20 Most Expensive Countries in the World To Visit

Have you ever wondered which are the most expensive countries in the world to visit? Is your favorite country, the one you always dream of visiting, among the most expensive ones for a visit? You can find out by looking at our list below. Keep in mind that those most expensive countries for a visit do not need to be the most expensive countries for living, too. So, if you are interested to find out which are the most expensive countries for its residents check out our list of top 15 most expensive countries in the world – 2014.

So, how much money would you pay to drink a pint of beer while visiting the antique Viking settlements of Norway? Or to eat a Big Mac along the way in a biblical journey to Jerusalem? Well, from rhetorical questioning to actual numbers, the answer is a lot.

When it comes to ranking countries from more to less expensive, the variables to measure may be a little tricky. In particular, the cost of one-day-living  can be incredibly different from one city to another in the same country depending on plenty of things: from the hotel offer, mobility from one place to another, or even hypes, pins or likes in social medias. That’s why this ranking of most expensive countries in the world account of two simple things that can be considered as quality equal, as well as comparable wherever you go. The sum of the famous Big Mac chart and the not so famous Pint chart, we can call it a Junk chart around the world, if we prefer.

Before starting the countdown, let’s repeat question above one more time: How much money would you have to pay to drink a Lager and to eat a Big Mac in these twenty countries? Of course, the title already gave us the answer, more that in our country for sure. But, enough with the small talk, let’s go to the names and the numbers from bottom to top – we present you our list of 20 most expensive countries in the world:

20. Germany

We know Germans loves beer, unfortunately the love here costs a thing: U$7,6 to be more precise. But don’t worry, pizza is way cheaper! Of course it would be a shame to miss Berlin’s Wall, the Alpes, the Rhin or even the German beer because of its price, after all it’s only the 20th most expensive country in the Junk chart.



19. Greece

Unluckily for Greeks, besides from the U$4,25 for a pint and the U$3,53 for a burger, the crisis has lowered the prices of dorms and beds, and markets, which allows us sneaky tourists to enjoy the amusing views of Zakynthos or Mikonos beaches, the embedding history of Athens (who doesn’t love ruins?), or the romantic streets of Crete. Of course you’ll have to do it sober, or at least drunk on some spirit liquor other than beer (why not wine?).



18. Austria

As Billie Joel once said: Vienna waits for you. And that might be true, but on the sober road, because as he also said, you’re gonna kick off before the half way through. Cool it off, and enjoy the amusing views of Innsbruck, and the Hohe Tauern National Park, you don’t have plenty of opportunities to sing the Tyrolese and feel like Heidi while you’re on vacations.



17. Japan

Oh sweet Japan! Home of sushi, manga and haiku poetry. Also one of the most expensive countries in every list you can possibly think of.  Besides from the U$8,37 junk combo, a Loaf of bread in Tokyo can cost you U$9, and a U$15 for a bottle of table wine! It’s also one of the most expensive places to buy iPhones (number 6 in the ranking). But who can blame them, look at all the amazing things they’ve made here.



16. United States

With New York as one of the most expensive cities to visit in the world, the United Stated gets into our ranking in the number 16, with our Junk combo at the moderate price of U$8,53. As the birthplace of the Big Mac one could expect it to be a little cheaper, but that’s not how the market works. Anyway, Orlando is way cheaper to stay in than New York, and you´ll get to meet Mickey Mouse.



15. United Kingdom

The UK includes enough countries itself to have its own rank. But, who wouldn’t like to drink a pint in an old Scottish pub? Walk along the Walish cost (special mention to the Bad Wolf bay for the Whovians), or to dive in London’s Immensity. As a matter of fact London itself is one of the most expensive places in the world. Yet, hardly any other place can give you the chance of living the Victorian experience of watching Shakespeare while drinking your U$4,47 Lager, or to feed the birds in the stairs of St. Paul’s cathedral while singing Mary Poppins.

tower-bridge-United Kingdom


14. New Zealand

The long green paths of New Zealand with the crystal water and the huge mountains at the back, would be a shame to miss only because the price of a Big Mac is U$4,49. With some of the most incredible National Parks, and the Bay of Islands worth of a Game of Thrones location, New Zealand might be a paradisiac destiny to travel on a diet.



13. Canada

Home of Justin Bieber and U$4.44 a pint of beer, Canada might not sound really inviting. Bot don’t worry; Justin is not the only thing to see at the capital of Ice Jockey. You can visit the Niagara Falls, the Columbia Ice Camp, or the Icefield Park. There’s plenty of ice to do in Canada!



12. Ireland

Dublin might be one of the cheapest cities in Europe, yet, the pint is nothing less than U$5,68. Gulliver wouldn’t be so happy about it if he would have returned today from Lilliput. Yet, not to be discouraged by the price of the beer, ultimately, the experience of being in a Celtic pub, rising your cup while singing, it’s hard to find anywhere else.



11. Italy

Bella Italia! From the channels of Venice, to the heart of Europe Renascence in Florence, the Vatican, and the Coliseum, birthplace of pizza and Monica Belucci and world wide capital of the Opera, Italy has many things to do. Unfortunately for our pockets, the Big Mac-Pint combo is quite expensive: U$10, 33. Yet Italians are as friendly as it can get, with a little bit of charm, you might befriend with Sophia Lauren to invite you to eat some pasta.



10. Australia

It might be their English heritage, because the pint costs U$6,57. Australia is also one of the most expensive countries in every list you can make. Sidney and Melbourne are also two of the twenty most expensive cities in the world. All surrounded by beaches and bays, and divided in half by the Outback, Australia is the country with the most weird and dangerous animals. Did you know platypuses were poisonous?



9. Finland

From the Seurasaari Island to the Olavinlinna castles, Findland can astonish you in many different ways. Yet, as its close neighbor Finland is a quite expensive country to visit and that’s why it is at the 9th place in our list of 20 most expensive countries in the world to visit. In particular de Big Mac – Pint combo costs U$11. But life is not all about beer, Finland has one of the most smart and educated population in the world according to some studies. They also have plenty of Heavy Metal, which is strongly related to high IQs by some other studio. Just saying…



8. UAE

Ok, here comes an easy question: How much money would you pay to ingest the combo junk with Maradona in a Hotel in Dubai? If you’re still reading, you know the answer is more that U$11. And yes, it’s exactly U$11,02. Of course first, you would have to buy a permission to drink alcohol, because as you might know, in the United Arab Emirates, drinking alcohol is forbidden, which kind of makes our combo quite cheaper, if you think about it.



7. Singapore

Asia is back to the list with Singapore’s U$11,27 for a pint and a Big Mac. It’s usually known as an expensive country as well as an exotic place for plenty of tourists. You can go to the Universal Studios, and the London eye… no wait, as well as plenty of occidental attractions, you can also live the unique experience of walking through architectural masterpieces like the Chinese gardens and the Esplanade, and also dive into a natural wildlife hard to find anywhere else.



6. France

Bonjour you Cheese eating Surrender Monkeys! We are close to the end, and here comes France, along with its French Rivera and its one and only Paris. In fact, Paris and Nice are two of the most expensive cities to travel, so it’s no wonder to find our beer-burger combo at the 6th place in the chart. Still, it would be a shame to miss Notre Dame Cathedral, Sacre Couer or the Tour Eiffel just because beer is really expensive, wouldn’t it?



5. Denmark

And here we are again in Nordic territory. With Copenhagen as one of the most expensive cities in the world, our combo cost U$12,37. Remember when we first started that we found the U$7,60 of Germany expensive? Well, in Denmark you might find a beer for that price.



4. Sweden

And we stay in Nordic ground at this very top of our list, for the pint and de burger costs nothing less than U$12.41. iPhones are also pretty expensive here. Yet, if we’re travelling through north Europe, it would be a shame to miss Stockholm colors, boats and snow. Ultimately you already knew the trip was going to be expensive.



3. Israel

Now, let’s move to another continent one last time, and let’s travel to Jesus’ land. The price for Jesus and a Big Mac?  U$12,78. Ouch, better eat a falafel while spending the Shabbat at the Wailing wall, or drink some grape juice while floating at the Dead sea.



2. Switzerland

And here we are at the second place in our Junk chart, and the first place at the unaffordable iPhones chart. And back again to Nordic ground. For exactly the double than in Germany, you can eat a Big Mac and drink a beer: U$14,26. Also two of the most expensive cities in the world are located in Switzerland: Zurich and Ginebra.



And the most expensive country in the world to visit is Norway!

Can you hear the drums!? Because finally we0ve got to the first place, the Master of expensive junk food combined with beer. We are talking of U$16,72 for our combo meal. It’s no surprise that Oslo has overtaken Tokyo in the most expensive cities ranking. And yet, if you’re already on your path through Viking ground, how could you say no to a beer in the middle of a crystalized lake in the middle of the Lyngen Alpes!? And as for the Big Mac, luckily for me I’m a vegan.


Special mentions:

As a matter of fact, Iceland is one of the most expensive countries in the world, but McDonalds has abandoned the country a few years ago, so technically you can both say that a Big Mac would cost you nothing or a non-payable fee, and at the same time, beer is quite expensive.

A different case is Maldives a paradisiac Asian country that’s also out of McDonald’s chart, who knows why. Island in Maldives have five starts resorts that rates to $700 the night. Yet, the beer is quite cheap.

So, if you had the money to which country would you prefer to travel from this list of 20 most expensive countries in the world to visit?