Dear ladies, we know that parenthood can be overwhelming, especially if you’re freshly divorced or separated, which is why we made a selection of best Tinder bio examples for newly single moms, for all of you out there struggling to figure out how to re-enter the dating game. After all, being single is tough. Being single with a toddler(s) beside you is even tougher. The rules of dating are definitely changed, and so are you. Moreover, you can’t shake off that feeling of being too rusty when it comes to the game of rendezvous. That’s why we decided to give you heads up by compiling today’s list.
So, how do single moms start dating, and what’s the “right” time for that? Nowadays, dating apps are definitely a way to go, with Tinder being among the most convenient ones for novices. In essence, the app matches together two persons who anonymously swiped right on each other’s picture and bio, that way showing mutual interest and avoiding a direct refusal and hurting truth, with self-esteem remaining intact. Also, swiping is not that time consuming, and excuses like “I don’t even have time to brush my teeth” are not good enough. So, if you’re determined to date again, then you should prioritize it by finding the time for it. After all, you’re searching for the relationship, and what’s that, other than commitment.

When it comes to the “right” time part of the equation – sometimes months and even years don’t mean anything if you’re not emotionally ready to open up to someone new. When you find yourself stuck in an emotional well, reading a bunch of self-improvement books can do wonders. However, nothing can’t replace that rush of adrenaline that takes place upon seeing someone special. So, instead of finding yourself once again on a Friday night watching reruns of Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce, put yourself out there, and start swiping right, after checking out some of the Tinder bio examples for girls from the list below.
But, how do you date when you have kids? The truth is that you don’t have to be Houdini to find time and space for dating. On the other hand, a single hocus-pocus won’t do the trick either. That’s why you should cross off the “sharing-a-dessert-and-drinking-wine-while-watching-sunset” kind of date, at least for starters. Better opt for a visit to a zoo or a park, since your kids are probably going to tag along (his too). This doesn’t necessarily have to be an overwhelming experience since having kids around will probably going to loosen up things a bit. Also, it’s important to tell your kids that you’re dating again, which can be pretty challenging. That’s why waiting to establish a stronger relationship with that other person is a good idea since it’s a huge change in the kids’ lives. Also, assure them they’re still the most important “things” in your life while answering on all of their questions, no matter how many of them there are.
But, what should one know about dating a single mom? First of all, don’t play games with her (except for this swiping game) and be straightforward because there is no place for uncertainty in her life. Also, be responsible once you decide to enter the lives of her kids, because liking kids and raising kids are two completely different things. Forget about weekend getaways and drunk mornings, and be aware of the fact that not everyone is ready to take on the role of “dad”. Be honest to yourself when answering whether dating a single mom is a good idea (at least for you). In case you’re all up for it, then you should broaden your horizon and check out our article on clever Bumble bios for guys since it’s another dating app destined to match together people who are ready to commit.
So, we’ve already mentioned that Tinder is one of the best dating sites for single parents. During our research on single mom dating profile examples, we come up with a bunch of ideas for those who are into “playing games” while we’ve also included at least one Tinder bio for serious relationships. First we scrolled through 18 Cute Tinder Bio Examples (Female) compiled a while ago, what was quite inspirational. Then we checked Reddit and Quora for some tips, as well as a number of articles on the subject, like Elite Daily‘s and Luvze’s lists and come up with a bunch of funny and witty Tinder bios for females. Of course, the focus was on those useful for moms. We decided to gather not just good Tinder bio lines, but the very best Tinder bio examples for newly single moms with needs. So, read along and enjoy!