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20 Thinnest Countries in the World

In this article, we will be analyzing the global health situation while covering the 20 thinnest countries in the world. If you wish to skip our detailed analysis, you can move directly to the 5 Thinnest Countries in the World.

Health Concerns Around the Globe

After the COVID-19 pandemic struck the world, mental health arose as a top health concern among people. Other health problems perceived as important included obesity, cancer, and stress. Healthcare systems around the world also learned key lessons regarding investment in health infrastructure for the future.

Obesity continues to be a common problem across countries. Once associated with high-income countries, it is also prevalent in low-and middle-income countries. The issue remains widespread in the United States. American adults with obesity face a higher risk for many other serious health conditions, including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and poor mental health. As reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 22 states had an adult obesity prevalence at or above 35% in 2022.

On the other side of the spectrum, obesity rates have been low in several countries. This can be attributed to various reasons. While poverty and food insecurity strike the African countries of Niger and Malawi, many children in these countries get subjected to undernourishment and a lack of cognitive growth in their early years. However, the factors driving low obesity in other countries such as Japan are different. Japanese tend to be among the healthiest nations worldwide. This is because the traditional Japanese diet is low in saturated fat and high in fiber which eventually reduces the risk of various chronic diseases. This lifestyle also drives low average life expectancy in the country. You can also take a look at countries with the healthiest diets.

Healthy and Sustainable Stocks to Consider

Since countries like the United States continue to be a victim of obesity and relevant chronic diseases, several companies focus on the health and well-being of Americans. Companies promoting a healthy lifestyle by offering nutritious products include SunOpta Inc. (NASDAQ:STKL), The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:HAIN), and Herbalife Nutrition Ltd. (NYSE:HLF). Let’s take a look at what these firms have been up to.

SunOpta Inc. (NASDAQ:STKL) is a multinational food and mineral company headquartered in Minnesota. The company manufactures natural, organic, and specialty products sold through retail and food service channels. On November 14, SunOpta Inc. (NASDAQ:STKL) reported the completion of 50 years in its business. Over the last 5 decades, the company has evolved into a pioneer in the plant-based food and beverage market. It was one of the first plant-based food and beverage companies to enter the oat milk category in the United States. Investment of over $200 million in plant-based production capacity has also been undertaken in the last three years to support the growth of plant-based milk alternatives and snacks.

The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:HAIN) is a leading health and wellness company that focuses on delivering nutrition for people and communities. The company’s products are sold in over 75 countries around the world. On September 13, The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:HAIN) reported the launch of its new company logo and corporate identity at its Investor Day event in New York City. The company also introduced “The Hain Way” which encompasses a new purpose, mission, vision, and values. Its new purpose revolves around inspiring people to pursue a healthy living. The new logo will be used across all of the company’s digital platforms. Under this development, global training workshops for employees will also be conducted to incorporate the new identity into the organization.

Herbalife Nutrition Ltd. (NYSE:HLF) is a premier health and wellness company that contributes to a healthy lifestyle. The company offers science-backed products to consumers in more than 90 markets. On November 14, Herbalife Nutrition Ltd. (NYSE:HLF) reported that its Lifestyle Intervention Program has been recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a certified diabetes prevention program. It will be the first direct-selling company to be a provider of this CDC-recognized program. This can reduce a person’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes, from which almost 97 million Americans currently suffer.

Let’s now discuss the 20 thinnest countries in the world.

20 Thinnest Countries in the World

Our Methodology:

In order to compile a list of the 20 thinnest countries in the world, we sourced the percentage of obese adults from the World Health Organization (WHO). This helped us create a list of countries with the lowest obesity. Countries with low obesity rates among their population tend to be the thinnest. To back our research up, we used the age-standardized estimates for the mean body mass index among adults for all countries with the lowest obesity. BMI is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. Please note that the mean body mass index has been expressed in kg/m². This measure is not high for countries in our list since a higher BMI corresponds to an overweight population in this regard.

Finally, we ranked the thinnest countries in the world in descending order of percentage of obese adults, supplemented by the mean BMI.

20 Thinnest Countries in the World

20. Malawi

Percentage of Obese Adults: 5.8%

Mean Body Mass Index: 22.9

Malawi is one of the thinnest countries in the world. Undernutrition leads to child deaths in the country. Poor diets and infectious diseases also halt proper growth. Lack of food further aggravates the health condition in Malawi.

19. Myanmar

Percentage of Obese Adults: 5.8%

Mean Body Mass Index: 22.6

With an obesity rate as low as 5.8%, Myanmar ranks as one of the thinnest countries in the world. Many children across the country suffer from stunted growth. Pregnant women in Myanmar tend to be anemic which negatively impacts newborns.

18. Burkina Faso

Percentage of Obese Adults: 5.6%

Mean Body Mass Index: 22.2

Burkina Faso is one of the 20 thinnest countries globally. Food and nutritional insecurity penetrate the country. Burkina Faso faces conflicts regarding poverty as well as political instability which leads to hunger issues.

17. Niger

Percentage of Obese Adults: 5.5%

Mean Body Mass Index: 21.8

Niger also ranks among the slimmest countries in the world. A large population falls below the poverty line in the country. Adolescent pregnancies with a lack of health awareness contribute to the undernourishment among the children.

16. Afghanistan

Percentage of Obese Adults: 5.5%

Mean Body Mass Index: 23.4

Malnutrition rates are high in Afghanistan. A large population suffers from severe hunger throughout the year. With an obesity rate of only 5.5%, Afghanistan is one of the 20 thinnest countries in the world.

15. Burundi

Percentage of Obese Adults: 5.4%

Mean Body Mass Index: 21.7

The 20 thinnest countries in the world include Burundi as well. Poverty remains widespread across the country. Food insecurity is alarming and causes malnutrition. Poor access to clean water and basic services such as health and education also prevails in Burundi.

14. Laos

Percentage of Obese Adults: 5.3%

Mean Body Mass Index: 22.9

Laos is one of the 20 thinnest countries in the world. Many childbirths are associated with malnutrition. Apart from chronic malnutrition affecting a significant population, acute malnutrition is also common. These issues tend to impact the poor and ethnic minorities in Laos more.

13. Madagascar

Percentage of Obese Adults: 5.3%

Mean Body Mass Index: 21.3

Madagascar suffers from chronic malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies. Dependence on agriculture is impacted by the natural hazards in the country. Food insecurity has also increased over the last decade. These factors make Madagascar one of the thinnest countries in the world.

12. Uganda

Percentage of Obese Adults: 5.3%

Mean Body Mass Index: 22.5

Uganda is an African country where the percentage of obese adults is as low as 5.3%. Many of the young children are stunted. Adolescent pregnancies with low birth weight babies are common. Poverty and a general lack of awareness regarding healthy diets tend to persist in Uganda.

11. Sri Lanka

Percentage of Obese Adults: 5.2%

Mean Body Mass Index: 23.1

While anemia is common among pregnant women in Sri Lanka, many children tend to be underweight at birth. However, the food traditions in the country involve nutritional food ingredients which play a role in Sri Lanka’s lower obesity rate in the region. Hence, the country ranks among the thinnest nations in the world.

10. Eritrea

Percentage of Obese Adults: 5%

Mean Body Mass Index: 20.7

With an obesity rate of only 5% among adults, Eritrea ranks as one of the 20 thinnest countries in the world. The nation faces a hunger crisis which leads to child malnutrition and stunting. The food shortage has deeply impacted the country.

9. South Korea

Percentage of Obese Adults: 4.7%

Mean Body Mass Index: 23.8

Only 4.7% of South Koreans tend to be overweight as reported by WHO. The dietary habits and lifestyle of the population play a significant role in this regard since their traditional diet is rich in grains and vegetables. Although obesity has been rising in the country, South Korea remains one of the thinnest nations in the world.

8. Ethiopia

Percentage of Obese Adults: 4.5%

Mean Body Mass Index: 20.6

Ethiopia has a history of falling victim to starvation. Food insecurity and poverty remain persistent issues in the country. Ethiopia also ranks among the top countries suffering from a hunger crisis globally. Climate extremes have further led to food shortages and child malnutrition in Ethiopia.

7. Japan

Percentage of Obese Adults: 4.3%

Mean Body Mass Index: 22.7

Japan is another country to rank among the thinnest countries worldwide. The low obesity rate is primarily linked with the Japanese diet. It is a whole-foods-based diet rich in fish, seafood, and plant-based foods. Eating in moderate quantities and avoiding processed foods also play a role in this regard.

6. Nepal

Percentage of Obese Adults: 4.1%

Mean Body Mass Index: 22.5

Nepal is one of the 20 thinnest countries in the world as evidenced by its obesity rate of only 4.1%. Other than poverty, social inequality is a problem in the country. Nepal has a burden of malnutrition and an inadequate food supply.

Click to continue reading and see 5 Thinnest Countries in the World.

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Disclosure: None. 20 Thinnest Countries in the World is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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