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25 Best Places for Singles to Retire

In this article, we will take a look at the 25 best places for singles to retire. If you wish to skip our detailed analysis on aging alone and best places to live for singles, you may go to 10 Best Places for Singles to Retire.

Aging Alone

Retirement indeed heralds the ideal time to savor life alongside a beloved partner. However, over 26 million Americans are approaching their golden years, and that too, alone. The idyllic notion of growing old together remains far from reality for a significant portion of the senior population. This demographic in the US is one of the quickest-growing, and well-founded concerns mount over how baby boomers will manage their golden years unaccompanied.

Back in 2020, there were only 15 million Americans over the age of 50 who lived alone. A staggering increase of 11 million to this figure implies a rising pressure on senior care, housing, and social security. New York Times reveals that in addition to a growing number of older Americans living alone, one in six Americans aged 55+ don’t even have children. As many might not be aware, the implications of childlessness on seniors can be far-reaching on their health and well-being.

The US Census Bureau reports it is more common for childless older adults to live alone than older adults who are parents. As of 2021, it is reported that out of the 22.5 million older adults living alone, 6.5 million are childless. The report reveals that poverty for this demographic has been higher as well, with 12.4% of childless adults having family incomes below the poverty line.

Moreover, research by National Institute on Aging reveals that social isolation and loneliness comes with higher risks of physical as well as mental health issues. Potentially as deadly as obesity or even tobacco smoke, loneliness can lead to issues such as heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, Alzheimer’s, and even death.

Best places to live for singles

To combat loneliness and isolation, retirement communities may be a good option for many seniors. They provide them with the best places to live independently, while enjoying a rich array of amenities and social life, all within a supportive community. Some top senior living operators in the United States include Brookdale Senior Living Inc. (NYSE:BKD) and Sonida Senior Living, Inc. (NYSE:SNDA), amongst others.

Owning and operating retirement homes across the US, Brookdale Senior Living Inc. (NYSE:BKD) houses over 60,000 residents. On the other hand, Sonida Senior Living, Inc. (NYSE:SNDA) is another operator of senior living communities and assisted living centers, offering more than 70 communities across the US. Retiring to such communities means access to greater amenities and a larger proportion of the senior population. Such places will allow single retirees to get out more, socialize, and feel “less alone.”

As such, some of the best cities for singles over 50 include popular Florida spots such as Venice, Daytona Beach, Naples, and Miami. In particular, seniors can also check out some of the best retirement communities in Florida for singles, with Sun City Center and The Villages offering the best of amenities and fun. It is already established that Florida is one of the most popular states to retire to, with 21.2% of seniors live in the state.

Other places seniors can check out include New York, flaunting a “get out and socialize” culture that can get older retirees to mingle with new crowds. For those who consider New York as an expensive option, the Mile-High city of Denver, Colorado, is also a strong preference for many. Being one of the best places to retire for active adults, Denver offers retirees a chance to pursue an active lifestyle and meet new people.

Whatever single retirees may choose for themselves, they should open themselves to opportunities for dating and other forms of socializing. These ways will help them combat feelings of isolation and loneliness. Single female senior adults must especially be careful about how they choose to spend their golden years, considering they far outnumber men in the singles category. According to The Capistrano Dispatch, the ratio of single women in their 70s to available single men is often 4-to-1, or maybe even higher.

Some of the best places to live for single retired females in 2023 include Bali, Indonesia; Panama City, Panama; Alicante, Spain, to name a few. These places offer comfortable living, are friendly, and also welcoming towards females. Women may also choose to live in women’s retirement communities. Many older women across USA and UK are employing co-housing options to live together with other females, saving themselves money and sparing themselves loneliness along the way.



We adopted the consensus approach to compile the list of best places for singles to retire. For this purpose, we took the opinion of single retirees on forums, such as Reddit and City Data on what they considered the best places for singles to retire. We also looked at recommendations from US News & World Report, 55 Places, AARP, Money Talks News, and Dwellics.

Each time a source recommended a place, it was awarded one point. For places with the same scores, tie-breaking was done based on the cost of living, with 0.1 additional points awarded for each subsequent place with a lower cost of living.

Here are the best places for singles to retire:

25. Arlington, Virginia

Insider Monkey Score: 2

Arlington, Virginia, makes it to our list of best places for singles to retire due to its walkable communities, thriving cultural scene, and senior-friendly services. The social scene is vibrant as well, and the city offers lifelong learning and continuing educational opportunities for singles to keep themselves busy.

24. Scottsdale, Arizona

Insider Monkey Score: 2.1

For singles who are ready to mingle, Scottsdale is home to a warm climate, senior-friendly communities, and a wide range of recreational opportunities. Senior centers and social programs help keep seniors active and social, along with its 150 golf courses, 20 parks, and plenty of biking and hiking trails.

23. Franklin, Tennessee

Insider Monkey Score: 2.2

The charming small town of Franklin, Tennessee, is known for its warm hospitality and friendliness. Single retirees can easily integrate within the city, as well as enjoy its affordable living. There are plenty of walking trails, golf courses, and community events for single retirees to participate in and stay busy.

22. Denver, Colorado

Insider Monkey Score: 2.3

It is already established that Denver, Colorado is a lively and dynamic place to be, thanks to its active culture. Single seniors can use this fact to pursue an outdoor lifestyle, as well as explore various restaurants, museums, and music venues alone or with friends they’ve made along the way.

21. Naples, Florida

Insider Monkey Score: 2.4

Naples, in Florida, can be a good option for singles wishing for a waterfront lifestyle. The place also boasts a vibrant social scene, thriving cultural landscape, and diverse dining options. 52.9% of the population is senior, and single retirees are bound to find someone they can befriend, date, or even marry. Retirement communities are a good option to live in, such as those offered by Del Webb, Brookdale Senior Living Inc. (NYSE:BKD), etc.

20. Venice, Florida

Insider Monkey Score: 2.5

Beautiful beaches, an active lifestyle, and a senior-friendly community make Venice one of the best places for singles to retire. Solo seaside walks, ocean swims, and sunning on the beaches may catch some eyeballs, and who knows, you might not end up so single after all?

19. Knoxville, Tennessee

Insider Monkey Score: 2.6

Another popular choice for single retirees in the US is Knoxville, Tennessee. The city offers a rich cultural scene, with plenty of art galleries, theaters, and music venues to explore. Parks and trails encourage seniors, both single and otherwise, to stay active, and the city is considerably senior-friendly.

18. Tyler, Texas

Insider Monkey Score: 2.7

The mild climate, affordable living, and plenty of community events make Tyler, Texas, one of the best places for singles to retire. It’s also a friendly community to live in, known for its scenic landscapes and active lifestyle.

17. Christiansburg, Virginia

Insider Monkey Score: 2.8

Christiansburg, Virginia is one of the best cities for singles to retire in the US. Not only does the city boast a small-town charm, but is also relatively affordable for singles. Retirees feel a sense of belonging when they live here, and retirement-friendly services such as support groups make sure that older adults are well-taken care of.

16. Cleveland, Ohio

Insider Monkey Score: 2.9

Cleveland, Ohio, makes it to our list because of its friendly and welcoming environment, affordable cost of living, and plentiful recreational opportunities. Single retirees can bond over a game of golf, meet people while hiking and biking in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, or even strike a date while strolling through its 21-thousand-acre park space. The city has 14.1% seniors living there.

15. San Jose, California

Insider Monkey Score: 3

San Jose, California, is one of the best places to retire for active adults. The downtown walking district, museums, parks and trails, football and soccer stadium, rose garden, and zoo are some features of the city that singles can enjoy. Plenty of programs are available for active adults, and Stanford University nearby also boasts a continuing studies department.

14. Palm Springs, California

Insider Monkey Score: 3.1

While the entire Coachella Valley can be rooted for single seniors, Palm Springs is worthy of note because of its affordable living, vibrant social scene, and active community. Singles can enjoy bars and nightclubs, restaurants, museums and explore nearby natural attractions such as Joshua Tree National Park and the San Jacinto Mountains.

13. Miami Beach, Florida

Insider Monkey Score: 3.2

Living close to a beach can open up many options for single adults, so Miami Beach makes it on our list. There are many senior-friendly communities, social programs, and senior centers that single adults can become a part of. Countless events, festivals, and similar gatherings can give retirees a chance to connect with others too.

12. New Smyrna Beach, Florida

Insider Monkey Score: 3.3

Known for its small-town charm and affordable living options, New Smyrna Beach is one of the best places for singles to retire. There is a sense of community and belonging, so singles can feel at home. Moreover, plenty of senior-friendly services such as public transport, senior centers, and support programs are available.

11. Dunedin, Florida

Insider Monkey Score: 3.4

Dunedin has a bustling downtown that is perfect for single seniors looking for some entertainment. The city has a Fine Arts Center offering classes and workshops so that retirees can keep busy. Active lifestyle communities are a plus, and so are its Gulf Coast beaches, biking and hiking trails, and waterfront parks.

Click to continue reading and see the 10 Best Places for Singles to Retire.

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Disclosure: none. 25 Best Places for Singles to Retire is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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