20 Most Deadliest Snakes in the World

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3. Puff adder (Bitis arietans)

The puff adder is one of the most common species found throughout sub-Saharan Africa and part of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. It inhabits a variety of habitats, mostly savannahs and grasslands, but it is very common in urban and highly populated areas, therefore it is considered as one of the most deadly snakes in Africa, although not being the most venomous one. The coloration of puff adder depends on its environment, because it is nicely camouflaged, but it is recognizable for its U-shaped stripes. It is named puff adder because it hisses and warns the attacker of its intentions. While biting, it releases between 130 and 350 mg of venom, where only 100 mg is enough to kill an adult human.

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