Time to get cooking and check out the best states for chefs and head cooks. You’ll surely include those states in your next eating-centric trip, right?
My uncle is a french chef. As in, he was born in Paris, not he cooks French food. Well, he also cooks French food. But, having him as an uncle has made holidays a delight–that is when he is not working. I doubt it’s a delight for him to essentially work for his family on his days off, but that’s the price you pay for making delicious lamb!
Chefs and head cooks are usually tasked with having full control over a restaurant’s menu. They may or may not meddle with the cooking itself, but they always have the responsibility of making sure everything is going smoothly. They oversee the entire process, like making sure food arrives on time, the presentation is perfect, and the quality is always the premium. This is especially true when these chefs work in fine dining restaurants and hotels.

Now, that does not mean chefs and head cooks are limited to working in hotels and restaurants. There are also private chefs who can work in households and private events. The demands of the job are quite hard and can even be overwhelming–very long hours in hot kitchens with wild demands and actual, you know, fire.
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the expected job growth for chefs and head cooks is at 9%–which is relatively higher than other occupations. Apparently, there would be a growing demand for these professionals because the food industry is a consistently in-demand business. More and more restaurants are being launched every day, plus there is also a growing demand for really good chefs in casinos and shopping malls.
Chefs and head cooks enjoy an annual median salary of $41,500, according to BLS. The job is typically full-time, and is tiresome, to say the least. The pressure and stress seem to be part of the job description because the responsibility is huge–after all, they are responsible for food people eat–which makes or breaks an event. They have to make sure everything works smoothly and that it will leave people satisfied.
We all know one has to have a culinary certificate to be a chef or head cook. Then again, most chefs and head cooks in America continue to acquire their skills through experience. Although there are some upstarts who teach themselves and only learn by doing, but this is much more difficult. In the same way, high-end restaurants, casinos, and hotels usually pay more for more experience, especially experience cooking at a certain level That being said, the same places that pay the highest wages for chefs and head cooks have the highest competition for jobs, too.
In the context of finding the best states for chefs and head cooks, it usually boils down to the states that are popular for their hotels and restaurants. They pay well and have high employment rates. The thing you just have to consider apart from those two is how much their living expenses actually cost. It is very rare for an American state to provide wages higher than the national average and low cost of living rates at the same time. Those are the states we are looking for, but they also have to have great employment rates for chefs and head cooks.
If you’re a chef or aspiring to be one, you might also be interested in knowing about the 10 Most Successful Top Chef Contestants and Where They Are Now.
If you know certain states popular for having the best restaurants and hotels, you would most probably expect them to automatically make this list. The question is, do they have what we are looking for? Read on to find out if your state is one of the best states for chefs and head cooks.
25. Mississippi
Annual median wage: $35,600
Cost of living index: 86
Employment: 990
Mississippi is the cheapest state to live in America. Everything is generally affordable, so even the most meager wages could really go a long way here. That’s not to say it is because they are far behind in terms of economy and development. There are many up and coming cities, too. Jackson also has plenty of restaurants, hotels, and even cruise ships that all need chefs and head cooks.

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24. Georgia
Annual median wage: $29,680
Cost of living index: 91.4
Employment: 3,670
Georgia’s demand for chefs and head cooks make it so deserving to be part of this list. It is not a surprise, as Georgia has several cities with known hotels and restaurants as tourist spots. They also have very affordable living expenses, which attracts more and more professionals to live and get a job there. Small wages do not seem to bother them at all, simply because they can enjoy it more in here than in more expensive cities.

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23. California
Annual median wage: $41,240
Cost of living index: 135.2
Employment: 19,290
We are continuing our list of best states for chefs and head cooks wih California that has the highest demand for chefs and head cooks. It is known for its many high-end resorts and restaurants. They also have theme parks and cruise ships in The Golden State, making it such a paradise for chefs and head cooks looking for a job. California also pays their chefs well, but we all know their wages are just going to be slashed due to their cost of living rates.

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22. Kentucky
Annual median wage: $40,450
Cost of living index: 90.8
Employment: 750
Kentucky has wages that are just a few dollars shy of the national average. While the salary is not much, the fact that you do not have to spend too much on your basic living expenses make it a really good state for chefs and head cooks, as well as other professionals. They have an employment rate that looks promising as well, since Kentucky also has tons of restaurants and hotels around the area.

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21. Virginia
Annual median wage: $38,480
Cost of living index: 100.2
Employment: 3,190
While Virginia does not pay much for their chefs and head cooks, they sure have a lot of opportunities for them. The state is home to a lot of restaurants, including fine dining, drive-ins, and diners. There are also several large hotels in the state, which explains the great employment rate they have for chefs. Virginia’s cost of living rates also hangs tight on the average, so wages can be stretched longer if you compare it with other states.

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20. Nebraska
Annual median wage: $44,520
Cost of living index: 91.3
Employment: 460
The way Nebraska balanced its income and expenses for chefs and head cooks make it truly one of the best states for them to live and work in. They have several jobs available for them as well. The reason why more and more families move to Nebraska, one of the best states for chefs and head cooks, is because of its cheap living expenses. Food, mortgage, and other basic goods are known to be affordable here. With wages as high as what they have, you can afford simple pleasures as well.
19. Tennessee
Annual median wage: $24,540
Cost of living index: 89.8
Employment: 3,120
We all know Tennessee has a lot of food trip destinations, (hello Nashville!), so this one should not be surprising. The state also has one of the lowest cost of living rates in America. Their living expenses are so cheap they look like you can sustain a living no matter how small your salary is. Plus, Tennessee also has employment rates equating to a very high demand for chefs and head cooks, so why should you even look elsewhere?
18. Minnesota
Annual median wage: $41,510
Cost of living index: 101.1
Employment: 2,330
Minnesota’s wages for their chefs and head cooks hover just around the average. It is perfectly balanced by their cost of living index that is on the average as well. The best thing about being a chef and head cook in Minnesota is the high number of job opportunities. You not only get to enjoy a great income-expense balance, you also would not spend time worrying about whether or not you’ll get a job.

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17. New York
Annual median wage: $42,100
Cost of living index: 135.2
Employment: 13,840
New York is popular for its many restaurants and hotels, most of which are high end. No wonder they have that high employment rate enjoyed by their chefs and head cooks. However, there are also plenty of other mid-level restaurants and even food trucks who need cooks. Their wages are not far from the average, and you would surely have to find someone to split your apartment rate with if you’re determined to be a New Yorker chef, but it is very much worth the sacrifice. A work experience in a high-end restaurant or hotel in New York would always look great on your resume.

16. Maryland
Annual median wage: $46,890
Cost of living index: 125
Employment: 2,510
Maryland’s chefs and head cooks enjoy a salary that’s higher than most American states. However, they might have to be careful in budgeting their wages so they can enjoy what they work hard for–the money, eh, eh, eh, eh. Maryland has a wide range of restaurants and hotels you can choose from, when it comes to finding a job. The only downside is its expensive living expenses. Maybe if you’re lucky enough to get a job in really expensive restaurants and hotels, you’ll have more money to spend.

15. Alabama
Annual median wage: $45,010
Cost of living index: 91.2
Employment: 660
Alabama has interesting restaurants and diners, which surely makes it one of the best states for chefs and head cooks. They also pay their chefs with wages higher than most American states. What makes Alabama even better is how affordable it is to sustain a living there. You get to enjoy your hard-earned money without paying too much for utilities and basic items. Alabama also has the countryside feel, making it a really great place to get a job you would want to keep for a long time.
14. Indiana
Annual median wage: $36,710
Cost of living index: 87.9
Employment: 1,630
Even if Indiana’s wages for chefs and head cooks do not reach the national average, it is balanced very well by the state’s cheap living expenses. Indiana is the second most affordable state in America, which explains its growing population and a booming economy. It also has a high demand for chefs and head cooks, mainly because of its rapidly developing cities with high-end restaurants, hotels, and even casinos.
13. Washington
Annual median wage: $47,210
Cost of living index: 107.1
Employment: 2,100
Washington is home to a lot of gastropubs and fine dine restaurants. There are tons of job opportunities for you if you are a culinary expert, which makes it really deserving to be one of the best states for chefs and head cooks. Washington pays these professionals with wages higher than the national average. Their cost of living rates are a bit higher than most states in America, but the demand they have for chefs is too high to ignore.
12. Colorado
Annual median wage: $45,180
Cost of living index: 102.1
Employment: 2,320
Colorado ranked 12th on our list of best states for chefs and head cooks and it is known for its big cities which explains its promising employment rates for chefs and head cooks, and also why it always belongs to lists of the best states in America. It does not skimp on job opportunities, and has a fairly sustainable cost of living rates. Their chefs and head cooks earn pretty well, as they have wages higher than the average. If you ever wonder where to try getting a cooking job next, you won’t go wrong with Colorado.

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11. Illinois
Annual median wage: $38,160
Cost of living index: 95.5
Employment: 4,560
Illinois is also popular for its many theme parks, hotels, and restaurants. Most people would say it is a great vacation destination, which could also explain their high employment rates for chefs and head cooks. Their wages are not that high–not even on the average, but could already go a long way with their very affordable cost of living rates. Plus, the many job opportunities look so appealing. You could even get a second cooking job to earn even more.

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10. Massachusetts
Annual median wage: $52,580
Cost of living index: 134.7
Employment: 4,510
We are continuing our list of best states for chefs and head cooks with Massachusetts that always has the highest wages in the country. In chefs and head cooks, this state pays the fourth highest salary. They also have great employment rates, which means there is no shortage of jobs for your profession. If you are an experienced chef, you can even expect to be offered with a higher wage. Then again, you should know how to budget well, as the state is also popular for being one of the most expensive ones in America.
9. Pennsylvania
Annual median wage: $44,240
Cost of living index: 102.8
Employment: 4,130
Pennsylvania’s wages for its chefs and head cooks are enough to lure them in. They pay them well, even higher than the national average, and they do not take so much from it. Their living expenses are fair, not too expensive, so there is no problem in budgeting and making ends meet. Plus, Pennsylvania’s many big cities have so many jobs available for chefs and head cooks. You are sure to get one in a jiffy–though you should be good, since these statistics have surely created stiff competition in the state.Now, let’s see what’s next on our list of best states for chefs and head cooks.
8. Ohio
Annual median wage: $40,120
Cost of living index: 93
Employment: 3,300
Chefs and head cooks surely abound in Ohio. If you’re going to earn a wage that’s just hanging on the average and your living expenses stay generally cheap, you are left with nothing else to look for. This state has successfully managed to balance their wages and expenses well, it should not be surprising that more and more families would want to live and work in Ohio–whether or not they are chefs and head cooks.
7. Missouri
Annual median wage: $41,820
Cost of living index: 90.8
Employment: 1,810
Like Ohio, chefs and head cooks in Missouri surely enjoy their wages more than those working in more expensive states. Their salaries do not exceed the average in America, but their living expenses are among the cheapest in the country. It only means they get their cake and eat it, too. Plus, the continuous development of different establishments in Missouri also contributes to their impressive employment rates.
6. Nevada
Annual median wage: $47,500
Cost of living index: 104.5
Employment: 3,400
Nevada’s inclusion in the list of the best states for chefs and head cooks is definitely one that you saw coming. Las Vegas is inarguably the center of casinos, hotels, clubs, and restaurants. They have so much of food trip places that you might have expected Nevada to top the list. They have wages higher than most states, which is understandable since most restaurants here are high-end. Their living expenses are not very expensive, too.

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5. North Carolina
Annual median wage: $45,210
Cost of living index: 94.2
Employment: 2,030
If you are skilled and experienced as a chef, you’ll make a great career in North Carolina, next on our list of best states for chefs and head cooks. The state offers wages you cannot say no to, since they are higher than most states in America. Apart from high wages, their cheap living expenses can make you feel like you’re earning even more than you really do. No budget problems, and you’re sure to get a job quite fast–just look at their employment rates.

4. New Jersey
Annual median wage: $56,730
Cost of living index: 121
Employment: 3,690
At the 4th spot on our list of best states for chefs and head cooks we have New Jersey that holds the record for paying the highest wages to chefs and head cooks in America. Not very surprising, as the state is never one to hold back on its salaries. While the state is also known for its expensive cost of living rates, the number of jobs they have available for culinary professionals is just too many to overlook. Another reason to get a job as a chef in New Jersey is how near it is in New York City, where opportunities also thrive in being a chef.
3. Michigan
Annual median wage: $38,540
Cost of living index: 88.2
Employment: 3,050
Yes, Michigan’s wages for chefs and head cooks do not even meet the average, but when you closely look at their statistics, the state compensates well through their almost unbelievably cheap cost of living rates. Rent, mortgage, food, and other basic needs won’t take a huge chunk out of your paycheck. The state also has plenty of employment opportunities provided by its many hotels and restaurants. What else should you look for? Now, let’s se which are the top two states on our list of best states for chefs and head cooks.

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2. Texas
Annual median wage: $38,550
Cost of living index: 90.7
Employment: 8,140
We are continuing our list of best states for chefs and head cooks with Texas that is probably the most popular state now when it comes to employment and job opportunities. The state has many up and coming small cities starting to make names for themselves, which means more businesses and more jobs. In terms of chefs and head cooks, Texas is teeming with jobs for you. The Lone Star State also lets you enjoy your wages that even when it is relatively lower than the others, you won’t spend half of it on your bills.
1. Florida
Annual median wage: $50,260
Cost of living index: 99
Employment: 7,800
Florida’s claim to this list of best states for chefs and head cooks is its high wages and employment rates. This state is known for its resorts and casinos. Their casinos, beaches, and restaurants are mostly high end, so you can expect higher salaries especially if you already have many years of experience. They also have living expenses that stay lower than the national average. Tons of jobs and high wages, Florida has it all covered.
Because restaurants would never go out of style, chefs and head cooks can almost have the guarantee of never being jobless. However, they can all expect the competition to be even stiffer in the future as more and more people would aspire to be a chef. If you’re a chef or a head cook who’s confused with the right place for you to live in and get a job at, make the best states for chefs and head cooks your starting point.