We’ve sketched up and created a great source to learn the best states for commercial and industrial designers.
Design isn’t all about making a fancy website or a new skirt; sometimes design can be quite technical. It’s not necessarily something I think I would thrive in, but it’s a field that people who are equally left and right-brained seem to do really well with. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that commercial and industrial designers “develop and design manufactured products, such as cars, home appliances, and children’s toys,” as well as “combine artistic talent with research on product use, marketing, and materials to create the most functional and appealing product design.” Essentially what this means is they make products that the masses use and consume.

It can’t be an easy job to design and manufacture new and interesting products. Technology is constantly advancing and needs are always changing, so these types of designers have to be on their toes and have the ability to adapt and learn new things. It’s a much more utilitarian way to be a designer than when it comes to certain areas of fashion design or graphic design, which are arguably more traditional design fields when one first thinks of the word “design.” There are certain places that are better for those fields, as indicated by the best states for fashion designers.
In order to create our list of the best places for these designers to live, we first consulted the Bureau of Labor Statistics to find out the average annual salary in each state. Salary isn’t the only thing that influences whether or not a state is a good place to live and work, though, which is why we also consulted the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center to find the cost of living index. We took the average of those two figures to best determine the states that make the most sense to live in. This means that the states with the highest salary combined with the lowest cost of living are going to be at the top of the list, as it makes sense to want the best pay and cheapest living expenses in order to thrive.
Get your resumes and cover letters ready, pack your bags, and keep reading this list of the best states for commercial and industrial designers.