The 25 biggest communities on Google Plus show us that while the network does not enjoy anywhere near as much of the popularity its competition (namely Facebook) does, it’s still far from being the ghost town that many people make it out to be. It would be surprising for a network owned by the number one website in the world to fail(check out our list of the 5 most visited websites in the world in 2015). Google, in its own way, is the machine that dictates what stays and what goes on the internet. If there was an index for the easily accessible part of what is known as the “clearnet”, it is Google. The technology giant goes as far as being an integral part of the daily lives of probably billions of people.

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Google Plus, however, was one of the less fruitful efforts of the company which made the webspace what we know it. The social network, while carefully planned out and stacked with features, was launched at a time where people were still far from being over the hype wave that came with Facebook hitting the mainstream globally. This left it with a rather unimpressive user base which lead Google to the rash decision of “giving” out a spot on their new product to every single person who has a profile for Google and their other services. Google also made all of the YouTube users only use the world’s most popular video streaming website through their Google Plus profile which angered many but ultimately turned out to be nothing worse that what YouTube already had. All the decisions that followed Google Plus’s obvious lack of interested users, promptly took care of the lacking userbase. However, the network remains way too inactive compared to Facebook.
On the other hand, some people prefer to use G+ in their daily lives for understandable reasons – the network is fully and seamlessly integrated with any of Google’s products, including its mobile services on Android and iPhone. Furthermore, Google Plus has this technological edge that Facebook won’t be able to effectively compete with in the foreseeable future. Some speculate that after Facebook starts getting boring, its user base will effectively leak out and into Google Plus but the people at the number one social network currently are working very hard to keep their service at its best regarding competition. Still – we don’t know what the future has for this new social network and when living in such a dynamic world, things can take dramatic sharp turns over the course of a couple of days.
This, however, does not prevent certain people from enjoying the excellent social network that Google Plus can be if given the attention and the willingness of its prospective users to engage with it. The ones currently active there on a daily basis are in the millions and given the way that Google Plus works, they form and take part in communities called “rings”. Let’s take a look at the 25 biggest communities on Google Plus.