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20 Most Active States in the US

In this article, we will be taking a look at the 20 most active states in the US. If you do not want to learn about the physical inactivity epidemic, head straight to the 7 Most Active States in the US.

The United States, comprised of fifty diverse states, boasts varying levels of activity and engagement across its expansive territory. Understanding the pulse of the nation involves delving into the dynamics of its most active states like Vermont, Montana, Colorado, and Alaska, among others, where bustling economies, vibrant cultures, and thriving communities intersect. From the fast-paced urban hubs of California and New York to the industrious landscapes of Texas and Illinois, each state contributes uniquely to the nation’s tapestry of productivity and innovation. Exploring the characteristics and drivers behind the activity of these states unveils insights into the broader socioeconomic trends shaping the American landscape. 

Unlocking the Dynamics of Physical Activity: A Deep Dive into the U.S. Market 

The global market for physical activity stands as a formidable industry, surging from $828 billion in 2019 to  $1.1 trillion by 2023. At the forefront of this movement is the United States, boasting the highest consumer spending on physical activity globally, with an impressive $810 per capita, totaling a staggering $264.6 billion. However, despite this substantial investment, the U.S. finds itself ranked 20th globally in physical activity participation at 58%, trailing behind countries such as Australia and Taiwan, where participation rates soar into the 80th percentile. 

In the landscape of the United States, physical activity emerges as a colossal commercial segment. However, a glaring disparity exists between high spending and actual participation rates. Sedentary lifestyles, obesity, and chronic diseases proliferate alongside the booming fitness market. Despite the nation’s robust spending, participation rates falter due to multifaceted factors, including limited access to facilities, issues of affordability, and a lack of widespread awareness. 

Examining the levels of physical activity globally unveils stark contrasts. Nations like Australia and Taiwan lead the charge with impressive 84% participation rates in recreational physical activities, while the Middle East-North Africa region lags behind at a mere 26%. These disparities stem from a complex interplay of socioeconomic factors, cultural norms, access to facilities, educational attainment, and the effectiveness of awareness campaigns promoting active lifestyles. 

Financial statistics paint a vivid picture of the physical activity landscape. Globally, spending averages $306 per participant per year. The top 10 recreational physical activity markets, dominated by the U.S., China, Japan, and others, underscore the diverse global landscape of physical activity economics. Projections suggest robust growth, with the industry forecasted to expand by at least 5% annually across all regions from 2019 to 2023. 

Navigating the Physical Inactivity Epidemic: A Multifaceted Approach to Promoting Active Lifestyles 

In exploring Fitness Frontiers and States Setting the Standard for Physical Activity, understanding the evolving landscape of physical inactivity (PI) and its societal impact is crucial. The rise of technology, digitalization, and declining motivation have led to a sedentary lifestyle, resulting in significant global economic costs. Annually, approximately $50 billion is spent on healthcare systems due to PI, with an additional $13.7 billion lost in productivity. This underscores the urgent need for innovative approaches to address increasing inactivity levels. 

Recent years have witnessed a notable shift in fitness trends, driven by societal changes and technological advancements. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) has conducted annual surveys since 2006 to track these trends, guiding fitness professionals in effectively engaging customers. Despite the fitness industry’s growth, escalating rates of PI and obesity epidemics emphasize the necessity for novel strategies to promote physical activity across all age groups. 

Investing in Health and Wellness Ventures in Active States presents a promising avenue for businesses and entrepreneurs. Recognizing physical activity as both an investment and a consumption good allows ventures to tap into mixed-motivational backgrounds combining enjoyment and health benefits. Studies indicate that individuals viewing physical activity as an investment in their health engage in more weekly physical activity hours. 

The wellness industry, as reported by the Global Wellness Institute, reached a value of $5.6 trillion in 2022. Moreover, research by the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association indicates that Americans spend an average of $155 per month on health and fitness, showcasing the considerable investment potential in this sector. 

Analyzing key metrics such as participation rates, demographic profiles, and adherence levels is essential when considering financial statistics and data points related to health and wellness ventures. For example, research on female university students’ participation in physical activity revealed that 30% met the WHO recommendation of 150 minutes per week of moderate physical activity. Understanding such data points can guide businesses in tailoring their offerings effectively to different demographic segments. Despite WHO’s highlighted exercise benefits, 1.4 billion people globally, 1 in 4 adults, remain insufficiently active, posing a 5% mortality risk. 

Certain countries, like the Netherlands, have citizens dedicating approximately 12.8 hours weekly to exercise. Conversely, middle-income nations like Peru, Chile, and Colombia exhibit greater interest in physical activity compared to highly developed countries such as Australia, the United States, and Japan. Studies show global disparities in meeting WHO physical activity guidelines, with over 27% falling short. Prevalence rates vary by region and include countries like Kuwait, Serbia, and the Philippines. 

The Ipsos survey reveals common exercises globally, including fitness, running, cycling, soccer, and swimming. Urbanization reduces physical activity due to limited movement opportunities. Infrastructure, government policies, and programs like New Zealand’s “Green Prescription” also shape activity patterns. 

The fitness industry, valued at approximately $94 billion globally in 2018, plays a significant role in shaping physical activity patterns. Initiatives like providing college students with fitness trackers have shown promise in increasing physical activity levels and improving wellness knowledge. Studies indicate that college students using fitness trackers increased their physical activity by an average of 38 minutes per week, with 67% believing it helped them stay motivated to exercise regularly. 

Peloton Interactive, Inc. (NASDAQ:PTON) is a leading global fitness and wellness company renowned for its innovative at-home fitness platform, offering live and on-demand indoor cycling classes. Recent innovations include expanding offerings to encompass strength training, yoga, and meditation, alongside enhancing user experience through interactive features simulating studio environments. Key highlights from Peloton Interactive, Inc. (NASDAQ:PTON)’s Q1 2024 financial report include total revenue of $595.5 million, with $180.6 million from Connected Fitness segment revenue and $415.0 million from Subscription revenue. Gross profit for the quarter ending September 30, 2023, amounted to $285.4 million, resulting in a gross margin of 47.9%. Peloton Interactive, Inc. (NASDAQ:PTON) reported 2.96 million paid Connected Fitness Subscriptions and 763 thousand Peloton App subscribers. 

Planet Fitness, Inc. (NYSE:PLNT) is a prominent player in the global fitness industry, known for its commitment to providing a high-quality fitness experience in a non-intimidating environment. Founded in 1992, the company operates and franchises fitness centers across various countries, offering affordable gym memberships with a “Judgement Free Zone” philosophy. 

In response to industry trends, Planet Fitness, Inc. (NYSE:PLNT) has positioned itself as a leader in the low-cost gym segment, attracting a broad customer base with its value-driven memberships and diverse equipment offerings. Key highlights from Planet Fitness’s fiscal Q1 2024 financial report include membership growth of approximately 1.7 million since 2022, a full-year system-wide same-store sales increase of 8.7%, and the opening of 165 new stores in 2023, totaling 2,575 stores. In fiscal Q4 2023, Planet Fitness, Inc. (NYSE:PLNT) reported a total revenue of $285.1 million, with system-wide same-store sales growth of 7.7%. Analysts forecasted earnings of $0.48 per share for Q1 2024, slightly lower than previous estimates. 


Our Methodology 

In our methodology, we have devised a ranking system to determine the most active states in the US. This ranking is based on multiple metrics — these include rates of walking or biking to work, engagement in physical activity, adherence to muscle strength guidelines, and the prevalence of no physical activity during leisure time. Using a scoring system, we evaluated each state based on these criteria and arranged them in ascending order of high scores.

Here is our list of the 20 most active states in the US.  

20. Maryland 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.05 

Maryland actively promotes physical activity and healthy lifestyles, with 21.6% of adolescents and 48.6% of adults meeting recommended activity levels. However, only 52% of adults achieve the weekly target. Obesity costs Maryland $147 billion in medical expenses, emphasizing the need for accessible and affordable healthy options.  

19. California 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.1 

California is one of the most physically active states in the US, with 70.5% of adults meeting activity guidelines in 2017, up from 69.1% in 2013. 18% of adults report no leisure-time physical activity in 2021. 93% have access to exercise opportunities. Physical activity prevents chronic illnesses and reduces health risks like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.  

18. Florida 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.15 

Florida also stands among the most physically active states in the US, with 25.3% of high school students meeting daily activity recommendations. About 50.2% of adults achieve the recommended 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity weekly, surpassing the national average.  

17. Arizona 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.2 

Arizona is highly committed to physical activity, with 51.9% of adults meeting weekly guidelines and 53.4% reporting high activity levels in 2019. Efforts target various age groups, with 21.7% of adolescents meeting daily activity recommendations. Wellness programs for children are encouraged, with 150 facilities participating.  

16. New Mexico 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.25 

New Mexico stands out for its high level of physical activity among both adults and adolescents, surpassing national averages. Adolescents in New Mexico, particularly in counties like Chaves, Cibola, Colfax, Curry, and De Baca, exhibit significant engagement in daily physical activity, leading to improved bone health, body weight, physical fitness, and mental well-being. Data from sources like the CDC highlight the positive trend towards active lifestyles among the youth in New Mexico, with rates ranging from 20.9% to 47.4% among grades 9-12 students in different counties in 2019. 

15. Wyoming 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.3 

Wyoming stands among the most active states in the US, with 54.2% of adults meeting recommended weekly exercise guidelines and 28.2% of adolescents engaging in daily physical activity. Conversely, only 22.5% of adults report no physical activity in the past month, showcasing a proactive approach to fitness. This focus on activity aligns with efforts to combat obesity-related healthcare costs, which nationally amount to $147 billion annually. 

14. Idaho 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.35 

Idaho ranks 14th in physical activity among US states, with robust initiatives promoting healthy lifestyles. Around 53.9% of adults meet weekly exercise guidelines, while 27.9% of adolescents engage in daily physical activity. The state boasts 6.06 gyms per 100,000 residents and has implemented over 10 policies to combat obesity. 

13. Hawaii 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.4 

Hawaii stands out for its high levels of physical activity, with a low prevalence of inactivity compared to other states. Both adults and adolescents in Hawaii demonstrate a commitment to meeting physical activity guidelines, reflecting a culture that prioritizes fitness. Community initiatives further support this emphasis on exercise.  

12. Utah 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.45 

Utah stands among the US states that exercise the most, with 55.2% of adults meeting recommended aerobic exercise levels, exceeding the national average. Higher-income and education levels correlate with increased physical activity participation, particularly among those earning over $75,000 and college graduates. The state’s strong economic indicators, including a median household income of $86,833 and a high percentage of individuals with bachelor’s degrees (36.1%), support a culture of physical activity by facilitating access to fitness facilities and wellness programs. 

11. Connecticut 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.5  

Connecticut stands out for its active population, with approximately 50.9% of adults meeting weekly physical activity recommendations and 26.0% of adolescents engaging in daily activity, making Connecticut stand among the US states that exercise the most. The state demonstrates a proactive approach to health, with 34.1% of adults overweight and 26.3% obese, while 13.9% of adolescents are overweight and 12.3% obese.  

10. Wisconsin 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.55 

Wisconsin is actively addressing physical activity and obesity concerns, with 53.4% of adults meeting weekly exercise recommendations and 24.0% of adolescents engaging in daily activity, making . The state promotes physical activity through initiatives like workshops for worksites, resources for farmers’ markets, and kits to reduce childhood obesity, demonstrating a proactive approach to public health. 

9. Oregon 

Insider Monkey Score: 0.6 

Oregon is among the most physically active states in the US, with only 17% of adults reporting no leisure-time physical activity. Access to exercise opportunities is high, with 88% of the population having adequate access. However, the state faces challenges with excessive drinking, as 19% of adults engage in binge or heavy drinking. Healthcare access varies across counties, with some like Hood River having a low uninsured rate of 6%. 

8. Minnesota  

Insider Monkey Score:0.65 

Minnesota is one of the most active states in the US, with 75.4% of adults engaging in physical activity in the last 30 days, surpassing the national median. Over half (52.7%) achieve at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week. The state promotes fitness through initiatives like the Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP), which enhances access to healthy foods and physical activity opportunities. SHIP initiatives include creating safe walking and biking spaces, increasing fruit and vegetable availability, and improving school food environments for healthier habits. 

Click to see and continue reading the 7 Most Active States in the US.

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 Disclosure. None: The 20 Most Active States in the US is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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