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20 Most Humid Cities in the World

In this article, we will be taking a look at the 20 Most Humid Cities in the World. You can also take a detailed look at the 5 Most Humid Cities in the World.

Humidity plays a defining role in the character and ambiance of a city. It is the unseen force that envelops us, dictating our comfort levels, influencing our daily activities, and shaping the natural landscapes around us. 

But beyond the realm of comfort and ambiance, humidity holds profound implications for the agriculture industry, shaping the landscapes, crops, and livelihoods of communities around the world. Therefore, the relationship between weather conditions and agriculture is deeply intertwined, with humidity playing a pivotal role in determining the success or failure of crops, the availability of water resources, and the overall productivity of agricultural systems.

In countries where humidity reigns supreme, such as those on our list, the agriculture industry is profoundly impacted by the moisture of the atmosphere. From the vast rice fields of Southeast Asia to the fertile plains of South America, these regions rely on the delicate balance of moisture and warmth to sustain their agricultural endeavors. However, this reliance comes with its own set of challenges, as excessive humidity can lead to a host of issues ranging from crop diseases to waterlogging and soil erosion.

According to data from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), regions with high humidity levels often experience increased incidences of fungal diseases in crops, such as rice blast in rice paddies and black sigatoka in banana plantations. In Bangladesh, which hosts cities like Khulna, rice blast is a major concern for farmers, leading to significant yield losses if not properly managed.

In contrast, regions with moderate humidity levels may benefit from the moisture-rich environment, particularly for crops that require ample water for growth. For example, in the Philippines, which is home to humid cities like Surigao with an average yearly relative humidity of 84%, rice cultivation thrives due to the availability of water resources. According to our previous research, the country consistently ranks eighth among the top rice-producing countries in the world, with high yields attributed in part to favorable weather conditions.

But the impact of humidity on agriculture goes beyond crop diseases and water availability. In some cases, excessive moisture can lead to waterlogging and soil erosion. For example, in Colombia, which hosts cities like Cartagena with an average yearly humidity of 84% as well, heavy rainfall during the wet season can saturate the soil and lead to erosion of fertile topsoil, affecting crop productivity.

However, despite these challenges, regions with high humidity levels also offer opportunities for agricultural diversification and innovation. For instance, in Malaysia, which is home to cities like Alor Setar with an average yearly humidity of 80%, the palm oil industry has flourished due to the favorable climate conditions. According to the Malaysian Palm Oil Board, Malaysia is one of the world’s largest producers of palm oil, with high yields attributed to the abundant rainfall and warm temperatures.

Besides that, despite high levels of humidity, some cities / countries have an influx of tourists during the summer season. For example, Six Flags Entertainment Corporation (NYSE: SIX) operates a chain of theme parks across North America, including locations in states like Texas, Georgia, and Illinois. During the peak summer season, typically from June to August, Six Flags Entertainment Corporation (NYSE: SIX) parks often experience the highest levels of attendance due to factors such as school vacations, warm weather, and extended park operating hours. Higher attendance levels at Six Flags Entertainment Corporation (NYSE: SIX) during peak season contribute to increased revenue from ticket sales, food and beverage purchases, merchandise sales, and additional paid experiences like fast passes or VIP tours.


To shortlist the 20 Most Humid Cities in the World, we consulted the data from several sources, including our list on the most humid countries in the world, to gain information on cities with the most humid weather conditions and to learn about the average yearly levels of humidity in these cities. The list of the 20 Most Humid Cities in the World has been ranked in ascending order – from cities with lower percentage of humidity level to highest percentage of humidity level.

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20. Khulna, Bangladesh

Average Yearly Humidity: 76%

Khulna, a major city in southwestern Bangladesh, experiences a tropical monsoon climate. Despite its relatively lower average humidity compared to some other cities in the region, Khulna still experiences muggy conditions due to its proximity to the Bay of Bengal and the surrounding rivers. The city enjoys warm temperatures year-round, typically ranging from 20°C to 34°C (68°F to 93°F). Khulna’s humidity is most pronounced during the wet season, which lasts from June to October. During this period, heavy rainfall and occasional tropical cyclones lash the region, intensifying humidity levels and leading to flooding in low-lying areas. Even during the dry season from November to May, humidity remains relatively high.

19. Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

Average Yearly Humidity: 78%

Port Moresby experiences a tropical savanna climate with humidity levels averaging around 78%. The city enjoys consistently warm temperatures ranging from 25°C to 32°C (77°F to 90°F) throughout the year. Despite its relatively lower humidity compared to other cities in the region, Port Moresby still experiences humid weather conditions, particularly during the wet season from December to March. The surrounding Coral Sea contributes to the city’s humidity levels, while occasional southeast trade winds provide some relief from the stifling atmosphere.

18. Colombo, Sri Lanka

Average Yearly Humidity: 79%

Colombo, situated on the southwestern coast of Sri Lanka, features a tropical monsoon climate with humidity levels averaging around 79%. The city enjoys warm temperatures year-round, with temperatures rangins from 25°C to 31°C (77°F to 88°F). Colombo’s humidity is influenced by its proximity to the Indian Ocean, which maintains consistently moist air masses. The city experiences a distinct wet season from May to September, characterized by heavy rainfall and occasional thunderstorms. 

17. Singapore, Singapore

Average Yearly Humidity: 82%

Singapore, often dubbed the “Lion City,” features a tropical rainforest climate with humidity levels averaging around 82%. The city-state experiences pretty much the same levels of temperatures throughout the whole year. Singapore’s humidity is influenced by its location near the equator and its surrounding seas. The city experiences frequent rainfall throughout the year, with no distinct dry season. 

16. Paramaribo, Suriname

Average Yearly Humidity: 83%

Paramaribo, the capital of Suriname, experiences a tropical rainforest climate with humidity levels averaging around 83%. Paramaribo’s humidity can be attributed to its location near the equator and its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, which maintains moist air masses. The city’s wet season goes from November to April, leading to heavy rainfall and occasional thunderstorms, which further elevate humidity levels. 

15. Sittwe, Burma

Average Yearly Humidity: 83%

Sittwe features a tropical monsoon climate with humidity levels averaging around 83%. The city experiences warm temperatures year-round. Sittwe has wet season from May to October, causing heavy rainfall and occasional tropical cyclones, which further intensify humidity levels. Even during the drier months, humidity remains high.

14. Magong, Taiwan

Average Yearly Humidity: 83%

Magong, located on the Penghu Islands of Taiwan, experiences a humid subtropical climate. Magong experiences a distinct wet season from May to September. Even during the drier months, humidity remains high, contributing to the region’s lush vegetation and scenic landscapes. 

13. Macau, Macau SAR China

Average Yearly Humidity: 84%

Macau, located on the southern coast of China, has a humid subtropical climate with humidity levels averaging around 84%. The city has a distinct wet season from May to September, which further intensify humidity levels. It enjoys mild winters and hot, humid summers, with temperatures typically ranging from 14°C to 31°C (57°F to 88°F). Macau’s humidity is influenced by its proximity to the South China Sea.

12. Cartagena, Columbia

Average Yearly Humidity: 84%

Cartagena features a tropical savanna climate with humidity levels averaging around 84%. Cartagena’s humidity is influenced by its proximity to the Caribbean Sea, which maintains consistently moist air masses. The city enjoys consistently warm temperatures year-round, typically ranging from 25°C to 32°C (77°F to 90°F).

11. Libreville, Gabon

Average Yearly Humidity: 84.1%

Libreville, the capital of Gabon, experiences a tropical monsoon climate with humidity levels averaging around 84.1%. Despite occasional dry spells, humidity remains high. It is ranked 11th on our list of the most humid cities in the world.

10. Macapà, Brazil

Average Yearly Humidity: 84.5%

Macapà, located in northern Brazil, features a tropical rainforest climate with humidity levels averaging around 84.5%. The city experiences consistently warm temperatures year-round, typically ranging from 24°C to 32°C (75°F to 90°F). Macapà’s humidity is influenced by its proximity to the equator and the Amazon Rainforest. It is 10th on our list of the most humid cities on the globe.

9. Patna, India

Average Yearly Humidity: 85%

Patna experiences a subtropical climate characterized by hot summers and mild winters. The city’s humidity levels remain high throughout the year, averaging around 85%. During the summer months from April to June, temperatures soar, often exceeding 40°C, accompanied by stifling humidity, making it quite uncomfortable. 

8. Surigao, Philippines

Average Yearly Humidity: 85%

Surigao, situated in the Philippines, experiences a tropical rainforest climate with high humidity levels averaging around 85%. Surigao’s weather is heavily influenced by the Pacific Ocean, resulting in consistent humidity throughout the year.

7. Chanthaburi, Thailand

Average Yearly Humidity: 86%

Chanthaburi, situated in eastern Thailand, features a tropical monsoon climate characterized by high humidity levels averaging around 86%. The humidity in Chanthaburi is particularly pronounced during the rainy season from May to October, when frequent thunderstorms and heavy downpours occur.

6. Hulhumale, Maldives

Average Yearly Humidity: 86%

Hulhumale, located in the Maldives, experiences a tropical monsoon climate with humidity levels averaging around 86%. The region experiences distinct wet and dry seasons, with the southwest monsoon from May to October bringing heavy rainfall and elevated humidity levels. Even during the dry season, humidity remains high, creating a consistently muggy environment.

Click to continue reading and see the 5 Most Humid Cities in the World.

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Disclosure: none. 20 Most Humid Cities in the World is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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