For all those planning to specialize in surgery, we have picked out some of the best medical schools for surgery in the world.
There are many different fields of medicine, which, of course, all are necessary and therefore well respected. Naturally, some are paid more than others, and perceived harder, due to the level of dedication, practice, and knowledge they require to be mastered. Therefore, some of the highest paid medical specialists include cardiologists, orthopedic surgeons, gastroenterologists, and urologists.

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Concerning surgery in general, the average salary for surgeons is around $252,910 – having in mind all the levels of experience and different surgery branches. Regarding experience level, novice surgeons can expect an annual salary of $102,043-$355,198, experienced surgeons $128,802-$399,607, and the late-career ones $148,348-$405,852.
But at this point, we are at the moment of choosing the best medical school for a future career. According to Top Universities and their medical school rankings for 2018, Harvard stands as the number one for 2018, while UCLA’s medical school ranking ranks 7th. For more info on some of the best medical universities in the USA, you can check out the Top 20 General Surgery Residency Programs in the US.
As for the best medical schools in Europe, Oxford University keeps the number one position, followed by the University of Cambridge. But, today we are focusing on best medical schools for surgery in the world.
Now, concerning the methodology used in order to find and rank the top universities for surgery, we searched in many places. There were various listings and recommendations on the best medical schools for surgery, but mainly in the US, such as US News. For other general information on the best medical schools and surgery programs, we went through Study, Scholarship Positions. We ranked the surgery schools on our list mainly guided by the ranking of medical schools for 2019, which we gathered on the Times Higher Education.
Let’s take a look which of the best medical schools in the world offer the best education in the field of surgery: