20 Most Venomous Snakes in The World

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1. Inland taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus)

LD50: 0.025

We’ve finally reached our number one of the most venomous snakes in the world. That is the Inland Taipan, which inhabits central and east deserts and semi-arid areas of Australia. Inconspicuously colored in brownish and yellow hues, it does not give the impression of the deadliest snake in the world at the first sight. But, being threatened or not able to escape, it will vigorously attack. First, it will warn the intruder by curling up, making an S-shape with the upper part of its body, and then attack and bite often more than once during a single attack. Since it dwells in deserts, encounters with humans are not as often, but nevertheless, the bite outcome is almost always fatal.

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