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20 Most Disaster-Prone Countries in the World

In this article, we take a look at the 20 most disaster-prone countries in the world. You can skip our detailed analysis on disasters’ impact, insurance industry in the US, and go straight to 7 Most Disaster-Prone Countries in the World.

Throughout history, disasters have been part of nature’s dark side, inflicting catastrophic damage to the Earth’s surface, and even flattening entire towns and cities. One such disaster occurred in 2010 when a powerful earthquake of 7.1 magnitude struck the Caribbean country of Haiti and claimed over 250,000 lives. A decade later, in 2021, Haiti was again struck by an earthquake of 7.2 magnitude, claiming over 2,000 lives and inflicting significant damage to the infrastructure. Unfortunately, whether natural or man-made, no place on Earth is immune from disasters. 

Although this is mainly because the future is unpredictable, and one can never really figure out which place on Earth is the “safest,” technology and geographic study have enabled mankind to figure out which regions are most prone to experiencing disasters based on frequency of occurrence. With the world advancing every day, there are newer and better technologies than the ones we had decades ago. Now, meteorologists and geologists can more accurately forecast where and why disasters may occur. 

Do All Disasters Have The Same Impact?

Different disasters have different levels of impact on human lives. For example, an earthquake measured anywhere between 1-4 on the Richter scale hardly does any damage. However, any earthquake with a magnitude above 5 can be dangerous. Plus, earthquakes that occur under or very near the ocean and have a magnitude of over 7.0 are likely to generate tsunamis, which are gigantic waves in the ocean. Tsunamis are one of the most destructive disasters that move with an average speed of 200 m/s. Depending on the size of the ocean wave, tsunamis are capable of flooding entire cities. Floods, in turn, can result in even more extensive loss of human life and infrastructure. 

While the loss of human life cannot be compensated, insurance companies help recover infrastructure and property damages that may result from these disasters. For example, in the US, Allstate Corp (NYSE:ALL) offers coverage for natural disasters. In 2023, Allstate Corp (NYSE:ALL) paid a total of $864 million for July and August for such damages, and about half of the total loss was caused by wildfires in Maui, Hawaii. Other insurance companies in the US working in the same domain include GeoVera, Amica Mutual Insurance, and American Family Insurance.

Disaster Predictability, Mankind’s Limitation, & An Opportunity For Business

The future is never set in stone. Therefore, all forms of disasters are, to various extents, unpredictable. Some disasters, like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and forest fires are especially unpredictable, and no expert has been able to accurately forecast these so far. 

However, scientists can explain why certain geographic regions are more prone to disasters. For instance, countries on the equator frequently face weather disasters, such as typhoons or hurricanes (both these disasters birth over warm tropical oceans). Similarly, while earthquakes cannot be predicted, areas prone to them can be recognized and flagged by studying the movement of tectonic plates. 

While the risk of living in a disaster-prone area is constant and high, preparedness and disaster management help save thousands of lives, and livelihoods, too. These limitations and unpredictability leave a fertile land for disaster management companies to establish and grow their businesses. Some key players in the industry include Clean Harbors Inc (NYSE:CLH), Generac Holdings Inc (NYSE:GNRC), and Skyline Champion Corp (NYSE:SKY).

Clean Harbors Inc (NYSE:CLH) is an American company that provides environmental and industrial services, including hazardous waste disposal for companies, small waste generators, and governments. Clean Harbors Inc (NYSE:CLH) has carried out many large-scale operations in cleaning the aftermath of the disasters whether it be containing, removing, disposing and recycling of the recovered oil from the BP plc (LON: BP) oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico or helping its clients get back on feet after the destructive Hurricane Sandy in 2012.

Meanwhile, Generac Holdings Inc (NYSE:GNRC), one of the largest US manufacturers of backup power generators helped millions of households in the US in 2021. Following severe winter storms, Texas suffered a major power outbreak while the US state of Louisiana was struck by one of the deadliest hurricanes in the US, Hurricane Ida. These incidents left millions of households without electricity, but consequently, Generac Holdings (GNRC) saw its sales grow more than 50%, and its stocks grew by over 125%.

On the other hand, Skyline Champion Corp (NYSE:SKY) is a leading company that manufactures modular homes, including temporary housing units for disaster relief. In 2022, Skyline Champion Corp (NYSE:SKY) delivered a large order of over 900 temporary housing units for one of its major government clients, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Below, we list the most disaster-prone countries in the world as of 2024.

20 Most Disaster-Prone Countries in the World

Our Methodology

For our list of the 20 most disaster-prone countries in the world, we considered the exposure, vulnerability, and susceptibility of the countries towards disasters, alongside their lack of coping and adaptive capacities. We also considered earthquake risk and flood risks. To obtain data for all of these metrics, we utilized three different sources (1,2,3) and consulted our own rankings for earthquake risk and flood risk as well. After compiling a list of countries that appeared in at least two of our sources, we then averaged out their individual rankings and shortlisted the top 20 most disaster-prone countries in the world in 2024. The countries have been assigned scores based on how disaster-prone they are, with 1 being the highest and 0 being the lowest. The list is compiled in ascending order of scores.

By the way, Insider Monkey is an investing website that uses a consensus approach to identify the best stock picks of more than 900 hedge funds investing in US stocks. The website tracks the movement of corporate insiders and hedge funds. Our top 10 consensus stock picks of hedge funds outperformed the S&P 500 stock index by more than 140 percentage points over the last 10 years (see the details here). So, if you are looking for the best stock picks to buy, you can benefit from the wisdom of hedge funds and corporate insiders.

20 Most Disaster-Prone Countries in the World

20. Nepal

Insider Monkey Score: 0.15

Nepal is located in the southern region of Asia and is best known for its rich coastlines and rivers. As of 2024, Nepal is the 20th most disaster-prone country, with the 57th-highest risk of earthquakes and the 14th-highest risk of floods in the world. It is highly vulnerable and susceptible to disasters and especially lacks coping and adaptive capacities if disasters hit. Combined, all these factors make Nepal quite prone to natural disasters.

19. Croatia

Insider Monkey Score: 0.2

Located in central and southeast Europe, Croatia is a Balkan country with a coast that lies entirely on the Adriatic Sea. Despite its scenic landscapes and lush greenery, Croatia’s geographic location makes it vulnerable and susceptible to disasters, especially when it comes to flooding. Croatia also lacks adaptive capacities in the face of disasters and is the 74th most prone country to earthquakes, and the 24th most prone country to floods. Collectively, Croatia has a high risk of disasters, which makes it the 19th most disaster-prone country in the world today.

18. Congo 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.25

The Democratic Republic of Congo is located in Central Africa and is the fourth most populated country in Africa. According to the CIA, it is one of the most urbanized countries in Africa. Despite this, it is still a poor country and is also the 17th most vulnerable country in the world to climate change. Kinshasa, the country’s capital, is particularly prone to natural disasters like floods and landslides.

17. Albania

Insider Monkey Score: 0.3

Ranked 17th, Albania is another Balkan country located in the south-east of Europe. The country boasts natural beauty, culture, and lots of history, attracting tourists from around the world. It’s important to note that Albania is a mountainous country, which naturally makes it prone to many disasters. According to the World Bank report, 27.6% of the total population of Albania is exposed to flood risk. Also, according to a 2020 report, the country is extremely vulnerable to climate change as well.

16. Iraq

Insider Monkey Score: 0.35

Iraq is an Islamic country located in the eastern parts of Asia. According to recent reports from  CIA World Factbook, the current population of the country is around 41,266,109. Being the 16th most disaster-prone country in the world, the country is a high-risk one when it comes to disasters, with extremely high susceptibility to these disasters.

15. Thailand

Insider Monkey Score: 0.4

Home to ancient ruins and ornate temples, Thailand is located in the southeastern parts of the Asian continent. The country has a total population of about 69,794,997 people, and 33.9% of it is exposed to flood risk. Bordered by the ocean and the sea, Thailand is not only extremely vulnerable and susceptible to disasters, but it also lacks coping capacities. 

14. Bangladesh

Insider Monkey Score: 0.45 

Bangladesh is located in the southeastern part of Asia and is home to quite a lot of tigers. Despite being a beautiful country with lots of mountains and rainforests Bangladesh is exposed to many disasters and is highly susceptible and vulnerable. Also, 57.5% of the country’s total population is exposed to the risk of floods due to its geographical position, making it the country with the 2nd highest flood risk and the 14 highest disaster risk in the world.

13. Syria

Insider Monkey Score: 0.5

The Syrian Arab Republic is a country located in the Middle East. Renowned for its arid deserts, hot climate, and troubled past, the is currently facing an economic crisis, according to the World Bank’s data report. Plus, the UN Press reported recently that the country’s humanitarian crisis has only worsened in recent years. Aside from being at constant risk of man-made disasters, the country is also quite susceptible and vulnerable to natural disasters, especially earthquakes. The worsening economic and humanitarian conditions mean that Syria also severely lacks coping and adaptive capacities.

12. Guatemala

Insider Monkey Score: 0.55

Guatemala is a Central American country, bordering Mexico. The rich biodiversity and the vast variety of species make the country stand out from the rest. However, the country is still very much prone to natural disasters, especially earthquakes. According to the 2023 earthquake report, Guatemala has the 8th highest earthquake risk in the world.

11. Pakistan

Insider Monkey Score: 0.55

11th on the list, Pakistan is a South Asian country with a population of 240,485,658 and an economy that thrives on agriculture. Pakistan has high risks of various disasters, especially earthquakes and floods. Every year, the country is hit with floods — especially during monsoon seasons — and earthquakes in different parts of the country, and these leave the country in a vulnerable and susceptible state. Plus, Pakistan also lacks a lot in terms of coping and adaptive capacities; the deadly 2022 floods in the country, which affected nearly 33 million people can be taken as an example. 

10. Myanmar

Insider Monkey Score: 0.6

Located in the southeast part of Asia, Myanmar (formerly Burma), has a population of around 51.5 million. Out of this, 39.9% of the population is at risk of flooding. The country is also prone to earthquakes and other disasters but severely lacks coping and adaptive capacities. 

9. Japan

Insider Monkey Score: 0.65

Japan is one of the few Asian countries to reach the pinnacle of technology and economy, making it one of the most powerful countries in the world. Despite these advancements, Japan is still disaster-prone, especially when it comes to earthquakes and overall exposure. Fortunately, since it is an advanced country, Japan’s coping and adaptive capacities for disaster management are not too bad.

8. China

Insider Monkey Score: 0.7

China, a country located in Central Asia, has a population of around 1,413,142,846, making it the second most populated country in the world. China is also one of the most powerful countries in the world according to the World Bank, with its GDP standing at a whopping $35 trillion. Despite having such a strong international stance, China is prone to many natural disasters, making it one of the 8th most disaster-prone countries in the world.

7. India

Insider Monkey Score: 0.75

India, officially known as the Republic of India, is another South Asian country. With a population of over 1.4 billion, India is the world’s most populated country as of 2024 and one of the most polluted ones, too. The country has high vulnerability, susceptibility, and exposure to disasters.

6. Türkiye

Insider Monkey Score: 0.8

Turkey is an upper-middle-income Middle-Eastern country, renowned for its beautiful mosques and other religious architecture alongside tourist attractions. Turkey is ranked as the 6th most disaster-prone country, and earthquakes are frequent in the country. The 2023 Syria-Turkey Earthquakes were especially disastrous, killing more than 40,000 people.

Click to continue reading and see the top 7 Most Disaster-Prone Countries in the World.

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Disclosure: None. 20 Most Disaster-Prone Countries in the World is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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