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20 Unhealthiest States in the US

In this article, we will be taking a look at the 20 unhealthiest states in the US. If you do not want to learn about the health expenditure in the US, head straight to the 6 Unhealthiest States in the US.

Navigating the Dual Burden: Noncommunicable Diseases and Healthcare Expenditure in the United States 

The global health market faces a formidable challenge as noncommunicable diseases, particularly obesity and overweight, continue to rise, often alongside ongoing issues of undernutrition, creating a dual burden in many countries. 

The US healthcare industry accounts for over 18.3% of the GDP, exceeding most other nations’. Additionally, the US digital health market is anticipated to grow substantially, from $88.6 billion in 2022 to $302.7 billion by 2030, fueled by the rising prevalence of chronic diseases and the adoption of digital tools for healthcare services and information. 

Obesity, deemed preventable, can be dealt with through supportive environments promoting healthier food choices and regular physical activity. Globally, the prevalence of obesity has been on the rise, affecting over 390 million children and adolescents in 2016. Fundamental causes include an imbalance between calorie intake and expenditure, driven by energy-dense foods and sedentary lifestyles. 

In the United States, where the obesity rate is nearly double the OECD average, the prevalence of obesity increased significantly from 1999 to 2018. This rise spans across age groups, impacting adults aged 20 to 39, 40 to 59, and those aged 60 years and older. Consequently, the economic impact is substantial, with obesity accounting for over 20% of annual healthcare expenditures in the US. 

Despite substantial healthcare expenditure, the US faces challenges in healthcare access, particularly for obese individuals, which can lead to delays in seeking necessary care and preventive health visits, exacerbating public health disparities. Addressing barriers to healthcare access is crucial for improving outcomes and reducing the burden on healthcare systems. Public health policies and environmental changes play a vital role in combating obesity-related comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, asthma, and COPD. 

Navigating Financial Trends and Growth Opportunities in Healthcare 

The healthcare industry offers fertile ground for innovation and expansion, which is evident in key areas such as cost management and the adoption of outpatient and virtual care services. Notably, median staff costs have surged by 10% from 2022 to 2023, highlighting the imperative for innovative cost control strategies. The rise of outpatient and virtual care reflects a broader trend in 2023, fostering technological advancements and enhancing patient accessibility to healthcare services. 

Financial roles within healthcare organizations, ranging from CEOs to consultants, play pivotal roles in shaping financial strategies and decision-making processes. Recent economic statistics underscore the industry’s dynamism, with a 21.1% increase in average weekly earnings since early 2022 and proactive budgeting by half of medical practices for staff cost-of-living increases in 2022. 

Health expenditures have risen substantially globally, reaching US$8.3 trillion or 10% of global GDP by 2018. The global health and wellness market is forecasted to soar to USD 12.9 trillion by 2031, driven by a growing consumer focus on health-related goods and services. Telemedicine is a standout trend, projected to reach $185.6 billion by 2026, with a CAGR of 23.5% from 2021 to 2026. Additionally, the AI-powered diagnostics market is set to reach $3.7 billion by 2028, with a CAGR of 23.2%. 

Despite these opportunities, challenges persist in the US healthcare landscape, including soaring costs, limited access, disparities in quality and outcomes, and affordability issues. However, global efforts in healthcare infrastructure development, such as the UAE’s Dubai Healthcare City and China’s “Healthy China 2030” plan, signify significant strides towards achieving universal healthcare coverage and fostering innovation in healthcare services. 

Abbott Laboratories (NYSE: ABT) leads healthcare innovation with breakthroughs in cardiovascular health, diabetes management, diagnostics, nutrition, and chronic pain relief. Recent achievements include the world’s most miniature rechargeable system for movement disorders and the Proclaim DRG Neurostimulation System with expanded MRI compatibility. Initiatives like the Food as Medicine Program for diabetes and FDA approval for an HPV test on Alinity m highlight Abbott’s commitment to addressing healthcare challenges. With a focus on R&D, Abbott Laboratories (NYSE: ABT) continuously advances medical solutions. Abbott Laboratories (NYSE: ABT)’s 401 consecutive quarterly dividends demonstrate financial strength, while FDA Advisory Committee approval for the TriClip System showcases ongoing excellence in medical innovation. 

Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE:BSX), under the leadership of CEO Michael F. Mahoney, is a prominent innovator in the healthcare industry, dedicated to advancing medical technology across various conditions. Their focus on cutting-edge medical devices in cardiology, endoscopy, and urology has transformed global medical practices. Embracing trends through R&D, partnerships, and acquisitions, Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE:BSX) remains competitive and fosters innovation. Recognized for ethical practices and social responsibility, the company’s commitment to healthcare has earned it numerous awards and accolades. 

Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE:BSX)’s growth in Q1 2024 is driven by introducing new devices, with projections suggesting a revenue increase of 7.5-9.5%. This strategic focus on innovative medical devices highlights the company’s commitment to propelling revenue growth and advancing in the healthcare industry. 


Our Methodology 

Our methodology has meticulously ranked states based on a consensus to determine the unhealthiest in the US, which involved evaluating various sources like Digg, Forbes, and Reddit threads. We scored states based on their disease prevalence and mortality rate, substance abuse, lifestyle habits, and health outlook. Considering these factors, we have arrived at a definitive ranking of states renowned for being the most unhealthy, presented in ascending order of scores, with higher scores indicating a higher level of health issues in the respective states.

Here is our list of the 20 unhealthiest states in the US.  

20. Kansas 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.05 

Kansas, stands among the unhealthiest states in the US, particularly with high obesity rates and disease prevalence. Around 23.2% of adults report no physical activity, with overweight and obesity rates ranging from 23.5% to 42.1% across counties. The state’s obesity rate exceeds 35%, according to the CDC, and is higher compared to other states.

19. Wyoming 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.1 

Wyoming is marked by a high obesity rate of 35.2% among adults reporting no leisure-time physical activity. Common diseases include heart disease, cancer, chronic respiratory issues, and diabetes, impacting the population’s well-being.

18. Nevada 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.15 

Nevada ranks eighteenth among the unhealthiest states in the US due to high obesity rates and prevalent diseases like cardiovascular conditions, diabetes, and respiratory illnesses. Between 2015 and 2021, adult obesity prevalence in Nevada increased by 17%, reaching 31.3%.

17. Delaware

Insider Monkey Score 0.2 

Approximately 25% of Delaware’s adult men and a substantial percentage of women are considered obese, surpassing the national average. Additionally, around 21.9% of adults in Delaware do not engage in physical activity. Obesity rates in the state exceed 33.6% among adults, with childhood obesity also posing a concern at 33.2%, making Delaware stand among the most unhealthy state in the US.

16. Pennsylvania 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.25 

Pennsylvania faces serious health issues like high adult obesity prevalence of 42 percent, which contributes to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and respiratory ailments. The healthcare industry in the state is complex, with average costs per capita in 2020 estimated to be approximately $13,557.

15. North Carolina 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.3 

In North Carolina, Obesity affects 35.9% of adults, with 29.7% classified as obese. A concerning 26.4% report no physical activity in the past month, indicating poor dietary habits and sedentary behavior. Prevalent diseases include obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular conditions, making North Carolina stand among the unhealthiest states in the US.

14. New Mexico 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.35 

New Mexico ranks among the 20 most obese states in America in 2023 and faces significant health challenges, notably rising obesity rates, which have increased from 26% to 31% over the last decade. This trend is concerning due to its association with chronic diseases like coronary heart disease. Obesity prevalence varies from 18.1% to 44.3% across different population segments.  

13. Michigan  

Insider Monkey Score: 0.4 

Approximately 35.0% of adults in Michigan are overweight, and another 32.5% are obese, making it one of the most unhealthy states in the US. Chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension are common and reflect the state’s overall health issues.

12. Indiana 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.45  

Indiana faces significant health challenges, ranking among the unhealthiest states in the US. High rates of obesity, exacerbated by a lack of physical activity among 27.2% of adults, contribute to the state’s health issues.  

11. Missouri 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.5 

Missouri grapples with a prevalent obesity issue, leading to health complications such as cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. The state also confronts challenges associated with severe obesity, with rates ranging from 3.3% to 8.3% across various areas.

10. Ohio 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.55 

Ohio ranks among the top 10 least healthy states in the US, facing high rates of obesity and disease. Chronic conditions lead to significant health expenses, straining residents and healthcare providers. Almost half of Ohioans, 46.7%, are obese. 

9. South Carolina 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.6  

In South Carolina, obesity rates surpass 35%, with a troubling 26.2% of adults reporting no physical activity, worsening the obesity problem, making South Carolina stand ninth among the most unhealthy states in America.

8. Oklahoma 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.65 

Oklahoma is among the unhealthiest states in the US, marked by high obesity rates and prevalent diseases. Frequent mental distress and localized health disparities are common.. A healthcare provider from Tulsa’s Oak Street Health notes the correlation between obesity and conditions like high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. In 2021, about 39% of adults in Oklahoma had high blood pressure, and 12.8% reported diabetes.

7. Louisiana 

Insider Monkey Score:0.7 

Louisiana faces significant health challenges, notably obesity. Only 39.6% of adults meet recommended physical activity levels, while 28.6% report no activity in the past month. Obesity affects 31% of adults, with 65.8% being overweight.

 Click to see and continue reading the 6 Unhealthiest States in the US. 

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Disclosure. None: The 20 Unhealthiest States in the US is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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