Are you ready to find out what are the strongest cigarette brands in the USA?
What is so attractive in cigarettes that we just cannot stop smoking? Well, one of the main culprits for that is a widely known ingredient called nicotine. It causes addiction in a sense that it regulates stress level, and makes us calmer. If you think about it, people tend to smoke more when they are under bigger stress or in an unpleasant situation. If you want to find out more about it, check out 10 Cigarette Brands That Have The Highest Nicotine Content.
On the other hand, there are so-called “social smokers”, who tend to light up a cigarette only while sitting in bars, at parties or when somebody else is smoking beside them. And, although it may appear so, smoking this way is not less harmful. Even though “social smokers” smoke less, the instability in taking the percentage of nicotine, tar and every other cigarette ingredient could cause them health problems.

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Those people who are passionate smokers and who go all the way, often think menthol or any kind of flavored cigarettes are not “real cigarettes”. The stronger the cigarette, the better the taste of tobacco and moreover, bigger enjoyment, some would say. But, what is it that makes a cigarette stronger? It is the percentage of tar and nicotine, which is therefore labelled on every package. Moreover, some other things can influence the strength as well – filters! It is common knowledge that unfiltered cigarettes have a stronger taste, because there is no additional reduction of additives through it. Before, in the 1970s those types of cigarettes were the only ones that were produced. Which unfiltered are the best you can check in our previous article about the Top 6 Unfiltered Cigarette Brands in America.
By the way, you can watch the video below to find out 7 cigarette brands that contain the lowest tar and nicotine.
Having in mind that percentage of nicotine and tar cause one cigarette to be stronger than the other, we compared cigarette brands from the Report 2006 and 2007 released under the Freedom of Information Act in 2012, in order to create our list. Moreover, we checked if each brand is selling in the USA and put also as an additional information percentage of carbon monoxide, whether they have a filter and in which type of package they come. For reference’s sake, all the ingredients are measured in milligrams per one cigarette. The ranking goes from the lowest average number of tar and nicotine to the highest one. Let’s check out the list of strongest cigarette brands in the USA!
20. Rothmans
Nicotine: 1.4
Tar: 16
Carbon monoxide: 17
The company was founded by Louis Rothman. Even though they are European brand of cigarettes, they are very popular in the USA as well. The strongest ones are with filter and in a hard blue package.
17. Bronson
Nicotine: 1.5
Tar: 20
Carbon monoxide: 14
Bronson cigarettes are produced in the USA, by Philip Morris. They come in many variations, such as full flavor, lights, menthol and many more. However, the strongest ones are without filter, full flavor and in a soft package..

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17. Class A
Nicotine: 1.5
Tar: 20
Carbon monoxide: 14
We are continuing our list of strongest cigarette brands in the USA with the Class A that is a brand of cigarettes produced by the Liggett Group, Inc. They are made in various versions, out of which the strongest ones are without a filter, in a soft package and full flavored.

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17. Kingsport
Nicotine: 1.5
Tar: 20
Carbon monoxide: 14
Kingsport cigarettes are produced in the USA by the Liggett Group, Inc. as the previous one in our list. The strongest kind is the one made in a soft package, filterless and with a full flavor.

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15. English Ovals
Nicotine: 1.4
Tar: 22
Carbon monoxide: 14
English Ovals, next on the list of strongest cigarette brands in the USA was considered as a very elegant brand back in the 1940s. They are produced by Philip Morris USA, in a variety of lengths such as 72 mm, Kings, 100’s and 120’s.

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15. Sonoma
Nicotine: 1.4
Tar: 22
Carbon monoxide: 15
Out of so many options – Sonoma Blue 100’s, Sonoma Gold 100’s, Sonoma Menthol Dark Green 100’s – which one do you think is the strongest one? From our report, it is the one without a filter, in a soft package and with full flavor and it takes the 15th place on our list of the strongest cigarette brands in the USA.

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14. Eagle 20′
Nicotine: 1.5
Tar: 21
Carbon monoxide: 16
Up next on the list of strongest cigarette brands in the USA is Eagle 20′ that is a cigarette brand produced by the Liggett Group in the USA. Even though there are many diverse packages, the price is the same for all – $28 for 10 packs, or 200 cigarettes.

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12. Camel
Nicotine: 1.7
Tar: 23
Carbon monoxide: 13
At number 12 on our list of strongest cigarette brands in the USA, we have Camel that was introduced to the American market by R.J. Reynolds Tobacco in 1913. They contain two types of Turkish tobacco, that are later combined with domestic one. There are many variations of cigarettes produced by this brand, depending on the size, flavor, color of packages and strength. The strongest type is non-filtered, full flavored and in a soft package.

12. Meridian
Nicotine: 1.7
Tar: 23
Carbon monoxide: 18
Besides the USA, Meridian is produced also in Russia, Ukraine, and Paraguay. You can find them in three sizes: king size (85 mm), short (70 mm) or long (100 mm). The strongest kind that you can find in the America is the one without a filter, in a soft package and with full flavor, according to the Report.

6. Yours
Nicotine: 1.7
Tar: 24
Carbon monoxide: 19
One of the strongest cigarette brands in the USA is definitely Yours. With these values mentioned above, they come without a filter, in a soft package, and of course with full flavor.

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6. Silver EA
Nicotine: 1.7
Tar: 24
Carbon monoxide: 18
We are continuing our list of strongest cigarette brands in the USA with Silver EA that is a shortened version of the Silver Eagle cigarette brand in the USA. The strongest ones are produced unfiltered, full flavored and in a soft package.

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6. Grand PR
Nicotine: 1.7
Tar: 24
Carbon monoxide: 19
Grand PR or Grand Prix USA, which takes the 6th place on our list of the strongest cigarette brands in the USA, comes in many versions depending on color, taste, strength, and length. The strongest one is without a filter, full flavored and in a soft package. strongest cigarette brands in the USA

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6. Liggett S
Nicotine: 1.7
Tar: 24
Carbon monoxide: 19
The price for Liggett Select cigarettes in the USA goes from $25 up to $28 depending on the kind. There are Gold Kings, Menthol Silver, Red 100’s and many others. However, the strongest one is unfiltered and with a full flavor.

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6. Tourney
Nicotine: 1.7
Tar: 24
Carbon monoxide:19
Tourney, next on the list of strongest cigarette brands in the USA is an American cigarette brand produced by the Liggett Group, Inc. They were originally called “Tourney Lights”, but in one moment they changed the name into “Tourney Gold”. There are many varieties in flavor, length and packages’ color.

Ahmad A Atwah/
6. Pyramid
Nicotine: 1.7
Tar: 24
Carbon monoxide: 19
One of the cheapest cigarette brands in the USA is definitely Pyramid. They are manufactured by the Liggett Group, Inc. based in Mebane in North Carolina. From 2006, you can find 11 different cigarette versions! One carton that has 10 packs and 200 cigarettes is $24.50. The strongest kind is without a filter, in a soft package and full flavored.

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5. Doral
Nicotine: 1.6
Tar: 25
Carbon monoxide: 14
The next on our list of strongest cigarette brands in the USA is Doral that was first introduced to the American public in 1969 by R. J. Reynolds. From an early slogan “Taste me!”, they came to most known one “Premium Taste, Guaranteed.”. They come in many variations such as Red, Gold, Silver, and Menthol, but only in two sizes: Kings and 100s. The strongest ones are unfiltered, full flavored and in a soft package.
4. Pall Mall
Nicotine: 1.6
Tar: 25
Carbon monoxide: 15
Among many versions of Pall Mall, the strongest one is without a filter, in a soft package and full flavored. It is a brand produced by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco. Its famous tagline back in the 1950s was: “Outstanding, and they are mild!”. From 2012, Pall Mall is considered to be the highest selling brand of R. J. Reynolds. Besides the soft pack of unfiltered ones, there is also Pall Mall Gold 100’s.

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3. Old Gold
Nicotine: 2.0
Tar: 28
Carbon monoxide: 1.7
We are continuing our list of strongest cigarette brands in the USA with Old Gold cigarettes that are produced by Lorillard Tobacco Company. Currently, there are three sizes: king size (85 mm), short (70 mm) or long (100 mm). Before, the Old Gold was the fourth best-selling cigarette brand in the USA. Somewhere around the 1970s, they started producing filtered cigarettes, like all other brands. However, their market share started to decline some years after, and Lorillard stopped advertising this brand. Nevertheless, it still exists, even though you have to be persistent in order to find them. The strongest ones are without a filter, in a soft package and with straight flavor.

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2. Natural American Spirit
Nicotine: 2.73
Tar: 27.9
Carbon monoxide: –
The second place on our list of strongest cigarette brands in the USA is reserved for Natural American Spirit. The company that produces them is Santa Fe Natural Tobacco and they promote only additive-free tobacco products, which mean without flavor, preservatives expanded tobacco or reconstituted sheet tobacco, to name few.

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1. Naturals
Nicotine: 2.89
Tar: 30.9
Carbon monoxide: 16.2
With 2.89 mg of nicotine and 30.9 mg of tar, the strongest cigarette brand in the USA is definitely Naturals! Depending on the package, flavor, and size, their price can go from $26.50 up to $28 for 10 packs, or a box. They are all, however, 100% additive-free natural tobacco, as it is written on their packages.
