20 Most Expensive Countries in the World To Visit

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Have you ever wondered which are the most expensive countries in the world to visit? Is your favorite country, the one you always dream of visiting, among the most expensive ones for a visit? You can find out by looking at our list below. Keep in mind that those most expensive countries for a visit do not need to be the most expensive countries for living, too. So, if you are interested to find out which are the most expensive countries for its residents check out our list of top 15 most expensive countries in the world – 2014.

So, how much money would you pay to drink a pint of beer while visiting the antique Viking settlements of Norway? Or to eat a Big Mac along the way in a biblical journey to Jerusalem? Well, from rhetorical questioning to actual numbers, the answer is a lot.

When it comes to ranking countries from more to less expensive, the variables to measure may be a little tricky. In particular, the cost of one-day-living  can be incredibly different from one city to another in the same country depending on plenty of things: from the hotel offer, mobility from one place to another, or even hypes, pins or likes in social medias. That’s why this ranking of most expensive countries in the world account of two simple things that can be considered as quality equal, as well as comparable wherever you go. The sum of the famous Big Mac chart and the not so famous Pint chart, we can call it a Junk chart around the world, if we prefer.

Before starting the countdown, let’s repeat question above one more time: How much money would you have to pay to drink a Lager and to eat a Big Mac in these twenty countries? Of course, the title already gave us the answer, more that in our country for sure. But, enough with the small talk, let’s go to the names and the numbers from bottom to top – we present you our list of 20 most expensive countries in the world:

20. Germany

We know Germans loves beer, unfortunately the love here costs a thing: U$7,6 to be more precise. But don’t worry, pizza is way cheaper! Of course it would be a shame to miss Berlin’s Wall, the Alpes, the Rhin or even the German beer because of its price, after all it’s only the 20th most expensive country in the Junk chart.


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