20 Most Common Places to Get Kidnapped

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1. Turkey

Rate of Kidnapping: 42.669

Turkey was able to secure the top spot on our list of the most common places to get kidnapped. Over the span of 2003 to 2016, Turkey’s kidnapping statistics underwent significant changes. The average kidnapping rate for Turkey throughout this period amounted to 18.9 kidnappings per 100,000 people. This rate experienced fluctuations, with a low point recorded in 2004 at 11.4 kidnappings per 100,000 people and a high point in 2015 at 40.6 kidnappings per 100,000 people. In 2016, the most recent data point available reported a rate of 42.67 kidnappings per 100,000 people, indicating noteworthy variations in the trend over the years. It can be noted that Turkey has the highest kidnapping rates in the world.

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Disclosure: None. 20 Most Common Places to Get Kidnapped is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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