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21 Great Business Ideas for Nurse Entrepreneurs

In this article, we will take a look at the 21 great business ideas for nurse entrepreneurs. If you want to skip our detailed analysis, you can go directly to 5 Great Business Ideas for Nurse Entrepreneurs.

Courtney Adeleye: A Case Study

Nurses may highly benefit from entrepreneurship throughout their nursing career. On  August 24, 2023, Yahoo Finance covered the story of a registered nurse, Courtney Adeleye. In 2013, Adeleye embarked on looking for a solution to treat natural hair. She was unable to find any good products on the market, which eventually pushed her to start her own business. She started mixing ingredients at home, such as vitamins, nutrients, and other healthy ingredients. She recorded her entire routine to show the world on YouTube. Soon after, she became a recognized hair care provider across the globe, claiming to have sold products worth $10 million from the comfort of her home within the first three years of business. She later partnered with over 60,000 retailers across the United States, contributing to $100 million in sales by 2019, and growing her following to 805,000 followers on Instagram, currently. Adeleye then launched Olbali, her own health and wellness direct-selling venture. Not only can users purchase coffee, organic PH-balancing sanitary products, and multivitamins, but they can also sell their products by becoming a direct selling associate of the brand. You can also take a look at the countries that need nurses the most.

Must-Have Platforms for Nurses

Like Adeleye, if you are a nurse looking to start your business,  Alibaba Group Holding Limited (NYSE:BABA), Intuit Inc.’s (NASDAQ:INTU) Mailchimp, and Ltd. (NASDAQ:WIX) are among the few companies that may help you in your entrepreneurial journey. Let’s discuss some recent updates and offerings from these companies. You can also take a look at the highest paying states for nurses.

Alibaba Group Holding Limited (NYSE:BABA) is one of the best business-to-business marketplaces to source products. Nurses can create an account on Alibaba Group Holding Limited (NYSE:BABA) to source veterinary supplies, surgical supplies, physical therapy supplies, and other medical equipment. A box of 100 6Mil Medical Gloves is priced somewhere between $0.01 to $0.03. Nurses must order at least 10,000 pieces. Alibaba is home to more than 200,000 suppliers providing all kinds of products. To get started, nurses must register, create an account, find products, and select a supplier. Nurses can also take a look at the best alternatives to Alibaba to source products.

Nurses willing to set up their own nurse staffing agency or private clinic must have a strong email automation functionality. Intuit Inc. (NASDAQ:INTU) is a large technology company home to multiple automation software. Mailchimp, a product of Intuit Inc. (NASDAQ:INTU), is one of the best email automation platform providers. Nurses can use Mailchimp to personalize and automate emails for their patients or hospitals. The free version is available for users with up to 500 contacts and only offers pre-built templates and provides email support for 30 days.

Online businesses demand a strong online presence for success and brand image. Having a prominent website enhances the credibility of a business. Ltd. (NASDAQ:WIX) is a leading web development company. Nurses can build their website using the free tools on Ltd. (NASDAQ:WIX). Once done, nurses can enhance their website’s ranking on search engines using its SEO tools. Nurses can also host their websites for free and enjoy 500MB storage and 1GB bandwidth, along with a free Wix domain. To get started, nurses can pick a template, edit the template using the Wix editor, and then manage the billing. Wix also allows nurses to create logos.

Now that we have discussed the entrepreneurial landscape for nurses, let’s take a look at the 21 great business ideas for nurse entrepreneurs. You can also read our piece on the best cities for nurses adjusted for cost of living.

21 Great Business Ideas for Nurse Entrepreneurs

Our Methodology

To gather a list of the 21 great business ideas for nurse entrepreneurs, we consulted over 10 rankings and reports on the internet. We picked the business ideas that appeared in 50% of our sources and then ranked them.

21 Great Business Ideas for Nurse Entrepreneurs

21. Public Speaker

Health events, such as conferences, are conducted on a regular basis, demanding the need for keynote health speakers. Nurses can start their own series of webinar conferences to save costs. These webinars can be set up for general topics based on audience demands, or be directed at a specific niche.

20. Nurse Staffing Agency

Being a nurse comes with the benefit of a large network of fellow nurses. Nurse entrepreneurs can benefit from their public relations and set up a staffing agency to connect nurses with the perfect job roles based on their experience, required pay, and job specifications.

19. Yoga Instructor

Nurse practitioners can start a yoga training agency. The health benefits of yoga are extremely well-known among people. Such suggests why it is one of the best business ideas for nurse entrepreneurs.

18. Sell Medical Products

Medical products can be sold on any of the e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, Lightspeed, or Alibaba. The Rollator Walker with Seat is one of the best-selling items on Amazon. It is priced at $64.99 and is rated 4.5, as of March 24, 2024. More than 10,000 items of the product were sold in the past month.

17. Health Coach

Health coaches provide advice and coaching on nutrition and fitness. As people push for more healthier lifestyles, the demand for health coaches will constantly rise. According to a report by Precedence Research, the global health coach market is expected to grow from $15.44 billion in 2022 to $29.12 billion by 2032 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.6%.

16. Nurse Author

Nurse entrepreneurs can also become authors. They can publish books based on their medical knowledge for a specific niche such as childbirth, senior care, or fitness. Some nurses can also cover their day-to-day activities or nursing tips and publish them as books.

15. Childbirth Educator

A lot of people lack information on childbirth. Nurses can look into providing education to people looking into childbirth, going through childbirth, or having already gone through childbirth. If nurses are targeting young adults, they may educate them using social media, and YouTube on the side.

14. Health Blogger

Health blogging is an interesting business idea. Nurses can also look into setting up their own health newsletter. 2% with Michael Easter is a health and performance newsletter on Substack. It has over 47,000 subscribers. It is available for $6.87 per month, or $68.7 per annum.

13. Fitness Nurse

Starting a fitness nursing business is one of the best ideas for nurse entrepreneurs. Nurses can provide customized fitness training to people by applying their medical knowledge. These sessions can also be provided virtually to save costs. While Instagram is home to a lot of fitness influencers, the number of nurse trainers is low. This is an area that aspiring nurse entrepreneurs could penetrate.

12. Massage Therapist

A massage therapist can earn somewhere between $25 to $40 per hour, according to data available on Glassdoor. According to a report by Future Market Insights, the global massage therapy service market is expected to be valued at $65.23 billion in 2024. The global massage therapy service market is projected to grow to $146.13 billion by 2034 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.4%.

11. Care Provider

A care provider may earn somewhere between $38,000 to $65,000 per annum, or $30 to $45 per hour, according to data on Glassdoor, depending on the years of prior experience. Nurses can also establish a care agency to provide services to people in need within their community.

10. Nurse Influencer

A nurse influencer is a great option for nurses looking for a side business. Nurse Blake has almost 1 million followers on Instagram. He educates his audience on important health issues using humor. He also performs stand-up comedy which he markets on his social media.

9. Legal Nurse Consultancy

Starting a legal nurse consultancy business is one of the best business ideas for nurse entrepreneurs. Nurses can earn somewhere between $20 and $70 by providing nursing consultancy on Upwork. The site has several jobs displayed for full-time nursing consultancy positions that go up to $250,000 per annum.

8. Health and Wellness Podcast

Nurses can start a podcast to give important insights from the health industry about current diseases. Andrew Huberman has over 5.2 million subscribers on YouTube. The podcast is one of the best health podcasts.

7. Medical Spa

A Medical Spa is a type of spa that provides services for the skin and body. To save costs, nurses can start by providing spa and skin care services to patients directly in their homes.

6. Nurse Freelancing

Nurse freelancing is one of the best businesses nurse entrepreneurs can start. There are multiple projects available on Upwork. Nurses can earn $80 for a 4,000-word nursing blog project or $70 for a brochure or website copy.

Click to continue reading and see 5 Great Business Ideas for Nurse Entrepreneurs.

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Disclosure: None. 21 Great Business Ideas for Nurse Entrepreneurs is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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