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25 Affordable Gay-Friendly Cities in the US

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In this article, we will list 25 affordable gay-friendly cities in the US

According to a US Census Bureau report, there were nearly a million homosexual households in 2017 in the United States. A little less than half of these households belonged to male homosexual couples. Contrary to its progressive image, the United States has lagged behind some other progressive countries in acknowledging same-sex marriage. It was not until 2015 that a Supreme Court ruling legalized same-sex marriage in all US states. It is worth noting that sexual acts between same-sex have been legal in the US since 2003 as a result of the famous Lawrence vs Texas case. Countries such as the Netherlands have been far ahead of the United States in recognizing same-sex marriage, as it was legalized in the year 2000. 

Approximately 5 to 10 percent of American youth are part of the LGBT community. However, 20 to 40% of all homeless youth are part of this community. This shows that people belonging to the LGBT community are disproportionately affected in terms of housing. However, with time, the situation for the LGBTQ community is getting better as the social dynamics of the country change. According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, the acceptability of homosexuality in the United States is rising. In the year 20002, only 51% of people in the country were accepting of homosexuality, but at the time of the survey, 72% showed acceptability. In addition, there is an interesting correlation between the gay population and diversity. According to a paper published in the Journal of Sex Research, the more diverse and liberal the city, the more homosexual people are a part of its population. If this correlation continues, the increasing diversity of America’s population will make things easier for homosexual people. 

Homosexual couples around the world are subjected to what people refer to as the ‘Gay tax’. They have to resort to expensive medical procedures to start a family of their own. For example, in England, the National Health Services (NHS)) funds IVF treatments for heterosexual couples after they meet certain criteria, which do not include demonstrating their infertility. However, female homosexual couples need to demonstrate their infertility, and in the process, they go through three to twelve rounds of artificial insemination. These rounds of artificial insemination are privately funded, and on average, a female homosexual couple says that it spends more than 20,000 pounds. 

In the United States, LGBT house hunters look for a home with the challenge of finding a safe and welcoming city amid the ever-increasing mortgage rates and home prices. This narrows down their options for choosing a home, and typically gay-friendly communities have larger price tags on their homes. Home buyers wishing to relocate to a community with protection for the LGBT community are typically expected to pay 63% more than the rest. The exuberant cost of living associated with belonging to the LGBTQ community has resulted in a lower rate of ownership among them. For perspective, the national average ownership rate is 65.8%, whereas that of people belonging to the LGBTQ community is 49.8%. 

With that backdrop let’s look at 25 affordable gay-friendly cities in the United States



To curate the list of 25 affordable gay-friendly cities we first used the Human Rights Campaign’s Municipal Equality Index. This index examines the inclusivity of municipal laws, policies, and services regarding the LGBTQ+ community. The index gives each city a score out of 100. A score of 85+ means that the city is LGBTQ+ friendly, and the index terms it as an ‘All-Star’ city. For our research, we shortlisted all cities with 85+ scores. Then, we used Numbeo, the world’s largest cost-of-living database, for a single person’s cost of living in each city without rent. Finally, we ranked cities based on their single-person cost of living. 

25 – Dallas, Texas

Average Cost of Living – Singe Person, Without Rent: $2,641

While Dallas is the least affordable city on our list, its cost of living is only 3% above the national average. In addition, groceries in the city cost less than the national average. At the same time, Dallas is incredibly gay-friendly. The city is home to one of the largest LGBTQ+ communities. 

24 – Portland, Maine

Average Cost of Living – Singe Person, Without Rent: $2,430

While Portland is one of the most expensive cities to live in our list, it is much more affordable than other large cities in the country. The entire city is gay-friendly, with the presence of LGBTQ+ hotspots throughout the downtown.  

23 – Burlington, Vermont

Average Cost of Living – Singe Person, Without Rent: $2,351

Burlington is one of the most affordable gay-friendly cities to live in, but the rent prices in the city are much more than the national average. The city, however, is welcoming to the LGBTQ+ community and is just slightly south of Montreal, one of the best places in the world for LGBTQ+ people. 

22 – Minneapolis, Minnesota

Average Cost of Living – Singe Person, Without Rent: $2,234

The cost of living in Minneapolis is 2% lower than the national average while being only 2% higher than the average of Minnesota state. In addition, the cost of housing in the city is 9% cheaper than the national average. On the other hand, the city has a tradition of inclusion and support for people from all backgrounds and lifestyles. 

21 – Santa Fe, New Mexico

Average Cost of Living – Singe Person, Without Rent: $1,650

While the average cost of living without rent in Santa Fe seems affordable, the city has exuberant rent and housing costs. However, it is still one of the most affordable among all gay-friendly cities. 

20 – Atlanta, Georgia

Average Cost of Living – Singe Person, Without Rent: $1,499

The utility prices of Atlanta are 14% lower than the national average, making it one of the most affordable gay-friendly cities in the United States. Atlanta is an incredibly gay-friendly city, and its mid-town is the center of Atlanta’s gay scene. The city even features rainbow crosswalks and multiple LGBTQ-friendly businesses. 

19 – Houston, Texas

Average Cost of Living – Singe Person, Without Rent: $1,446

Houston has one of the lowest cost of living in America while offering a high quality of life. It does not hurt that the city is gay-friendly either. The city is home to 4th largest gay pride paradise and has the largest LGBT population in all cities of Texas. 

18 – Nashville, Tennessee

Average Cost of Living – Singe Person, Without Rent: $1,304

If you ever asked yourself the question: is Nashville gay-friendly, the answer is a resounding yes. Its church street is the center of the gay scene in the city. In addition, the cost of living in the city is relatively lower than other cities in the United States. 

17 – Tampa, Florida

Average Cost of Living – Singe Person, Without Rent: $1,297

Tempa is one of the most gay-friendly cities in Florida. The city has many gay bars night clubs, shops, and restaurants. In addition, the cost of living in the city is much more affordable compared to the cities in Florida and the country. 

16 – Raleigh, North Carolina

Average Cost of Living – Singe Person, Without Rent: $1,293

Raleigh is a very affordable city, with the cost of living only 2% higher than the state average of Carolina and 2% cheaper than the national average. The city is a paradise for people belonging to the gay community as it has countless gay and lesbian bars and nightclubs. 

15 – Charlotte, North Carolina

Average Cost of Living – Singe Person, Without Rent: $1,277

Charlotte, North Carolina, is one of the most LGBT-friendly cities in the US. It is also one of the most inclusive cities in the state. The cost of living in the city is 2% less than the national average. 

14 – Phoenix, Arizona

Average Cost of Living – Singe Person, Without Rent: $1,223

The cost of living in Phoenix is 2% lower than the state average, making it one of the most affordable cities in the country. In addition, while the city does not have a specific neighborhood dedicated to the LGBTQ community, it is incredibly gay-friendly. 

13 – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Average Cost of Living – Singe Person, Without Rent: $1,208

Pittsburg is one of the most affordable gay-friendly cities in the U.S. to live in. The city is 7% cheaper to live in compared to the national average. It is also warm and welcoming towards the LGBTQ community. 

12 – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Average Cost of Living – Singe Person, Without Rent: $1,205

Philadelphia has a long history of gay pride and activism. In addition, it is one of the most affordable big cities in the United States. It is perfect for people who are looking for a gay-friendly large city.

11 – Salt Lake City, Utah

Average Cost of Living – Singe Person, Without Rent: $1,184

While the cost of housing in the city is much higher than the state average, Salt Lake is 7% cheaper in utilities. In addition, the city is incredibly gay-friendly with gay bars, nightclubs, and a vibrant community. 

10 – Baltimore, Maryland

Average Cost of Living – Singe Person, Without Rent: $1,178

Baltimore is incredibly gay-friendly. The LGBT community lives throughout the Baltimore metropolitan area along with Mount Vernon, which is known as the gay village of Baltimore. In addition, the city has a lower cost of living compared to the state and national average, making it one of the top ten affordable gay-friendly cities in the US

9 – Orlando, Florida

Average Cost of Living – Singe Person, Without Rent: $1152

Orlando is the most affordable gay-friendly city in Florida. The utilities in the city are 7% lower than the U.S. average. The city is also one of the pioneers of LGBTQ+ tourism. 

8 – Columbus, Ohio

Average Cost of Living – Singe Person, Without Rent: $1,144

Columbus is one of the most affordable cities in Ohio and the United States, making it one of the most affordable gay-friendly cities in the US. The city has a reputation for welcoming people with all lifestyles, which include those belonging to the LGBTQ community. 

7 – Kansas City, Missouri

Average Cost of Living – Singe Person, Without Rent: $1,140

Kansas City is the second most affordable gay-friendly city in Missouri. Amongst the nation’s 100 largest metros, the city ranked 28th in affordability. In addition, it has a vibrant and gay-friendly cosmopolitan. 

6 – Madison, Wisconsin

Average Cost of Living – Singe Person, Without Rent: $1,128

Madison is the most affordable gay-friendly city in Wisconsin. Its housing prices are equal to the national average, while the cost of living is slightly higher. The city has a well-educated and progressive community. 

5 – Indianapolis, Indiana

Average Cost of Living – Singe Person, Without Rent: $1,118

Indianapolis is the most affordable gay-friendly city in Indiana. It is also among the top five most affordable gay-friendly cities in the US. The cost of living in the city is 7% lower than the state average. 

4 – Richmond, Virginia

Average Cost of Living – Singe Person, Without Rent: $1,112

The cost of living in Richmond is 4% lower than the state average of Virginia and 3% lower than the country average. The city is incredibly gay-friendly, with LGBTQ+ bars, clubs, and cafes. 

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