Substantial Insider Trading in VMWare Inc. (VMW)

There have been substantial insider purchases in VMWare Inc (VMW) recently. You can see the most recent insider purchases in VMWare here . The total value of purchases in August and September (so far) is $54.8 million. The insider buying all these shares is EMC Corp, which has a total holdings of 32 million shares. The total dollar value of their holdings in VMWare is $2.7 billion. This is not the real story though. The real story is EMC Corp has been consistently buying VMWare shares since March 16th, 2010.

If you have monkeyed the insiders and bought VMWare shares on March 17th or 18th, you could have paid around $53 per share. The stock closed at $84.81 on September 18, 2010. Your return would have been 60% in 6 months. We all know how stock market performed in the past 6 months.

Is it too late to imitate insiders? Let’s see what other insiders have been thinking about this. Other insiders have been consistently exercising their options. There are also some outright sales. On June 9th, company officer Richard Mcaniff sold 10000 shares $68.13; he was left with 198833 shares. On July 22nd, Robynne Sisco sold nearly 4000 shares around $75. She has only 18750 shares left. The largest insider sale in this company was made by Mark S. Peek on August 5th. He sold 90000 shares at approximately $81.25. Overall, other insiders were not showing any interest in buying or holding on to their shares. However, the share price kept climbing. So, you decide who is right.

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