Citadel’s Transactions in France, Egerton’s Short Position

Hedge Funds profit from the volatility of the markets:
The latest publication of the short positions for French telecommunication industry company Alcatel-Lucent shows that the hedge funds have recently been very active and profited handsomely from the volatility of the markets. For instance, the Ken Griffin‘s hedge fund Citadel increased its short position in Alcatel-Lucent by moving from a net short position of 0.671% of the outstanding shares on Tuesday (August 9th) to 0.791% on Wednesday. Citadel was previously holding a short position of 0.758% in the company on August 5th.


Egerton Capital reduces its short position in Ubisoft:
The latest publication of the short positions regarding Ubisoft (the French entertainment and computer-video game developer) reveals that British hedge fund Egerton Capital continued to reduce its short position in Ubisoft during this week. Egerton Capital moved from a net short position of 2.03% of the share capital on August  5th to 1.98% on August 9th. Egerton further reduced its short position in Ubisoft to 1.54% of outstanding shares on August 10th.