble.

“Biden has not been friendly to China, but Trump’s going to be even worse,” Munson told Yahoo Finance Live. “When you look at Trump, he’s mercurial and could just cut off the tap… and tell Nvidia (NASDAQ:NVDA) they can’t sell anything.”

A total ban could be a massive hit to major American chip players. China accounted for about one-third of the worldwide sales in the sector in 2023, with AI giants like Nvidia Corporation (NASDAQ:NVDA) and AMD (NASDAQ:AMD) generating close to 20% of their revenue from the country.

“Companies that rely on China for sales or for supply chains are going to have to adapt,” Lee Munson added.

US Elections 2024 and the EV Industry

If the 2024 elections end up with a Republican-led white house, the new administration may review the Inflation Reducation Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. A reversal or reduction in subsidies for green technologies could hurt the EV industry, particulary when it comes to OEMs and battery companies. It could lead to these companies to source cheaper materials from outside of North America in the absense of federal credits.

Alexandru Nika/

Our Methodology

Given the wide variety of countries with elections coming up in 2024, it may be tricky to assess the top 25 countries with elections in 2024. However, it is necessary to keep track of what is going on in the world. New governments rise as old ones fall in their shadows. Even more, it is our responsibility to inform the general public of what is happening around them globally. Our article selects the 25 biggest countries with elections in 2024 by establishing a division by population in descending order. Data for country populations has been retrieved from The World Bank. For some countries, we have given additional descriptions of the fairness of these elections as ranked by Our World in Data through a ‘Freedom and Fairness Index”. This index contains metrics such as access to justice for women, and men, age of democracy, and others. This index gives countries a score from 0 to 1, where 0 means completely unfair on all metrics and 1 means completely fair. Lastly, the dates of elections are taken from Anchor Change and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems.

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25 Biggest countries with elections in 2024

25. Chad

Population: 19.047 million 

Date: October (Expected)

There are strong signs that the presidential and parliamentary elections in Chad in November will be a well-planned ploy to keep General Mahamat Déby in office. Following the passing of his father, President Idriss Déby, who had also usurped power in a coup thirty years prior, Déby assumed control of the Chadian government in an April 2021 military coup.

24. Romania

Population: 19.047 million according to

Date(s): November- December (Expected)

According to EuroNews, with the next constitutional election in Romania, the far-right party AUR, which is gaining ground, may form a coalition administration.

23. Syrian Arab Republic

Population: 22.12 Million
Date(s): To be decided

Although the 2024 elections have been announced, due to the civil war taking place in the country, it is difficult to say for certain whether the elections will commence according to schedule. The Freedom and Fairness Score is 0.00.

22. Sri Lanka

Population: 22.18 Million
Date(s): To be decided

The nation’s constitution requires that there be presidential elections in 2024, and the president has made indications that he intends to hold them. However, a very unpopular party connected to the Rajapaksas—runs the country. It has to deal with an unclear scenario and has not yet confirmed whether or not elections will be held. Some opponents have made it seem as though they won’t.

21. Mali

Population: 22.5 Million
Date(s): Postponed but likely to be held in 2024 

According to a statement from the government spokesperson Col. Abdoulaye Maiga, the two rounds, scheduled on February 4 and February 18, 2024, “will be slightly postponed for technical reasons” that include budgetary challenges for the review of voter lists. He also said that the new dates would be revealed later. The Freedom and Fairness Score is 0.00 as expected.

20. Taiwan

Population: 23.9 Million
Date(s): 13th January

The Democratic Progressive Party’s Lai Ching-te was chosen by voters on January 13, 2024, to be the future president of Taiwan. Mr. Lai received 40% of the vote, while Kuomintang candidate Hou Yu-ih received 34% as reported by The Economist.

19. North Korea

Population: 26.2 Million
Date(s): 10th April

Elections were expected to commence as planned; however, in a turn of events, the uncertainty regarding the timeline of the elections is increasing. The Freedom and Fairness Score given to North Korea for its elections is 0.14.

18. Venezuela

Population: 28.3 Million
Date(s): December (Expected)

After the unfruitful signing of elections that were to commence last year, President Chavismo and the opposition have signed a partial agreement for presidential elections to commence this year according to Elpais.

17. Madagascar

Population: 29.6 Million 

Date(s): May 2024

The upcoming legislative elections are reportedly expected to be held in May of 2024, with the country having a Freedom and Fairness Score at 0.43.

16. Mozambique

Population: 32.96 Million
Date(s): 9th October 

President Filipe Nyusi, no longer eligible for reelection, will likely continue to hold significant government roles due to his FRELIMO party control, despite allegations of intimidation and fraud.

15. Ghana

Population: 33.47 Million
Date(s): 7th December

President Nana Akufo-Addo of Ghana will step down following the presidential elections. This will be the country’s seventh presidential succession since 1992 and demonstrates Ghana’s dedication to stable transitions and power sharing.

14. Uzbekistan

Population: 35.6 Million
Date(s): 4th October

In a report by the OSCEPA, the elections are welcomed and expected to commence in October 2024.

13. Ukraine

Population: 38 Million
Date(s): 31st March

Although the elections have been scheduled for March 31st, due to the martial law imposed by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, it is expected that the elections might not take place.

12. Algeria

Population: 44.9 Million
Date(s): December

The election of the president of Algeria is expected in December, with President Abdelmadjid Tebboune ‘guaranteeing’ the survival of the ruling National Liberation Front (FLN). The Freedom and Fairness Score is 0.29.

11. South Korea

Population: 51.62 Million
Date(s): 10th April

The Kim Keon-hee controversy is causing tension in South Korea’s zero-sum game politics, impacting the opposition Democratic Party, the ruling People Power Party, and President Yoon Suk-yeol. The controversy increases the public’s perception of guilt, which might result in presidential and legislative elections.

Click to continue reading and see the 10 Biggest Countries with Elections in 2024.

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Disclosure: none. 25 Biggest Countries with Elections in 2024 is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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