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20 Most Eco-Friendly Cities in the World

In this article, we look at the 20 most eco-friendly cities in the world. If you would like to skip our detailed analysis of the sustainability of urban infrastructures, you can directly go to the 5 Most Eco-friendly Cities in the World

Climate change has been one of the biggest crises of the 21st century, and it has affected so much beyond nature. Rising temperatures and extreme weather events have resulted in drastic and costly consequences for our urban settings as well. The changing weather has severely affected everything from human health to basic urban infrastructure. In addition, urban activities have contributed severely to environmental damage, making this a cyclical process where one event eventually becomes a catalyst for its own perpetuation. According to the UNEP, more than 75% of global CO2 emissions come from urban settings, with the transportation and construction industries being the two most significant contributors to this plague.

This is one of the biggest reasons why today’s urban settings need to be made eco-friendly if the world hopes to put some limitations on this ever-increasing climate devastation. The WHO has estimated that almost 3.5 billion people are currently living in areas that are prone to climate change and its associated damages. If efforts aren’t made to curb the impending danger, climate change could ultimately cause as many as 250,000 additional deaths per year, leading to another world epidemic. The consequences will not be limited to life and nature; current trends have showcased the economy taking a major hit because of climate change as well. 

Also see 25 Best Countries for Green Living.

Morgan Stanley estimated that the world had to spend a collective of $650 billion to respond to climate disasters just between the years of 2016-2018. A myriad of other studies have reported that national economies worldwide are spending billions of dollars trying to deal with the impacts of climate change. Countries with fragile economies are especially at stake because they would require international assistance in order to deal with their climate issues. All of these issues have combined to make sustainable and eco-friendly cities a need of the hour. They’re not just fancy checklists for environment enthusiasts; rather, they’re a necessity without which the global economy cannot hope to stand a chance against the doom of climate change. 

The idea of a sustainable city is an all-encompassing one. It’s an urban area holistically designed and managed in a way that makes it sustainable in all three areas of social, environmental, and economic impact. Sustainability itself doesn’t come from changing policies in just one industry; instead, it has to be the collective impact of every sector, from transportation and infrastructure to energy and power. Business corporations are leading the environmental movement in many cities around the world through CSR initiatives and projects that deploy green technologies and provide citizens with better access to a sustainable lifestyle. 

2022 report by UNCTAD took a deep dive into how urban entrepreneurs utilize innovative solutions to tackle the rising environmental challenges in urbanized settings. Based on its findings, the report called for policymakers to generate collaborative stakeholder relationships with these entrepreneurs to develop eco-friendly cities in the world. According to the report, such ties can lead to strengthened communities and improved well-being for those living within them. 

In terms of businesses, Nike Inc (NYSE:NKE) is making some brilliant contributions to building sustainable cities. According to research studies, nearly 10% of global carbon emissions come from fast fashion, which is turning cities into dumpsters. Nike Inc (NYSE:NKE) has elaborated on its Move to Zero mission, which aims to increase the percentage of recycled materials in its products. Steps like these might not seem like direct contributions to urban sustainability, but with objectives like these, companies like Nike Inc (NYSE:NKE) are setting the groundwork for eco-friendly cities worldwide. 

Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. (NYSE:HLT) is a corporation working directly on SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. Under its broader goal of creating a positive impact on the environment, Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. (NYSE:HLT) has taken several steps to reduce its carbon emissions. These include reducing single-use plastics within the hotels, utilizing energy-efficient LEDs, tracking the environmental impact of over 5,000 hotel branches, and investing in climate-related funds. Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. (NYSE:HLT) also believes it opened the first net-zero hotel in the US, i.e., Hotel Marcel New Haven, Tapestry Collection by Hilton.

While some might blame these big corporations for greenwashing and using these initiatives as cover-ups for their wider carbon emissions, others may see it as a step in the right direction. Regardless, many companies have been increasingly adopting ‘environment-friendly’ measures.

Despite these contradictory views, it can be said that some cities have emerged as the most eco-friendly cities in the world and, hence, can be adopted as model structures for other cities with similar circumstances.

As awareness around the need for sustainable cities grows, investors prefer focusing their capital on these cities because they offer good prospects in terms of long-term business. These cities also provide better living standards for those who’ve spent their whole lives surrounded by urban pollution and degradation. 

You can also check out 25 cities that have the best climate year round.

Our Methodology

In order to aid investors and citizens in locating the most eco-friendly cities in the world, we have utilized three extensive indexes that evaluate hundreds of cities on a lengthy list of criteria. The Arcadis Sustainable Cities Index 2022 has evaluated 100 cities regarding their economic, social, and environmental health. The planet pillar has indicators such as waste management, public consumption, renewable energy, and GHGs. The IESE Cities in Motion Index (CIMI) has ranked 183 cities on nine sectors across 112 indicators, of which environment is one angle. Lastly, the Sustainable Cities Index Report by Corporate Knights has ranked 70 cities in terms of their environmental health, using factors such as water consumption, sustainable transport, and climate change resilience. 

The top 35 cities (based on environmental factors) were shortlisted from all three indices and then ordered based on their average rankings. For the cities which acquired an equal average ranking, the CIMI is used to tie-break. The rankings are arranged in descending order, with the value ‘1’ being assigned to the most eco-friendly city in the world.

Here are the most sustainable cities in the world. 

20. Los Angeles, USA

Average Rating: 24

The Los Angeles metropolitan area has the largest number of electric vehicles in the US, close to some 293,000. The city is also commended for having quite an EV-friendly highway system and a good ratio of charging stations as compared to the population numbers. The city has also significantly invested in its public transportation system to fight carbon emission levels.

19.  Vancouver, Canada

Average Rating: 23.6

Over 95% of the electricity in Vancouver comes from renewable sources, which makes this place one of the most eco-friendly cities in the world. The Greenest City Action Plan aims to increase this number to 100% by 2050. The city also currently has 77 ‘green spaces’ spread throughout its entirety, with thousands of ‘green’ and ‘clean energy’ jobs in its various industries. 

18. Frankfurt, Germany

Average Rating: 21

CIMI Score: 27

One-third of the total urban area in Frankfurt is covered by greenery, which contributes massively to the reduction of CO2 levels in the atmosphere. The city is filled with locations that house beehives on their rooftops, stabilizing the local biodiversity. The city also has a giant solar panel grid with a yearly yield of almost 300,000 kWh. 

17. Ottawa, Canada 

Average Rating: 21

CIMI Score: 23

As one of the most sustainable cities in the world, Ottawa’s most prominent distinction is its ever-improving air quality. Maintaining high air quality can prove to be quite difficult in an era defined by personal ownership of multiple vehicles, but Ottawa has achieved this due to policies such as shifting away from fossil fuels, especially coal. 

16. Hamburg, Germany

Average Rating: 20

Hamburg has managed to carry environmental sustainability and economic development hand-in-hand, which is quite a feat in today’s urbanized world. The city has especially achieved considerable milestones in terms of waste reduction, cycle paths, neighborhood redevelopments, and electric mobility. Hamburg was named the ‘European green capital’ as early as 2011, and since then, it has only improved in terms of being one of the most eco-friendly cities in the world. 

15. Auckland, New Zealand

Average Rating: 19

CIMI Score: 32

Auckland is highly commended for the speed at which it is going green, which is one of the fastest in the whole world. A study by Lonely Planet in 2021 named Auckland ‘the best city to travel to’ for its scenic outdoor spaces. The city has managed to generate a 6% increase in its forest-covered areas since 1990. 

14. Canberra, Australia

Average Rating: 19

CIMI Score: 08

Canberra is considered one of the most eco-friendly cities in the world due to its excellent system of public transportation and its air quality levels. A 2021 study by Uswitch ranked Canberra as the most sustainable in the world, with 88.6% of its transport infrastructure being green. Pollution levels are also comparatively low, with only 13.89 polluted particles out of every 100. 

13. Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Average Rating: 17.6 

One of the biggest sustainable ventures in Amsterdam is the city’s high usage of bicycles, with 63% of the city residents using bicycles on a daily basis and 32% of the traffic movement being by bike, making up the largest chunk. The city also has a vast number of eco-friendly and ethical restaurants with innovative policies for waste management and sustainability. 

12. Vienna, Austria 

Average Rating: 17

Every one in two city residents makes use of public transport in Vienna, making it the primary source of movement around the city. Renewable sources fulfill 30% of the city’s energy requirement, and composting is a major element within its infrastructure. In the 2020 ranking of the world’s greenest cities put out by Resonance Consultancy, Vienna took the first place. 

11. Zurich, Switzerland

Average Rating: 15.5 

The city of Zurich plans to reduce direct greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2040, a decade earlier than many other cities on this list have planned. The city has individual plans in place for multiple indicators of eco-friendliness; examples include the Noise Protection Strategy (2020), Heat Mitigation Plan (2021), Urban Trees Plan (2022), and multiple others. This major focus from a policymaking arena is what helps Zurich be one of the most eco-friendly cities in the world. 

10. Munich, Germany 

Average Rating: 15

Munich follows a socio-economic sustainability model that empowers local businesses for long-term sustainability. The city has a growing number of cycle lanes, with affordable public bikes available to rent. Munich is also filled with zero-waste stores and farmers’ markets that value ethical production and consumption. 

09. Tokyo, Japan

Average Rating: 14.6 

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) plans to turn Tokyo into the world’s first ESG city by 2050, aiming for it to become a model for urban settings worldwide. One of the project’s main goals is to attract ESG-focused venture capital, which has led the government to set up a subsidy scheme for companies focusing on sustainability. The ESG model envisions a zero-emission building and public transport infrastructure. 

08. Edinburgh, United Kingdom 

Average Rating: 14.5

The household waste generated by residents of Edinburgh is less than any other city in Scotland, making the city a prime example of waste management and recycled consumption. Almost 25% of the population uses the bus either daily or every other day. From 2010 to 2017, Edinburgh recorded the fourth-highest reduction in CO2 emissions compared to all major UK cities. A First Mile study from 2019 named Edinburgh as the greenest city in the UK. 

07. Montreal, Canada

Average Rating: 13.5 

Montreal is said to have the fourth-best cycling infrastructure in the world, making it one of the most eco-friendly cities in the world. There are 65 parks spread across the city, making for quite a green infrastructure. 99% of the city’s energy comes from renewable sources. The city has released multiple sustainability action plans that draw collaboration from business corporations as well. 

06. Berlin, Germany 

Average Rating: 11.3 

Berlin is considered the most eco-friendly city in Europe for tourists, based on survey reports by Schengen Visa Info. The city performs exceptionally well in terms of the number of sustainable hotels and vegan dining options that are available. 44% of the city is covered by natural elements such as parks and forested lands, a number higher than most European cities. The city has also cut its carbon emission levels by one-third compared to 1990.  

Click to continue reading and see the 5 Most Eco-friendly Cities in the World.

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Disclosure: None. 20 Most Eco-friendly Cities in the World is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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