In this article, we will list the 20 most used illegal drugs in the US.
Drug abuse is one of the major problems globally. People who use recreational drugs are equal to the number of people in the United States, which is one of the most populous nations in the world. However, in recent years, there has been a growing interest in the decriminalization of drugs. People who favor decriminalization often point out that an individual should be able to freely choose whatever they want as long as it does not hurt anyone else. Yet, drug abuse, in general, causes harm to society and the economy. The United States federal government spends $20 billion of its tax payer’s money, most of which are not drug addicts, every year on interventions to try to reduce drug consumption. The reason why America spends so much to reduce drug abuse in the country is that it is causing a menace to society. One in three drivers killed in motor vehicle incidents tested positive for drugs in 2009. According to the National Center for Drug Abuse, every year, 96,700 people die from drug abuse in America. Drug-induced deaths, which were 6.8 in 1000 in 1998, increased to 12.6 per 100,000 in 2007. In a national roadside survey 2007, one in seven nighttime drivers tested positive for at least one drug. In addition, a self-survey report in 2009 reported that 10.5 million Americans reported driving under the influence at least once in the past year.
Drug abuse is quite prevalent in the United States. According to the National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics, half of the people aged 12 or above in the country have used illicit drugs at least once. In addition, we have lost an estimated 700,000 people due to drug overdose since the turn of the century. More recently, America has been struggling with its opioid crisis, which also involves the abuse of prescription drugs. Legal drugs that are used illegally are one of the leading causes of this crisis. These pharmaceutical drugs are responsible for most overdose deaths in the country. The use of Oxycontin, a pain killer, for recreational purposes led to one of the greatest lawsuits in the country. Prude Pharma, the company that sold Oxycintin, pleaded guilty and agreed to pay an $8 billion fine. However, this does not mean that the illicit drug industry in the country lags. In 2016, drug abusers spent $150 billion on heroin, cocaine, marijuana, and methamphetamine. When adjusted for inflation, illegal drug spending in the country doubled between 2016 and 2019.
Meanwhile, many drug abusers have taken it into their hands to cook their drugs. They use legal substances to make illegal drugs. Some of the ingredients, such as a Peyote Cactus used to make Mescaline, can be easily found anywhere. While other substances, such as codeine-containing pills, can be procured with a fake prescription. Also, very recently, one could get codeine-containing pills easily over the counter. Even today in many parts of the world, codeine-containing pills can be procured easily.
With that backdrop, let’s look at the 20 most used illegal drugs in the US. Some of the drugs mentioned in our list are not illegal, but their recreational use is. Some other drugs, such as marijuana, are legal in some places but not everywhere.

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To curate our list of the 20 most used illegal drugs in the US, we used the latest report from the National Forensic Laboratory Information System. It is a program of the Diversion Control and Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), which systematically collects data regarding drug use in cases submitted to forensic labs. The program is an important resource in identifying the use of illegal substances in the market. Some of the drugs mentioned in the list are not illegal but their recreational use is.
20 – Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
People Identified in Labs – 2,727
LSD is considered to be an addictive drug, but it is still illegal to possess and consume the drug in the United States. It is a strong mood and perception-altering drug that affects a person’s thoughts, feelings, and perception of the surroundings. Long-term physical effects of LSD include sleeplessness, loss of appetite, numbness, and tremors.
19 – Phencyclidine
People Identified in Labs – 2,863
Developed in the 1950s, to be used as an intravenous anesthetic, Phencyclidine is commonly used today for illegal recreational activities. It is classified as a hallucinogen and induces distortion of sound and sight. In addition, it produces a feeling of detachment. The drug is available in powder, crystal, tablet, capsule, and liquid forms. It is predominantly used by high school students and young adults.
18 – MDMA
People Identified in Labs – 3,265
MDMA is commonly known as ecstasy. It is a potent stimulant that also has some minor psychedelic properties. It is often taken for the feeling of well-being and distortion of time and sensory perceptions. The drug was primarily used during parties, but now it has spread to a variety of settings. The drug can cause a dangerous increase in body temperature, which can be fatal.
17 – Clonazepam
People Identified in Labs – 4,703
Clonazepam, also known as Klonopin, is a prescription drug that is used in cases of panic attacks, seizures, and anxiety attacks. However, it is highly addictive, with people forming abuse habits within weeks of using it. The drug is known to reduce stress and anxiety, which often leads to its dependence on a person to function normally. Klonopin withdrawal symptoms include seizures, which can become dangerous if unsupervised by a doctor.
16 – Hydrocodone
People Identified in Labs – 6,322
Hydrocodone is an opioid developed to treat pain and act as a cough suppressant. Hydrocodone can be habit-forming, and people who abuse it take it to feel normal. The drug is so addictive that people get addicted to it in as little as five days of their first use. Withdrawal symptoms of hydrocodone can be dangerous.
15 – Dipentylone
People Identified in Labs – 7,849
Dipentylone, also known as Dimethylpentylone, is a stimulant drug that was only identified in the United States in toxicology samples in late 2021. However, in June 2023, the US Customs and Border Protection seized more than 32 kilograms of this drug. The drug has also been found in the possession of the people attending nightclubs and bars in Jacksonville, Florida.
14 – Amphetamine
People Identified in Labs – 8,366
Amphetamine is a stimulant that works on the central nervous system. Medically, it is prescribed to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, among other disorders. However, it is highly addictive and people abuse it for its stimulation. Students also abuse amphetamines for their study aid. Its abuse has become one of the major challenges for the United States. An overdose can lead to fatality, whereas commonly occurring negative effects include insomnia, aggression, paranoia, and anxiety.
13 – Tramadol
People Identified in Labs – 8,548
Tramadol is an opioid pain reliever, which is sold under the brand name Ultram. Like many other prescription opioid drugs, it is also abused for its relaxing effects. The drug induces drug-seeking behavior, and as people develop tolerance, they seek more and more of the drug. The drug frequently causes nausea, slow breathing, and heart rates. Its withdrawal symptoms are also quite severe, ranging from anxiety to hallucination and shivering.
12 – Xylazine
People Identified in Labs – 9,125
Xylazine is a pharmaceutical drug that is primarily used for anesthesia, sedation, and muscle relaxation. However, it is an addictive drug and has recently been linked to an increasing number of overdose deaths in the United States. In 2021, it was involved in 19% of all overdose deaths in Maryland.
11 – Psilocin
People Identified in Labs – 9,932
Psilocin is a tryptamide alkaloid present in most psychedelic mushrooms, also known as magic mushrooms. This substance has a psychedelic property and causes hallucinations with altered sense of reality. Abuse can lead to psychosis, anxiety, and paranoia. People, under the influence of hallucinogens, have been known to exhibit dangerous behavior for themselves and others.
10 – Buprenorphine
People Identified in Labs – 13,300
Buprenorphine is an FDA-approved medication for the treatment of acute pain, opioid use disorder, and chronic pain. A correct dose of Buprenorphine reduces drug cravings without the feeling of high. However, the drug still has potential for abuse as it is one of the top 10 abused drugs in the United States. Individuals who are addicted to low doses of opiates often abuse Buprenorphine in an earlier stage of their addiction.
9 – Alprazolam
People Identified in Labs – 14,110
Alprazolam is a tranquilizer which is sold under the brand name Xanax. The drug is medically used to treat anxiety and panic disorders. However, this drug is usually prescribed for the short term only as it has great potential for abuse. Xanax is frequently used for recreational purposes, and people form a tolerance for the drug, requiring them to take higher doses.
8 – Oxycodone
People Identified in Labs – 15,825
Oxycodone is a narcotic analgesic and is used as a painkiller for severe pain. However, this drug has a high potential for abuse. Oxycodone is one of the drugs that have contributed to America’s opioid crisis.Its abuse was rampant in the first decade of the 20th century as doctors all around the country prescribed it frequently for pain management.
7 – 4-ANPP
People Identified in Labs – 18,713
4-ANPP is an intermediate chemical precursor used in the synthetic process of fentanyl. Fentanyl, which is among the top 3 most abused drugs in the US, is similar to morphine, but it is 100 times more potent. This chemical precursor Fnetayl is also abused in large quantities as it is one of the top 10 most used illegal drugs in the US.
6 – Fluorofentanyl
People Identified in Labs – 22,242
Fluorofentanyl is an illegal synthetic opioid, that is classified as Schedule 1 drugs. Like 4-ANPP, it is an analog of fentanyl and is more rapidly abused, making it one of the top 10 most used illegal drugs in the US.
5 – Heroin
People Identified in Labs – 41,227
Heroin is among the top 5 most used illegal drugs in the US. In the United States, all individuals above the age of 12 use this drug. Heroin is highly addictive and has very severe withdrawal symptoms. Most of the heroin abuse occurs through injection, so there is also a high risk of catching blood-borne diseases such as HIV Aids and hepatitis. Heroin users are at a very high risk of dying from a drug overdose.
4 – Cannabis
People Identified in Labs – 146,631
It might be surprising to see cannabis in the top five instead of the top three most used illegal drugs in the US. Recreational use of marijuana is legal in many states, but it remains illegal federally. Recreational use of Marijuana is so common in the United States that among people aged 12 or older, more than 18% have used it in the past 12 months. It is also quite popular among high school students. In 2022, nearly one-third of 12th graders in the country reported using cannabis in the past 12 months.