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20 Non-English-Speaking-Countries That Speak the Best English

In this article, we’ll take a look at the 20 Non-English-Speaking-Countries That Speak the Best English. We’ll also discuss the global importance of English and some key industry stats. To skip the detailed analysis and have a quick overview of the top 5, read 5 Non English Speaking Countries That Speak the Best English.

English, as a lingua franca, plays a dominant role in today’s interconnected world. According to a report by the British Council, English is the most common language in the world, with around 1.75 billion people worldwide speaking English.

A majority of people in non-English speaking countries are keen to learn this language, with 138 countries including it as a core part of their school curriculum. Preply conducted an analysis of online searches in 2022 and revealed that people in the United Arab Emirates searched ‘learn English’ about 34,800 times and ‘translate to English’ 1.1 million times. In Malaysia, the interest was also high, with 23 searches per 10,000 people for ‘learn English’ and 801 searches per 10,000 people for ‘translate to English’.

In 23 non-English dominant countries, English lessons are mandatory from the age of 4​​. These include Antigua, Armenia, Bahamas, Ghana, Jamacia, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, and more. This is mainly because of various connected global sectors, such as science, tech, business, innovation, and even the internet, that make it an important tool for global communication.

English dominates the internet as well, with 54% of the World Wide Web’s content being in English. Over 50% of scientific and technical periodicals are written in English, highlighting its role as a key language in academia and professional fields​.

The English language learning sector also offers interesting insights. A market research report by Meticulous Research, titled, ‘English Language Learning Market’ anticipates that the English language learning market is projected to expand to $69.62 billion by 2029, demonstrating a robust annual growth rate of 9.5% from 2022.

With this increasing demand and importance of the English language, various learning tools and platforms like Duolingo Inc (NASDAQ:DUOL), Rosetta Stone, and Busuu Online are making learning English more accessible and enjoyable for people from around the world, contributing to increased proficiency levels​.

Duolingo Inc (NASDAQ:DUOL) is the most downloaded language learning app with over 83.1 million monthly active users​​. It adopts a fun, game-like structure where learners collect gems, earn XP, and compete in leagues​​. In October 2023, Duolingo Inc (NASDAQ:DUOL) expanded its educational offerings by introducing Duolingo Music and integrating Duolingo Math into its app. Duolingo Music is designed to teach users how to read and play music, offering free, fun, and effective lessons. This new course sits alongside more than 40 language courses in the app and contains more than 200 interesting and engaging tunes, providing a diverse learning experience. On the other hand, Duolingo Math offers brain training for adults and elementary math for children. This course emphasizes a hands-on learning approach, moving away from traditional textbook methods and encouraging learners to engage interactively with mathematical concepts. With these additions, Duolingo Inc (NASDAQ:DUOL) not only reinforces its position as a leader in language education but also emerges as a versatile learning platform. ​

Busuu, part of Chegg Inc (NYSE:CHGG), is another prominent online language learning tool. This year, Chegg Inc (NYSE:CHGG)’s subsidiary Basuu integrated artificial intelligence (AI) into their Vocabulary Trainer, available for all language courses including English. This AI feature adapts in real-time to users’ learning patterns, personalizing study materials based on individual vocabulary strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, Busuu launched a new version of its platform, featuring a redesigned learning path with shorter course chapters and engaging content like video flashcards. Its parent company Chegg Chegg Inc (NYSE:CHGG) reported subscription services revenues (including Basuu) of around 139.9 million in Q3 2023, making 89% of its total net revenues.

Rosetta Stone is yet another popular name in the language-learning industry. Known for its immersive system, Rosetta Stone has helped millions learn English more naturally. The platform offers its language learning solutions in 25 languages, including English.

Feng Yu/


For our list of the 20 non English speaking countries that speak the best English, we used two key indices. The most prominent one is the Education First’s English Proficiency Index (EF EPI) 2023.

We first identified the top 30 countries from each of these indices to have a wide and varied pool of countries. Next, we calculated the average score for each country across both indices, merging the insights from and the EF English Proficiency Index. Finally, we ranked the countries based on their average scores in ascending order. The higher the score, the higher the proficiency.

So, if you’re wondering which is the best non-native English speaking country in 2023, here is our list of the top non native English speaking countries that speak the best English, ranked in descending order from 20 to 1.

20 Non English Speaking Countries That Speak the Best English

20. Luxembourg

Average English Proficiency Score: 319.5

Luxembourg’s multilingual population, with around 50% foreign residents, has a good grasp of English, making it one of the top non English speaking countries in Europe. The language is commonly used in the business and banking sectors.

19. Kenya

Average English Proficiency Score: 322.2

In Kenya, English is an official language and is widely used in government, business, and education sectors. It is speculated in the book titled ‘The Mouton World Atlas of Variation in English’ that 40% of the population in Kenya speaks English.

18. Slovakia

Average English Proficiency Score: 323

The EF English Proficiency Index 2023 ranks Slovakia as the 18th most proficient country in English. According to a report by, around 26% of people in the country speak English. Slovakia is also one of the best places to retire in Europe for English speakers.

17. Bulgaria

Average English Proficiency Score: 324

Bulgaria ranks 16th on the EF EPI 2023, indicating a growing English proficiency, especially in its major cities and among the younger generation. This improvement can be attributed to the country’s educational system and its increasing integration into global markets.

16. Hungary

Average English Proficiency Score: 325

English is widely spoken in Hungary, especially in its capital, Budapest. The younger population and urban residents are generally more proficient in English compared to the older population and those living in rural areas.

15. Romania

Average English Proficiency Score: 329

Romania’s growing proficiency in English is a result of its educational policies and increasing global engagement. EF EPI Index ranks Romania as the 13th among the most English-proficient countries in Europe out of 35 European countries.

14. Poland

Average English Proficiency Score: 330.9

English is most popular among the young population of Poland, specifically among people aged 21-25. According to the EF EPI Index, Poznan ranks as the top city in Poland for English proficiency.

13. Greece

Average English Proficiency Score: 331.0

Greece is one of the richest countries where English is widely spoken, especially in tourist areas. Many young Greeks are proficient in English, making communication easy for travelers.

12. Finland

Average English Proficiency Score: 331.2

English is one of the most spoken languages in Finland, especially in its capital Helsinki. It is estimated that around 70% of the population in Finland can speak English fluently.

11. Croatia

Average English Proficiency Score: 333.0

Croatia, a favored destination for tourists, boasts a significant proficiency in English. This is especially true for its coastal regions, where English is commonly spoken within the tourism and service sectors.

10. Germany

Average English Proficiency Score: 334.0

The EF EPI 2023 Index ranks Germany as a ‘very high proficiency’ country in English, securing the 10th rank. Statistics suggest that around 56% to 58% of people in the country speak English.

9. Portugal

Average English Proficiency Score: 335.0

According to the EF EPI 2023 Index, Portugal is the 8th most proficient English-speaking country worldwide. It is estimated that around 60% of the population in Portugal speaks English, especially in larger cities, including Coimbra.

8. South Africa

Average English Proficiency Score: 335.2

In South Africa, English is one of the official languages and is widely used in business, government, and media. Its prevalence highlights the country’s diverse linguistic landscape. The EF EPI 2023 ranks it as the most proficient English-speaking country in Africa, placing it among the list of top 10 countries that speak good English. Approximately 8% of the population are native English speakers.

7. Belgium

Average English Proficiency Score: 335.5

Belgium, known as a multilingual country, showcases a strong command of English, particularly in its Flemish region. English is widely spoken, especially in urban areas and within the business sector. The EF EPI 2023 ranks it at the 7th spot among 113 countries worldwide. Ghent and Leuven are among the top English-speaking cities in Belgium.

6. Sweden

Average English Proficiency Score: 339.0

Sweden, holding the 6th rank in the EF EPI 2023, widely uses English in its education system, starting from an early age in schools. English is also commonly used in media and daily life, making it easy for visitors to communicate. About 86% of the population, especially young people, can speak English.

Click to continue reading and see the top read 5 Non English Speaking Countries That Speak the Best English.

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Disclosure. None. 20 Non-English-Speaking-Countries That Speak the Best English is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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