In this article, we will look at the 20 most dangerous illegal drugs right now.
According to the National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics, over 96,700 people in the United States die from drug overdoses in a year. Nearly 7 out of 10 overdose deaths are caused by opioids, and drug overdose has claimed a million people since 1999.
While drug abuse in the United States is one of the major causes of death, it is also bad news for its economy. Substance abuse costs the United States approximately $3.73 trillion annually. This cost includes both tangible and intangible costs. Tangible direct economic loss due to drug abuse is estimated at around $0.50 trillion.
Drugs that are legal are also a cause of major concern for the United States. In fact, alcohol, which is legal for the age of majority in the United States, claims the lives of more than 140,557 Americans every year. In addition, one in ten Americans aged 12 or above has an alcohol abuse disorder. Alcohol causes 10% of deaths in the United States among 15 to 49 years old. Among all alcohol-related deaths, 19.1% are caused by liver disease. Alcohol poisoning, on the other hand, is the cause of 32% of alcohol-related deaths.
Legal drugs made by pharmaceuticals to treat physical and mental conditions are the cause of one of America’s most pressing issues: the opioid epidemic. Pharmaceutical deaths are responsible for most overdose deaths in the United States. Purdue Pharma’s OxyContin, which is a pain killer, was among the first pharmaceutical drugs that fueled America’s opioid issues. This also led to one of the biggest lawsuit payments in the United States. In 2021, the New York Times reported that McKinsey advised its client Purdue Pharma to give its distributors a rebate for each OxyContin overdose from the pills that they sold. The consultancy also advised Purdue Pharma to develop strategies to counter advertisements that featured mothers who had lost their children due to opioid overdose. The firm eventually pleaded guilty and agreed to pay an $8 billion fine.
The illicit drug use industry in the United States is big. In 2016, Drug users in the United States spent $150 Billion on heroin, cocaine, marijuana, and methamphetamine. In fact, even when adjusted for inflation, drug spending in the United States has doubled between the period 2016 and 1991.
Drug abusers are a danger to themselves and others as well. A national roadside survey done in 2007 showed that one in eight-weekend nighttime drivers tested positive for at least one illicit drug. In 2009, approximately 10.5 million Americans reported driving under the influence of an illicit drug in the past year. In 2009, one in three drivers killed in motor vehicle incidents tested positive for at least one medication or illicit drug. In addition, drug abuse among the arrestee population is much higher than the general US population. According to a study done in 2009, the percentage of arrestees who tested positive for at least one illicit drug ranged from 56% to 82%. The higher fraction of drug abusers in the arrestees population shows a positive correlation between drug abuse and crime.

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Drug overdose and deaths are not sufficient measures to gauge the dangers of its use. This is because more popular recreational drugs will have more deaths and accidents associated with them. So, for our list of the 20 most dangerous illegal drugs right now, we utilized research published in the Front Psychiatry Journal which ranks the harms of psychoactive drugs. The method used in the research was a survey of German addiction medicine physicians. In our list, we have also included prescription drugs because of their abuse, and buying and selling them without a prescription is illegal. We have also included cannabis because the use and sale of marijuana is currently illegal under federal law.
20 – Codeine
Codeine is a pharmaceutical drug that is used to treat medical conditions such as coughs, stomach ailments, and pain. However, this drug is addictive and is often abused for its calming effects. Some of the symptoms of codeine abuse include slow breathing and loss of consciousness. It can also lead to Coma. Codeine abuse is one of the causes of America’s opioid epidemic.
19 – ZDrugs
ZDrugs is the collective colloquial name of two or three drugs whose names begin with the letter Z. These include zolpidem and zaleplon. These drugs are part of a larger group of drugs known as nonbenzodiazepines, used for the treatment of insomnia. An overdose of ZDrugs can lead to coma and death in certain cases.
18 – Opioidergic Analgesics
Opiodergic analgesics are one of the most dangerous drugs which are used illegally. One of the examples of these drugs is morphine, which is used illegally as a recreational drug. It is a highly addictive pain killer, and substance abusers use it for its calming effects. Its addiction is similar to heroin addiction and can be very challenging to overcome.
17 – LSD
LSD is a hallucinogenic drug. Although it is not addictive on its own, people can get addicted to the sights and sounds they see and hear while using the drug. It causes the sense of space and time to become altered. LSD users often experience panic, confusion, and sadness. In addition, they may also see scary images. LSD trips can be harmful to its users and the people around them.
16 – Psychotropic Mushrooms
Psychotropic mushrooms, also known as magic mushrooms, contain psilocybin, which is a hallucinogenic chemical. Eating psychotropic mushrooms can have a variety of effects ranging from hallucination to euphoria. Although this drug is not naturally addictive, it can trigger psychotic episodes in which the user may harm himself or others around him.
15 – Ketamine
Ketamine is a pharmaceutical drug that is used for anesthetic procedures in humans and animals. More recently, it has been deployed to manage and treat depression, chronic pain, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. However, this drug is also illegally utilized for recreational purposes. Its users describe having an out-of-body experience and sometimes feeling like they are melting into their surroundings. Some of the physical effects of ketamine abuse include Sedation, dizziness, loss of consciousness, and dangerously low breathing. In the longer term. Ketamine abuse can lead to ulcers, kidney issues, chronic stomach pain, and long-term memory deficits,
14 – Cannabis
The legality of the recreational use of cannabis is still being debated. However, since it is still illegal under federal law, cannabis is one of the most dangerous illegal drugs right now. For some people, using cannabis may raise their chances of clinical depression or worsen already present medical conditions. In addition, those who smoke pot regularly will experience breathing issues, coughing, and wheezing, and will have a higher risk of respiratory infections. Marijuana may also make it harder for its users to focus and remember things. Those who use pot regularly in their teenage years may see permanent effects on alertness, learning, and memory.
13 – Benzodiazepines
Benzodiazepines are a class of medicines that are used to treat conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, and seizures. These are some of the most prescribed medicines in the United States, and their abuse is common. While deaths and serious illnesses from benzodiazepines alone are not common, these drugs are frequently taken with alcohol, which can be dangerous and lethal. Benzodiazepines are also frequently used by sexual offenders to drug their victims. These drugs can markedly impair functions that allow a person to resist sexual aggression or assault.
12 – Barbiturates
Barbiturates are medically prescribed drugs that are often used illegally. They are sedative-hypnotic medications that are used to treat conditions such as migraines and insomnia. However, their prescription is less common today than it was a few years ago because of their risks. Barbiturate overdose can lead to conditions like troubled breathing, fainting, dizziness, and vertigo. Mixing alcohol and barbiturates can also lead to permanent organ damage.
11 – Natural Hallucinogens
Natural hallucinogen is the umbrella term for any hallucinogen found naturally. They are one of the most dangerous illegal drugs right now because they often lead to undesirable outcomes, such as harming one’s self and others.
10 – Ecstasy
Ecstacy is the common name of 3, 4-methylenedioxy-N-methamphetamine (MDMA). It is an illegal drug, which as the name suggests, causes euphoria and happiness. However, the drug can also sometimes have hallucinogenic effects. Overdoses of MDMA can be potentially fatal. It can also induce symptoms such as high blood pressure, high blood pressure, panic attacks, seizures, and loss of consciousness.
9 – Propofol
Propofol is an intravenous anesthetic that is used to sedate patients before surgical procedures. Propofol is our eighth most dangerous drug because its abuse leads to psychotropic effects.
8 – Synthetic Cannabinoids
Synthetic Cannabinoids are often used as an alternative to marijuana. However, synthetic cannabinoids are often toxic and may lead to rapid heart rate and hallucinations. In the longer term, they can cause kidney failure and muscle damage.
7 – Cathinones
Cathionones are found naturally, but man-made synthetic cathinone are more common. However, their abuse can be dangerous and potentially life-threatening. In addition, synthetic cathinones can also be toxic.
6 – GHB
Our sixth most dangerous drug is gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB), which is a naturally occurring neurotransmitter and depressant. It is often used illegally for recreational purposes. However, an overdose of GHB can lead to seizure, comma, and death.
5 – Amphetamine
Amphetamines are psychostimulants. These drugs speed up the messages traveling between the brain and body. They are sometimes prescribed by doctors to treat ADHD and narcolepsy. However, amphetamines are also manufactured and sold illegally for recreational use. The most potent form of amphetamine is crystal, which also goes by the street name of Ice. Amophetamnne abusers may feel increased happiness, confidence, and sex drive. However, an overdose of amphetamine can result in a racing heartbeat, fit, stroke, heart attack, and death among others. Coming down effects of amphetamine use include restless sleep and exhaustion, headaches, paranoia, mood swings, anxiety, and depression. Mixing amphetamine with other drugs is quite dangerous as well. Amphetamines with opioids can increase the risk of heart strain, and respiratory arrest. Mixing amphetamine with alcohol increases the risk of alcohol poisoning.
4 – Cocaine
Cocaine is an illegal drug made from cocoa leaves. It increases the level of dopamine in the brain, which gives its users intense euphoria. The short-term effects of cocaine use include mental alertness, intense happiness, energy, irritability, and paranoia. However, long-term effects of cocaine abuse include loss of smell, frequent runny nose, and swallowing problems. Those who smoke cocaine may also experience asthma and a higher risk of pneumonia. An overdose of cocaine can lead to death.